Now that the dust has settled

Now that the dust has settled..

Was FFXIII a good game?

Was it a good FF game?


it was a fun series


Lightning is a goddess!!!


It had the best waifu. That's all I care about because I've never played a final fantasy game all the way through. I just look at the pretty pictures on Sup Forums.




I couldn't finish it because of boredom.
I finished every other FF before it multiple times.

Jesus CHRIST, why is she so perfect? It's not fucking fair. No real woman will ever come close.


Yeah, chibi art is an abomination. It doesn't show off Her perfection adequately.

I bought this game on PS3 on day one at full price and I did not regret it one bit. Visually it looked good, story was nonsense and i could barely follow it. It had decent music. I do wish the game had had dual audio though at the english voice acting was really mediocre. But most importantly I really, really liked the combat system and that almost alone made me finish the game.


No and it didn't even try to be one.

The sequels were great though.

No. XV is bad but XIII is still worse.

No. It was shit. Don't listen to what fucking weaboos have to say.

I love my goddess very much!

XIII, XI, XIV, X, and FF1 are my favorite mainline games.

Just post FF girl armpits goddamn.

Daily reminder that Caius did LITERALLY nothing wrong.



Next question



Needs to be updated with XV.

>Was FFXIII a good game?
I enjoyed it a lot
>Was it a good FF game?
faggots will tell you straight up "no" but it feels FF (probably the most important thing in this series) despite borrowing from a lot of other series in gameplay and writing


Contrarian nostalgiafag general?

You call that dancing?

No and No.

But as shitty as XIII was I still liked it more than XII.

Kill yourselves, honestly.


How would you like to spend Christmas with your Goddess?

No stop trying to make us care for this game. After XV, square is never looking back. Except for VII

Degenerate sex until new years.



Final Fantasy XIII was a terrible fucking game and is only defended
>by Lightning waifu fags
>by retards

Despite how terrible the story was in XV, it showed that having characters that are likable can help make a game more enjoyable. Literally everyone in XIII was an insufferable cunt, except for Sazh.

You're calling anyone retarded when you can't even present an argument. Are you ironically being retarded? L

Explain what you had against Fang.

he just hates women in general

shit franchise

It's the holy trinity of the shitty three's.


XVIII and XXIII confirmed to be shit.

Maybe have a second look at the first logo with your glasses on, user.

It was shit then and it's shit now. Nothing about XV has changed that.

I honestly forgot about her. She was alright, if pretty forgettable.

Nah, I actually have a gf.

People have gone over why XIII was unfun garbage a hundred fucking times in the past few week because XV was so bad it made people go back and look at XIII thinking "hey, was this really as bad as XV? maybe it's not so bad after all" when it's clearly still bad

Shit FF timeline when?

Real question: would you rather be a fal'cie who's job it is to take care of the mentally and physically handicapped, or a l'cie with three years to fulfill your focus(destroy the world)?

Thanks for proving me right.

Did Fang get any screen time? Her and Vanille are the only characters I could get myself to care about and I don't remember anything in the game about them.

play the game again, she had plenty of screentime

She gets plenty of screen time. She's also in both of the other XIII games.

>Combat that plays itself
>Entire cast is either detestable or forgettable
>Most of the story is and terminology is hidden in logs no one's going to bother reading
>No interesting lore or side stuff
Put it all together and you have a shitshow of an RPG that would have been buried among indie garbage if it didn't have the label of FF

in regards to the latter, do I get to become Ragnarok regardless of what I do in the three years?

>XV was so bad

No it isn't you faggot.

I'cie, I already can't stand you retards, why would I want to take care of people like you?

Only if you were strong enough to tame your eidolon.

Even after all the shit with XV I STILL think it's better than XIII, even during chapter 13 when things were at the lowest point.

My favorite part was when she tried to kill Vanille.

>Combat that plays itself
No more than any Final Fantasy game that came before it. The only difference is that you're managing Paradigms instead of individual spells for the most part. You're not even beating the main quest just hitting Auto-Battle and not shifting regularly.

>Entire cast is either detestable or forgettable
Subjective. I like them.

>Most of the story is and terminology is hidden in logs no one's going to bother reading
The story is entertaining and easy to follow even without the Datalog, so long as you're not retarded.

>No interesting lore or side stuff
The lore of the game is very interesting. It is lacking in terms of side quests though, so you can have that one.

She is?!
I had the impression she and Vanille died in 13
(haven't played all three games though, just started Lightning Returns, happy to see Fang'll be in)

>Most of the story is and terminology is hidden in logs no one's going to bother reading

If someone has a problem reading things in a video game that is an rpg and will have a bunch of lore then maybe they should not play an rpg video game.

>Combat that plays itself
Just like Nocturne then and you retards jerk that shit off.
>Entire cast is either detestable or forgettable
See above.
>Most of the story is and terminology is hidden in logs no one's going to bother reading
See Dark Souls.
>No interesting lore or side stuff
Like most FFs?

Nope, in XIII they completed their focus and turned to crystal, creating a pillar that keeps Cocoon from crashing into Pulse. That's largely what the plot of XIII-2 was as well. 500 years later the pillar is supposed to shatter and Cocoon comes crashing down, bring about the end of life on Pulse, so Noel and Serah have to go around time traveling to figure out a way to prevent this from happening.

