Does it depress you that Sup Forums is constant autism and shitposting, with very little meaningful discussion regarding video games?
Does it depress you that Sup Forums is constant autism and shitposting...
Sometimes. I still don't know how to abandon this god forsaken place
yes, look at all this shit
i could actualy be talking about videogame right now but nooooooooooope
this one has gachimuchi, never seen that one before, nope
i seriously wonder how the janitor don't go insane when Sup Forums is a constant stream of retarded off topic autism that should belong to Sup Forums instead
No, because I don't come to Sup Forums for meaningful discussion.
I came to shitpost and get (you)s
you know how people have a "swear jar" where they put a nickel in a jar everytime they swear? i should have an autism jar for Sup Forums, i'm pretty sure i would save enough to buy an house in less than a week
what did he mean by this xDDD
now that the dust has settled can we all agree this game was shit xDDD
what game lets me do this xDDD
prome me wrong, protip you can't xDDD
Kind of
I can't take Sup Forums anymore seriously, the mods have been really garbage the last few years. porn/garbage/bait threads that reach caps, people falling for bait too easily, and celebrity thread bullshit is through and through prevalent.
Sup Forums is dead
Thanks faggot. Have one back.
this is actually a brilliant idea
Blame the elections for metastasizing the Sup Forums cancer.
I've grown really tired of the porn lately. Some people here can't discuss literally anything without sexualising it. I feel like this board would be ten times better if it was mandatory to jerk off before you visited.
Found the butthurt liberal.
Enjoy the next 8 years you liberal cuck
I voted Republican down the ballot though. Doesn't change the fact that Sup Forums is a gateway to more shitposters.
you forgot
>tfw too intelligent for retarded Sup Forums thread
there are good thread on 4ch-
>I voted Republican down the ballot though.
I hear that all the time lmao. You know what I heard before the election? 'hurrr durrr kill yourself when trump losses'. Now I hear 'i v-voted trump i swear'.
If you were a real trump supporter you'd know Sup Forums encouraged people to go out on Sup Forums and redpill other boards you mongoloid retard. It wasn't shitposting, it was waking people up.
Enjoy the next 8 years libcuck.
What bothers me the most is the endless search for the new TORtanic:
This game is so bad!
How bad is this game
What went wrong
Holy shit, god forbids someone actually enjoys a game and plays for fun around here
Really? Because honestly I've seen more people bitch and whine about Sup Forums shitposting than actual Sup Forums shitposting. It's getting to Barneyfag levels of retardation
Fuck this.
Let's talk EVA
you know what bothers me? it's the reverse, both FFXV and the last guardian looks like mediocre game that disappointed but don't say it to anyone
because otherwise you are looking for the next TORtanic, yuuuuuuuuup
Go shitpost in another thread.
Does anyone come here to have a discussion? don't think any board should be taken seriously, asking people not to meme around will make them meme much more.
No, video games are for children, I prefer the whole shitting on everything attitude rather than autists unironically pretending that the medium has any artistic merit.
I wouldn't mind tips or opinions / reviews though.
The only reason you've heard those things is because your board is a shitposting board that harbours an echochamber. Even Sup Forums mods blatantly delete anything that is remotely discussion because of mass reports.
>It wasn't shitposting, it was waking people up.
Oh you're just baiting, here are your (You)s I guess.
It's probably because people don't like talking about politics in hobbyist boards. If no one complains about it then we'll have off-topic garbage forming in every thread. I don't mind talking about politics related to video games but those threads eventually devolve into mindless shit-tossing from both sides.
I wish at least one of the Eva games came out over here
There's a fucking staggering amount of them you'd think it would have happened at least ONCE by now
>The only reason you've heard those things is because your board is a shitposting board that harbours an echochamber.
lmao, you're calling me a shitposter when what you're doing is blaming everything on the le Sup Forums bogeyman. Fuck off.
thanks for proving my point?
Which one?
No. Shitposting is an integral part of Sup Forums. If you don't like it, you're always free to go back to plebbit.
