Games can't be considered ar-

Games can't be considered ar-

>ps2 graphics + some additional shakers



It could pass for modern art

It's retarded when people feel like correcting obvious mistakes you are a fucking loser

this is the fanbase of videogames

this is why videogames will never be considered art

and they shouldn't, because isn't.

deal with it

Video games are not art.



>and they shouldn't, because isn't

>and they shouldn't, because isn't.

That looks like complete ass.

Sure they are

T. Codeartisan

The Last Guardian is honestly the first time I consider a game to be ART.
It's so layered and subtle tale. Pure vidyakino and timeless classic. 10/10

It's ok when Ninten do

Why does game run like garbage when it looks like a ps3 game?

Yeah, nothing says """""beautiful""""" like an image that's 75% blown out.

t. photography 101

>what are physics


Is that the framerate dropping again


try again

Games should be "art" just like movies are "art"

What's impressive about the physics?

Parallel universes.

that makes it even worse since its not even art

Every single of Trico's feathers is a 3d model with it's own physics and interactions or something like that. That's why the PS3 couln't run it amd also why the regular ps4 spits it's guts.
Also, his model has some insane articulation and fluid motion. Even if the game isn't that great, I can recognize that.

this hurts my eyes

In motion it looks better than any current game though because of the fantastic animations.


I remember reading about a guy who framed multiple Sonic fanarts and sold it for 20 thousand dollars.
Artfags are literally at the top of the spectrum.


>Every single of Trico's feathers is a 3d model with it's own physics and interactions or something like that. That's why the PS3 couln't run it amd also why the regular ps4 spits it's guts.
For what purpose????



Game is full of it. Probably Team ICO's attempt to cover the extremely low res textures.

It brings Trico to life very nicely

To rape console hardware. Ueda's way of saying 'fuck you' to Sony on his way out.

The same reason that Pixar animated over 5 million hairs in the Monsters Inc blue monster dude.

Also, it helps to make the featers grabbable nicely