What's the matter with combat that plays itself?
Same as mindlessly chosing 'attack' for six hours on early FF games.

It's bettert han XIII although no one will admit it.

Story that is actually present *datalogs and shit is a fuck up, sure, but at least there's cutscenes every so often) and I'd rather have linear gameplay that is actually gameplay over open ended padding in XV.

it's pretty fun

13 just sucks. There's really not more you can say about it. It's combat isn't very fun or at least interesting, weapons and gil got fucked in that game, every enemy is a damage sponge, on rails with zero freedom, cast is colorful but you don't really get to know them as well as you should with a few exceptions, boring story where most exposition is supplemented by a shitty lore library which is honestly a real fuck up in any game that does it, etc etc etc.

I feel like it LOOKS like a FF game but it simply doesn't feel like one.

I regretted purchasing it when it came out and when I tried a year or so later to actually sit down and replay it I got bored of it again and just gave up. It's just not rewarding at all to play.

Played a little of 13-2. Much better over all but still written nonsensically. Time travel has literally NEVER been a good thing to add in a sequel.

only if ur can run geemu

>It's combat isn't very fun or at least interesting

And XV's is? At least you have to switch Paradigm and use status magic to eventually stagger enemies in XIII, if you're not one shotting with magic in XV you're just fishing for backside linkstrikes or Parries.

Fuck no.
Worst buyer's remorse of my entire life.

the XIII series sucks in general.

No but give it a few years. More and more memesters on Sup Forums are pretending XII was some sort of underrated masterpiece now so maybe the same will happen for XIII down the line.

XIII-2 is one of my favourite games this decade. It'd be a lot better thought of were it not associated with XIII. It's a fun time travel adventure that also brings the feels.

I am so fucking sick of RPG's where you recruit party members from the enemy roster.

Just wondering what lightning's feet smell like after a long day of fighting, like just asking

Fuck no
Fuck no

How can you say this isn't a god FF game when it has way more FF tropes and characterstics than XV did, which is SE's hack attempt at the open world gaming meme?

I don't like the concept at all (or most games that do it), but the monsters in XIII-2 are well-designed and have a lot of personality, so I found it kind of satisfying in the end. Having one of those flans with the siren on its head as the best healer in the game amused me.

I honestly always really liked FF XIII since I played it back in 2009. The aesthetics, the character design, the combat, the excellent OST, the lore. Too bad the exploration, writing and pacing of the story are shit.

Nope and it will stay a bad game. One of the main reasons for FF decline nowadays.

no, you have X to blame for that

I think you mean seven with its Michael Bay tier action explosions, it's hippy retard plot, and endless cash grab prequel/sequels.
I still liked it though

mediocre game, bad ff game

i liked the combat system though

i feel like a lot of teen faggots grew up with that trilogy which is the only reason it even still gets talked about

I didn't say anything about FF15 friendo, but I do sort of feel like 15 is a bit more fun. To be fair they're different beasts, but I'll take 15 over 13.

Even fishing for parries or linkstrikes is more dynamic than Auto-Attack and shift Paradigms and let the game play itself.

Why do I have this strange feeling that if I ever
bother to play through FFXIII it wouldn't be
nowhere near as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be
and that the gameplay (the only part that
matters) would actually be the best part about it?

It was an OK game as its own stand alone title.


It is not its own stand alone title.
It's part of a series. A series where the games are mostly unrelated, but a series.
The aspects of gameplay, design, story and world that make the games in that series part of the series though, was missing. This game is a linear adventure/hacknslash game that tells its story through forced usage of multiple characters.

In my opinion, the FF series needs to revert back to a fantasy series and drop the heavy sci fi elements: cars, futuristic cities, computers, cell phones, etc. Final Fantasy was high fantasy when it started, now its barely fantasy and all sci fi. It isnt even the same game series any more really. The only constants are the game title, spell names, menus and thats it. Chocobos and Moogles arent what they used to be and every 'new' feature they add just takes away from what FF was at its heart.

I played it before I knew Sup Forums hated it. I enjoyed it

>the FF series needs to revert back to a fantasy series and drop the heavy sci fi elements
shut the fuck up

Please put chibi one back. You can throw away big one instead.

don't be so tsun user

>big one
Lightning is tawny/petite/lithe tho

>Final Fantasy was high fantasy when it started
>needs to revert back to a fantasy series and drop the heavy sci fi elements:

and yet the most popular entries in the series are heavily steampunk inspired, which is also fantasy, just as sci fi.

If anything having the same setting would have gotten boring pretty fast.

I enjoyed it, my biggest problem was the melodrama flashbacks and some parts at the end got a bit too long, other than that it was fine, not amazing but good enough if you're not in a hateful cynical mood.

No and no
It is and will always be a terrible game

the game was so fucking bad it killed linear games as a whole
we have FFXIII to thank for being stuck with nothing but open world garbage
also, XII was crap as well, there's some serious contrarian revisionism going on here
that game was rightfully blasted when it came out for being a boring piece of shit that played itself

FF died when uematsu and sakaguchi left