I think the cynicism is alright and preferable to sucking loads directly out of the publisher's dicks like they do on many other "gaming communities." Maybe the cynicism is also partly borne of a love for videogames, I'm sure the vast majority here love videogames as a concept, but they're easily disappointed because they want to experience something new instead of the shit that's been done before many times.
>go through the catalog
>a third if the threads I click on are already 404
They do delete shit but janny is a human bean too and he must sometimes take a rest.
Anyway, politics and the whole womyn hating thing needs to be a ban on sight in this board. There is a time and place for everything and you don't need to push that shit into every discussion. The politization of 4ch is one of the worst things that has happened to this website, not because you don't necessarily disagree with Sup Forums's ideals but because of Sup Forums's severe persecution complex which means any time you want to discuss something without politics you must be a CTR shill, if you disagree on any point then you are a SJW or whatever other buzzword or if you don't plain care you are just a cuck.
It's so fucking tiring.
Still Sup Forums has some very good thread from time to time, if only for those it's still worth browsing here.
>tfw spent the last two weeks on Sup Forums every day
i agree with that but it's supposed to be a nice mixup formula, not 90% shitposting with like 10% of actual discussion
to make a food analogy, you like to put some whipped cream in your coffee but you don't put like the entire thing inside it because at that point it's not coffee anymore
I've seen an astounding number of people get told to go back to Sup Forums just for using a single word like nigger, faggot, or cuck.
Kinda. I don't really understand why most of the people posting don't give a shit about any games other than recent releases and whatever's topping steam charts. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are shitholes too, but atleast they discuss a pretty wide range of their respective mediums. Sup Forums can be ok sometimes though, I've seen some discussions about design philosophy and stuff like that. Just wish there was more of it.
If it makes you feel any better the same shit happens on Sup Forums.
Blame the developers for politicizing their games, not Sup Forums for politicizing discussion. The devs are the ones making everything increasingly political.
The problem was for every person calling out valid criticism there was 5 other aspies chimping out posting
well to be fair CTRs do roam the boards, but yeah,politics should be verboden here
problem is there are some games that have politics in them, like deus ex series
no because when I want intelligent discussion, I can go to gamefaqs where someone has already made that topic and discussed it. /vg/ also exists for specific questions
when I play vidya, I turn on my ps3. when I want to shitpost, I come here. Plain and simple
>i seriously wonder how the janitor don't go insane...
Because he is one of them, and a fucking leftist too. He needs his privelege revoked and sent back to tumblr.
>womyn hating thing needs to be a ban on sight
Please die please please please kill yourself, im not even saying it ironically. Videogame have gone to utter shit since you fucking tumblr faggots got ahold of them to hamfist your fucking unnatural agendas in every one. I hope you have to choke to death on a big white dick you fucking cunt. I wish you nothing but cancer aids and torment in hell.
>Still Sup Forums has some very good thread from time to time
those are rare
Not him but I'm not a feminist and >female protag >D R O P P E D still annoys the shit out of me mostly because those games lead to godtier SFM porn
These types of posts are exactly what I mean. You automatically assume I'm a leftshit dumblrina because I don't want to have to deal with this topic on my vidya (so I must agree with it).
Protip: keep it vydia and remember there is enough place for different types of video games. You don't have to play or buy them, you're not held at gunpoint. Take it easy, my man.
I'm still dropping it because playing as a woman is fucking gay and theres nothing you can say to change my opinion. Women are fuckin cancer unless they are on the end of this penis. They are good for sex and sex only. You're a fucking numale beta faggot if you think otherwise. I've had enough relationships to know women are pure evil and only good for sex.
The point you arent understanding is when a game has a fucking lesbian protagonist, or a transvestite character, IT BECOMES AN ISSUE. It becomes fucking relevant because YOUR fucking politics are now hamfisted into MY videogames, games I can no longer enjoy because im sick to my fucking stomach over your fucking faggot degenerate behavior that is now infecting children.
