What does Sup Forums think of God of War 4?
What does Sup Forums think of God of War 4?
The face is too different from the old kratos
I like the setting and the character progression is the only way you could feasibly carry on Kratos as the same dude.
The issue I have is what little we've seen of the gameplay. It doesn't look to be God of War in that sense.
As much as I like GoW, the gameplay is literally just mash the square button
>the complete badass now has a sensible arc
What did they even do to him?
Trite implementation of modern AAA elements to a recognizable name
Skip it
>Just mash the square button
t. someone who played on Spartan or Mortal only
They rebooted the character, gave him another chance at redemption. He now has what he first lost, and a chance to make peace with himself.
It should have died at 3.
>As much as I like GoW, the gameplay is literally just mash the square button.
Not really. It's not as deep as its peers but saying GoW is just a masher is doing it a disservice.
>complete bad-ass
>constantly spares the lives of females he finds
>spares Aphrodite
>protects skinny nerd in GoW 3
>literally said he doesn't want to kill innocent people at the end of Ascension
>literally committed sudoku to give humanity HOPE at the end of GoW 3
Kratos was always a good man
I was hoping the fanboys would get made because they completely changed everything, one would even say it's pretty much the opposite
but no, sonyggers truly lap up everything sony throws at them
artsy fartsy deep shit is sony's new thing? so is it for the userbase
>mad it isn't a rehash
Cry more
i just finished god of war 3 for the first time last night. how can this game work after the ending of 3? curious how thats fleshed out in the story. his attitude is immediately better imo. he was so unlikable for me after 1 because of the kill everything fuck everyone personality. norse setting has me interested but i gotta see more gameplay footage.
I never really understood why people hated Kratos so much. Why care about the writing in a hack and slash game?
Kratos in the context of GoW is actually the perfect protagonist. In a game where you kill things in the most savage way and rebel against gods Kratos is the perfect character to play as.
Not that different.
there's just something so laughable about this picture. i get he's supposed to be enraged but it just looks retarded.
I like his fighting style but his appearance really bothers me. looks like my dad
It amazes me how many people still think they haven't shown the "true game" yet.
Like fuck, it was a 15 minute demo. They showed combat, this is the game. It's become some kind of shitty fusion of The Last of Us and Dark Souls.
It does not look good.
Seems bretty cool/10
gameplay looks nothing like what I'd want out of a god of war game and it looks like another movie game.
woud you guys have wanted a traditional god of war game in this norse setting? curious.
I would also like a new main character.
Is it not really his own son?
hes actually his son, but the memers wont stop
but now we have god of us
The way he refers to "his mother" probably not.
Even if it's his own son, it's still his wife's son too though. so I guess the meme makes sense. just not in the right context
or maybe Kratos didn't marry the woman. I can't really imagine kratos marrying someone
Yes it is.
Just stupid memers
Yeah, it's not like anybody else is making action games with lots of mythology elements.
The new one's gameplay didn't look fun at all and it seems more focused in telling a story instead of being a fun kill everything that moves game.
I wonder how well it's going to do, normies seem pretty hyped for it.
Isn't it your wife's son whether it's yours or someone else's regardless because she gave birth to it? So no matter what, your child will always be your wife's son
>hes actually his son,
That's fucked up.
>he's actually his son
Jesus is that you
What we've seen is just the beginning of the game but there will defiantly be more weapons. It would be badass if at some point Kratos pulls a box out from under his bed and opens it to reveal the blades of exile
Stop talking about my wife's son!
But all sons are "wife's son". So the meme actually applies to everyone
who would have thunk
Kratos kills innocent people all the time in the first game
Nobody calls their own son "my wife's son" unless they're a stepdad. That's the joke. That he's not the real dad, some big burly negro is. It's a long way of calling someone a cuck.
What you described is not the joke and has nothing to do with it. Lurk more.
He was in a dark place at that time, but deep down he's a nice guy.
Also he seems to spare the lives of the women he meets
Pulling out the blades after his axe breaks
I could dream user
You now remember this part
I know what the joke is but the weird thing is, it's not really a joke. If you have a son, that is your wife's son no matter what. Even if it's yours. So the joke is actually real. It's always "your wife's son" no matter what.
Years from now when you have your own son, he will be "your wife's son"
Nah the one where you have like 15 seconds to move a block and climb a couple of platforms before the spikes come out of the floor and kill you.
