Why do Japanese games have no problem with lolis in their vidya, but Western games label everything with lolis as pedophilia?
Why do Japanese games have no problem with lolis in their vidya...
Cultural differences.
westfags are betas who care about women's opinions
Because most japanese people are degenerates, and most western people are not.
Sexual repression on both sides of the court
Cultural differences.
Japan caters to niches.
The West caters to the trendy majority.
But it -is- pandering to pedophiles.
because jews fear the samurai
Because western society enjoys creating mass hysteria for the sake of the social agenda of the day and accepting lolis would cause issue with that.
Because Japanese are mostly pedophiles, and Westerners are mostly not.
Westfags are insecure as fuck. Japs don't give a fuck as long it is fun.
>the west isn't degenerate/pedo
>daddydom shit is one of the most popular normie fetishes
Games with lolis are niche shit over there, just like here, but the entirety of the niche can all go to tokyo to buy the game and the merchandise that really makes the profit.
The reason american game makers don't make games with lolis in them is because you won't buy a body pillow, 7 posters, and a statuette along with the game. If you did, there would be a market to cater to you.
Fuck you it's literally the best.
American cultural imperialism where laws were written by 50y old christian wives of politicians.
bat a shit. cat is best girl
Westerners prefer to fuck real kids in secret, so don't want to call any attention to that fact.
West gives more value to art.
For nips it's just a drawing, for westerners it's literally child porn made by and for vile pedophiles.
That's why they censore it.
People in Japan cry about the exploitation of fictional minors too, it's just that japanese companies don't bend over backwards to please the people who hate them, they focus on the lonely degenerates who buy their products.
Westerns call it "Petite"
Why are pedophiles allowed to live?
Not to mention Children's Beauty Pageants which might as well count as child abuse.
well, she's an actual vampire so it counts
Then they go straight back to watching Dance Moms. I hate those hypocrites.
Western culture prefers to sexualize actual children by buying them skintight leggings instead of having any depiction of children in video games.
Because it is.
What does Japan mean by games like this?
fuck you bat a best
cat a close second
then crab>snail>monkey>sisters>shit>everyone else
The west is still clinging to cultural opinion based in Victorian thought and Christian values. Meanwhile Japan considers 14 year olds schoolgirls in socks sexually attractive.
who cares, post more bat
Fuck off tripfag
This might come as a shock but loli isn't really socially acceptable in Japan either.
They just leave pedos who jerk off in their basement alone.
Say whatever you want, western games are still not flooded with sexualized children.