>that is now infecting children.
>Sup Forumsirgin
>having children
LOL, gg ez
When I see some 6 year old boy say he wants to be like bayonetta or lara croft it brings utter rage and hatred into my fucking heart.
>being this mad over the literal existence of women
Sup Forums is a fucking meme that's gone on too long
Not at all, because even as terrible this place is, it's not as bad as everywhere else.
Also, everyone knows 'meaningful discussion' just means infuriatingly stringent tone policing and all the stuck-up faggotry that accompanies the kind of people attracted to that kind of discussion.
>implying Sup Forums
>elll ohhh ell exhhhdeeee guyyys i sed it again XD TRIGGERD POLTERD
I'm not from Sup Forums nor have I ever been to Sup Forums. Things like sexual orientation and transgenderism don't belong in videogames period. I could give a shit about race. I want normal videogames back goddamnit not some political fag movement. Theyre the Sup Forumstards, fucking leftist Sup Forums. They are just as bad. I want videogames to be neutral.
>waaaah Sup Forums is so shit
>now I'll need my anti depressants
How autistic can you be?
Go back to Sup Forums you imbecile. There's literally nothing with female protagonists and they're a thing since the dawn of vidya. I'm not going to enjoy Perfect Dark or Beyond Good & Evil less because they have female protags.
>it's womens fault idiot male devs listen to them and pander to them
okay bro.
>Things like sexual orientation and transgenderism don't belong in videogames period.
Having a transgender character isn't necessarily a political movement. If it's not shoehorned in, it shouldn't be a problem.
Sometimes. Sometimes I have a meaningful discussion, but the thread kinda gets shit up by a bunch of faggots and it dies out. Usually it doesn't matter as much since the discussion is usually with only one person, but the thrill and immediate disappointment I get when I see a reply and it's just some faggot instead of who I was talking to kinda sucks.
Really it just makes me realize that people stop ironically being retarded years ago, and now it's all just retards.
Youre a fucking homosexual, have a nice day
It is womens fault, sexual appeal is a very powerful thing, so is guilt. Stop acting like women are innocent. They should all be enslaved and used for sex only.
user, developers have never ever talked about politics and it's those darn internet neonazis making a big deal about everything
Have to say a lot of the dank memes i see on here i first see on facebook.
The shitposters are normies
jesus christ, this.
the fact that pic related is one of the most consistently posted images on this entire board is fucking retarded
imagine being so embroiled in your alt-right bubble that literally anyone who says "you're annoying, go away" after your fifteenth ((((((((LE HEPPY MERCHANT)))))) post in a thread about dark souls MUST be a paid CTR shill / tmblrina in disguise / SJW come to infiltrate and destroy.
It's hilarious how close to safe-space policy it is. No dissent, anyone who challenges my views must be banned and ostracized, engaging in debate is equivalent to sabotage. It's actually worse, because social justice people don't tend to put their safe spaces on public forums literally designed for open discussion - they usually just crop up in university seminars and private facebook groups.
> MY videogames
No, they're not your videogames. They're the property of whomever created them and are targeted to a demographic. If you are not part of that demographic, then why do you give a shit?
I didn't read anything else in your post, but that one sentence makes you an idiot.
i'm retarded, shitty captcha occupied me for so long i forgot the image
Having it in the first place is a fucking political movement. They want people to think its okay.
>X is comprised of people of multiple religious beliefs, genders, gender identities, sexual orientation, and cultures
someone please please post the fucking pajeet from bioware and the nigger faggot from mafia 3 studios.
Because "x game looks cool, oh wait the protagonist is a fucking faggot" now I cant enjoy the game because of all the little homoerotic references and bullshit put into the fucking game because it makes me nauseated. Several fucking titles THIS YEAR have done this, including "AAA" titles.
>there are still people who unironically use that pic
Making someone stupid-looking say something true doesn't make it less true.
that you think you are making any kind of point with that image detriment anything you might say.