In God of War 3 he literally kills a innocent begging for help for no reason
I believe hes not that bad of a guy.
But do you remember when he used that girl just to open a door in 3.
GoW 2 has a 10/10 atmopshere, a game we can safely call "epic"
>Also he seems to spare the lives of the women he meets
Maybe the ones that give him some sex.
Have you even played the games in awhile? In the third one he finds some concubine in Poseidon's chambers and uses her to keep a gate open. The wheel is too much for her and it completely fucking crushes her. He just doesn't give a fuck about anybody.
I had alot more trouble with the room with the gorgons and the floor collapses
Pic related was annoying aswell
Insult to the original series and what it stands for
First time I saw this, I was baffled.
Shame videogames don't do this to me anymore.
Imagine if they make a movie and cast a black guy but they have to make him white cause of the ash
I think it could be good.
Old Kratos raises his son. Tries to make him a man.
Seems dope as fuck.
inb4 the kid dies and creates a whole new trilogy
>what it stands for
A silly DMC clone with angry bald dude for a protagonist?
I'm glad they're finally changing the formula.
this is 100% happening
So this will end being worse then Ascension? I bet it will.
Here's a pity (You)
This isn't fucking God of War. It's Sony having an IP that is completed in it's lore and the prequels they shit out aren't selling so they have to literally copy whatever gameplay is making the most money these days (The Last of Us and Skyrim) and shit all over this series in order to make more money.
I would much rather they explicitly make a spin off just like the originals, but set in Norse mythology.
I'm fucking livid.
When the kid dies the camera pans out and goes back to the old god of war
i unironically want to see this happen.
The last of us again
>God of my wife's son
It would save the game
It would actually make me feel hope again
Do you think we will get different weapons or powers
or just another power for the axe like the frost one seen in the trailer?
I want to see more gameplay, preferably from later on in the game, before I form a full opinion on it.
First impressions were poor though. Slowed down and with pointless concessions to recent AAA trends that don't really seem suited to the series.
>Do you think we will get different weapons or powers
Definitely. But the camera angle is so dumb for a game like this. It's like they're trying to copy the last of us\skyrim\dark souls all at once.
Oh look, another Microshit shill thread.
>camera angle is so dumb
i totally agree,i recently just beat the trilogy and really liked them but saw this at e3 and got really disappointed.
i can't imagine what massive fans of the series think of it.
You do know that all demos are played in the easiest difficulty, right? Hard mode will probably be like a mix of classic GoW with some Dark Souls tier dodging and hitting.
cuck movie about raising your wife's son
I just hope the project will die somehow, that's how disappointed I am about this "game".
My wife and her son love it.
"The reason they didn’t focus the E3 demo on a huge, spectacle-filled set piece is that it's a given that the game will have those. Barlog and Sony Santa Monica have mastered those moments, so with this demo, they wanted to surprise fans and non-fans of the series with the unexpected."
Basically, it will still have those awesome stuff, but the story will be a little more intimate.
>The kid is his son
Looks like Conor McGregor
Sounds like bullshit to me.
They have to have the cinematic camera angle.
There's no way to make a game look graphically impressive on the console otherwise unless you want to put a lot of effort into optimization and they clearly don't want to put in that effort because it's another game following the trend of branding itself with an established, unrepresentative name.
Read: we're also going to try to copy uncharted.
I want you to think of me when they show bombastic scenes in E3 2017.
Or you know...Add some character to a 2-bit murdering machine.
Explain this Sup Forums meme to me.
God of War is one my favorite game series and I fucking hate this with a burning fury
>I would also like a new main character.
There's only one God of war, faggot
GOW was just a casualized DMC clone but I could respect it for what it was, a gateway into the genre
Now it is just a cinematic experience where you walk in the woods and raise Kratos's wifes son TLOU rehash for that mad $$$
While the old GoW's were a gate way to hack'n slash, this is looking to be a good gateway into Souls type combat. All demos are also played on easy, so there won't be much walking or easy fights.
>raise Kratos's wifes son
It's confirmed to be his.
Super excited, actually. The game seems to be semi-open world with a dark Souls feel to it. That's pretty great, actually. I still think they should do a cultural exchange and let Santa Monica make DmC2.
What the fuck, how is he norse now?
Almost got me