What are some good games with bears?
How come there are so few games where you can have a cool bear companion?
What are some good games with bears?
How come there are so few games where you can have a cool bear companion?
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You can be a polar bear in Tokyo Jungle, going around eating delicious Lions and mating at every corners
Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced has a bear companion.
NWN1&2 let you have overpowered bear companions if you choose druid starting from level 1.
I unashamedly pre-ordered this when it came out
The concept of it wasn't bad, kinda like a Hitman with teddy bears, it was just done poorly.
Anything that isn't a human takes time and effort, OP. You're supposed to kill the bears, not befriend them.
>supposed to kill the bears
You get the fug out
I don't wanna kill the bears, but that's what you'll get in modern gaming today. It's sad.
>decreasing AC with level
Big Guy coming trough
>decreasing AC with level
It's 2e. It means it gets better.
And yeah I did forget about the rainbow bear god because I usually go with One of Many
You can have an extremely powerful bear companion as a druid in diablo 2
Condemned 2.
Dunno i don't like that you have to drag it till it becomes a barbarian ( or a warlock ) to be useful
never liked rogues in general in Nvw
Also i preferred the druid since the dragon companion + the bug where if you turn into a dragon while enlarged turns you into a full dragon
>the bug where if you turn into a dragon while enlarged turns you into a full dragon
Not really a bug but it sure is fun as fuck.
Even better on online worlds since you can get two or more people to cast enlarge at the same time so you end up as a giant dragon and it stacks
i've lost my serial code years ago since i bought the physical copy in 2006
the only servers it would let me join were realms of trinity and some other stuff since i had to use old serials from someone else
Do you know any good servers/ way of buying the game? i wanna play this again online so bad lately
I cannot get into this game. I got to the part with one of the waterbeasts in the prison and the fight was literally just RNG. Maybe I'll go back to it someday, or maybe I'm playing it wrong all together. Actual tabletop is more fun though.
Banjo Kazzooie
You're welcome faggot
are polar bears the ultimate bears?
What games let me play as seals?
Gog has both games. NWN2 complete is now 60% off for like 5 dollars or so.
In fact it was actually giving the complete version of the first NWN for free a few days ago.
Didn't Bundle Stars do a steam key giveaway recently too?