Not even the user you were quoting, by the way.
ITT: Reddit
>Blame the developers for politicizing their games
Why blame them? It's the right of any creator to express themselves through their work.
>Things like sexual orientation and transgenderism don't belong in videogames period
I'd love to hear a single reason why these "don't belong in video games."
Who the fuck are you to say what can and can't be included in a piece of media?
Oh, and just having a gay or transgender person in a video game isn't innately a political statement. Sure, a lot of devs ARE using at as a political thing, but it doesn't have to be. Arcade Gannon wasn't a political statement, and he was fine. He was an interesting character who happened to be gay.
i don't understand what you're talking about
>. Things like sexual orientation and transgenderism don't belong in videogames period.
That sounds like a phenomenal "you" problem. If you can't separate gameplay from politics, you're a faggot.
Also, if a simple reference makes you nauseated, you have a problem. I could understand full on gay sex making you feel uncomfortable, but if jokes and implications make you physically sick, you're being an overdramatic shitter.
Further, if gay shit makes you nauseated, how in the fuck do you stomach being on this board? You sound like your run-of-the-mill memer with no identity.
Talking about this picture here who fail to make any kind of point.
Anyone with a bit of sense would know it's just a walking ad Hominem fallacy.
> I want videogames to be neutral
So then no heteroerotic implications can be made either?
do you get angry when a protagonist is a different race to you, or is taller, or has different hair, or larger biceps than you?
be a bit more open minded and you might enjoy yourself more, user. this attitude isn't healthy.
Discussing any of this is pointless because there's false flagging going on every which way, plus the fact that one single nazi sperging out will be blown up to be an example of the entirety of people who play video games.
Why does it need to be said that "x character is gay"? For what fucking purpose? What am I supposed to say? Thanks for telling me? I'm going to go vomit now?
They dont belig in videogames because its not fucking normal behavior and its a sexual fetish. Sexual fetishes arent supposed to be commonplace and widely observed. They arent supposed to get their own fucking day or videogames dedicated to them. I cant wait until pedo law passes and all these faggots get uppity and pissy saying its wrong, even thoughthey themselves enjoy a fetish just as bad.
It's a political statement because it makes you think about it. What is the fucking point of thinking about it?
desu it depresses me more when people take video games super seriously
people post that pic unironically all the time, though.
it's posted pretty much every time anyone tries to tell a group of MUH LEFTISTS RUINING VIDEO GAMES shitposters to fuck off.
>people post that pic unironically all the time, though.
I know. but that in itself isn't a justification.
>it's posted pretty much every time anyone tries to tell a group of MUH LEFTISTS RUINING VIDEO GAMES shitposters to fuck off.
And it never work.
You see thats fucking normal, pee pee goes in vagina. Thats the fucking difference you fucking fag.
No because those are natural variances. I told you once before im not Sup Forums. I just want this faggot shit separate from videogames.
Define normal.
>The politization of 4ch is one of the worst things that has happened to this website, not because you don't necessarily disagree with Sup Forums's ideals but because of Sup Forums's severe persecution complex which means any time you want to discuss something without politics you must be a CTR shill, if you disagree on any point then you are a SJW or whatever other buzzword or if you don't plain care you are just a cuck.
>You see thats fucking normal, pee pee goes in vagina. Thats the fucking difference you fucking fag.
So you are basically saying that developpers are only allowed to cater to your tastes.
>No because those are natural variances
Homosexuality IS a natural variance.
Are you kidding?
For one, homosexuality isn't a sexual fetish. Do you understand what a fetish is? You don't spend the rest of your life with another human being because of a fetish.
Second, sexual fetishes are constantly dropped in vidya because sex sells. There are games built around sexual fetishes that aren't even porn games.
You are an insane person. A typical "I only see points that support my case and refuse to acknowledge anything, including things I have said, that makes my case look weaker" faggot.
>Things like sexual orientation and transgenderism don't belong in videogames period.
>I just want this faggot shit separate from videogames.
Yes, user, who do those videogame creators think they are, thinking they can use their own work to express themselves. It's like they don't know that creativity is only to common to the common denominator. Expressing themselves? what do they think they are doing?
>Why does it need to be said that "x character is gay"? For what fucking purpose? What am I supposed to say? Thanks for telling me? I'm going to go vomit now?
Need? Why do you think it's need. Maybe it wasn't an obligation, maybe they wanted it in the first place.
No. It's natural to the reproductive cycle. Normality is whatever society recognizes as commonplace.
Homosexuality is commonplace. It has been for a while.
>The solution to Sup Forums is get rid of all the opinions I don't like
The Janny is already a liberal, aren't you quite done yet?
You're looking in the wrong threads then you autistic retard
there's some weapons-grade autism going on here but i'm still gonna give talking to you one more try.
>Why does it need to be said that "x character is gay"? For what fucking purpose?
Character building? World detail? Narrative context? What's the point of saying anything about any character, ever? You do realise that telling a story is inexorably linked to building characters, right?
>because its not fucking normal behavior and its a sexual fetish.
you have absolutely no idea what a fetish is. And I hate to bring up this fact because it makes me sound like a fucking redditor, but I'm gonna have to: homosexuality has existed in the animal kingdom for longer than humans have existed on the planet.
Secondly, how the fuck are you defining "normal behaviour?" You do realise that "normality" isn't a consistent thing across the world, right? In america it would be normal to speak english. In azerbaijan it would not. If you went into a gay club, being straight would not be "normal."
Finally, who the fuck wants video games to be about "normal" things? How many of the events in Devil May Cry are "normal"?
>It's a political statement because it makes you think about it.
Here's where I start wondering if this is an elaborate troll or you're false flagging to make Sup Forums look even worse than it actually is. Ah yes, politics = things people think about. Brilliant logic user congratulations.
This just in: thinking about something makes it political. I guess my scrotum is pretty political right about now because I'm desperately trying to think about that because it's rather more pleasant than trying to understand your deranged trains of thought.
yeah sure m8, we should all be totally ok with people expressing themselves by broadcasting their sexual perversions in a childrens video game.
literally kill yourself you fucking fag
Sup Forums is rapidly going downhill with the increase of politics everywhere, in almost every board. You'll be hard pressed to find a board that doesn't have this shit.
If all furries, and anime posters died it'd be 90% of the shit posting cleared up.
"Cuteposters" all ought to be rounded up and executed.
You're a dumb virgin if you think otherwise.
Natural, or occuring first in nature. I.E penis in vagina. You need sperm to fertilize egg.
You're saying developers should be allowed to fucking spread this degenerate fetish to the minds of impressionable youths who play these ganes behind their parents back?
This is backroom nightclub shit that should only be done in private if at all. The fact that its so public is disgusting.
>you dont spend the rest of your life with someone because of a fetish
What planet am I even on anymore. Are people this fucking retarted?
Commonplace doesnt mean normal. Rape is commonplace, child molestation is commonplace, foot fetishes and bestiality are commonplace. The day is coming when some fucking degenerate is going to marry his dog and buttfuck the poor thing.
There needs to be a fucking line. Period.
>Natural, or occuring first in nature.
Okay, so you'd also describe rape, genocide, mass murder, cannibalism, child killing and the use of your own shit as a handy projectile weapon as "normal" and therefore acceptable, but fucking someone of the same gender is degenerate filth that should be banned?
I guess i might have chosen the wrong example though because given the state of your posts shit-flinging might well be complete normality for you.
Dude, you're not normal. If you're not falseflagging, this is a pretty pathetic display of what the failure of your upbringing has wrought. You should stop posting.
I've come here because the general threads for the games I'm playing right now are acting more as containment threads.
It's all namefagging, sperging, avatar posting, garbage.
Of course this doesn't apply to all, but It's wager it goes for a good amount of them.
> What society ACCEPTS as commonplace
Reading comprehension. Do you have it?