>He plays true neutral
How does it feel having no personality at all?
>He plays true neutral
How does it feel having no personality at all?
Other urls found in this thread:
Honestly, I don't feel too strongly about it.
How does it feel being really unimaginative and unintelligent to not inject personality into true neutral characters?
I have no considerable feelings whatsoever.
>Claims to be true neutral
>Is actually lawful neutral
Every single time
>choosing your own destiny
>doesn't have an personality
>This fag thinks alignment and personality are the same thing
You can be a zero personality tard of any alignment, and considering your unoriginal post, you probably are.
Like I'm a bear.
I am neutral gender. AMA.
>He plays lawful good
How does it feel to be an upstanding citizen, loved by everyone?
i could carve some genitals into you
I try to be as neutral as possible in both games and life to avoid getting my fee-fees hurt.
I'm not the smug type of neutral though. I just don't think I know enough to have an opinion on anything.
How does it feel to know your dad still doesn't love you, and you're still not special?
It has its benefits, but also its nuisances.
But I think the pros and cons balance each other out.
>he plays Lawful Evil
hows the edge? sharp enough for you?
First post best post
I just want money and wet pussy
i made the topic hoping for a response like this
why does Dawn have the best reaction faces?
Whores tend to have very expressive faces.
>explain alignments to normies
>oh yeah true neutral seems like my kind of alignment
Every fucking time
I dunno, I don't really have an opinion about it.
Me too.
Would a true neutral ignore a starving beggar whom is asking for a piece of bread if he has one to spare?
A true neutral knows that he's a small grain of sand in the universe and that his actions actually amount to nothing, helping a beggar is a waste of time since hed just be replaced by another beggar
Wow, nice joke. Did you think of it yourself?
All I know is my gut tells me "maybe".
Depends on your definition of good and evil.
Is giving bread you weren't going to eat to a starving beggar good, or just something you can expect from anyone that is not evil, including neutrals?
True Neutral is the position of God. It feels good having the same inclination as omnipotent, 4th dimensional beings tbqh :^)
Why do you feel so strongly about things that don't matter?
Most games with morals or good and bad endings have two factions trying to force you onto their side. Its better to be your own man.
But isn't generosity a part of being good to begin with?
What are some true neutral video game characters?
Because I want to protect my waifu
Depends on the guy.
Games that are so cut-and-dried you can go true neutral are dog shit.
Knights of the Old Republic is dog shit. Mass Effect is dog shit. Dragon Age is dog shit.
Games need morally ambiguous dialogue, and morality meters are a fucking joke.
>hurr look at me white knighting like a little beta bitch m'lady
>durr look at me being an edgy faggot, you can't understand my pain
he's give him half
Have another (You), you deserve it user
I think it more depends on whether or not giving the beggar bread is an inconvenience or not. If the character is true neutral, he would just as soon feed the beggar as himself
That's a monkey, user.
No its a QT
I can't fucking help it. Sometimes I go in and intend on playing a psychopath or something and end up going full true neutral by sheer instinct.
I don't like picking sides in conflicts either.
>Rape this guy's wife infront of him, then kill her infront of him and torture him until he dies.
>Suck this guys cock clean and be his bitch until you forget you were born a guy.
Yeah no. ill stay in Neutral until alignments stop being shit in games.
True Neutral doesn't mean 'inanimate object' or 'animal'. It applies to a fair number of people, that aren't especially committed to being particularly good or particularly bad. Or particularly law-abiding or Anarchic. Plenty of personalities can fit within that definition.
But what if it's your conflict?
Lawful Neutral is the guy who breaks your back and makes you thank him for the punishment.
But true neutral is the path of a psychopath.
So true neutrals are nihilists?
alignments are the dumbest shit ever
only d&d has them and that alone speaks volumes
Did I end up on /tg/ by accident? This is like the third alignment thread I've seen today
Neutral Evil is the best alignment, and people who aren't neutral evil are in denial
That /tg/ can have fun and RP?
True neutral means doing things for your benefit. Hisoka is true neutral and he's probably the most interesting character in HxH.
Nah, Chaotic Neutral or bust.
Most vidya doesn't have satisfying or at least even somewhat logical evil playthrough options though.
I'm sorry, I think you guys mistyped Lawful Good, trailed closely by the two other Goods.
I never knew they actually had separate lines for when you have no dosh.
>not playing all sides for your own benefit.
dont be a cuck OP.
It was those details I enjoyed.
Neutral evil is the way to go. Nothing but yourself fuck anyone else. This world sucks so you shouldn't feel bad about backstabbing both sides.
*tips fedora*
*teleports behind you*
*unzips dick*
God damn wizards.
>there are people here RIGHT NOW that thinks true neutral means you have to uphold a balance or have no fee fees
Why don't you enlighten us then, user?
>tfw chaotic good is the new chaotic neutral
>i feel the need to broadcast my opinions on every little subject
how does it feel not being true neutral and instead being a giant attention whore
Being true neutral doesn't mean you can't do good or bad things. They're generally just not morally compelled to do good or evil just for the sake of being good or evil like the people on the extreme ends of the spectrum would.
>"True neutral is typically the most misunderstood of all alignments. One common misconception is thinking that true neutral characters seek a balance by deliberately following a certain alignment one day and an entirely different alignment the next. Such behavior makes true neutral characters unpredictable, and the cumulative effect promotes chaos more than anything else. True neutral characters tend to remain nonjudgmental and uncommitted to any moral, legal, or philosophical system beyond the basic tenets of their own society. Despite this fact, true neutral beings do not resent being into struggles involving different viewpoints. True neutral individuals do not lack interest, ambition, or passion--they value their own well-being and that of friends and loved ones. They may struggle passionately on behalf of themselves or others, as well as feel compassion for those they barely know. In fact, since most humans are true neutral, it is the alignment of the majority of people encountered in day-to-day situations."
Better a monkey than a dog
>not playing a chaotic neutral twisted fucking psychopath
tell my wife hello
This is probably trolling but as a longtime DM I'll pitch in.
A lot of people handle True Neutral differently. Probably the most retarded way is to be tremendously devoted to "balance" in such a way your behavior is inconsistent on all things EXCEPT balance.
An "Actual" True Neutral character is someone who is moderately self serving, sometimes breaks the rules, but is not evil. They could be considered a "friendly" sociopath, or someone who is nice but a bit "selfish". Self preservation and self success are normally their number one concerns. It is possible they concern themselves with their own family as well. They do have friends (who are usually good), because thats useful and a good idea. They obey rules/laws as long as its useful and they break them if there's a really good gain or a danger to their safety or interests.
I wouldn't call them devoid of personality. You could compare them to an animal in some ways, but I wouldn't define them as "ignorant" like one. Humans are animals, but we have more reasoning, logic, and a social structure. A True Neutral character is a "human animal" who survives in this environment and navigates it to their own end. This is how they differ from evil, good, lawful, or chaotic.
A good tip to discern whether a character is more chaotic than neutral (I see many have difficulty with that since Lawful is obvious) is the "I don't know" test. If someone doesn't know why their character does something or doesn't know what they WOULD do in a fairly normal situation, they are probably Chaotic. Even if Neutral doesn't live by a code, they /always/ have a plan. Usually it involves covering their own ass without trying to look to cool.
Please, faggot.
How does it feel being someone else's bitch?
fuck you I do what I want
why is chaotic evil/neutral/good always 12
Lawful Neutral or bust.
>being a beta
A True Neutral character would consider how much bread they have, how easily they can afford or access it. If they felt they were particularly secure, they'd share it. Because thats a "good idea".
Having a good idea isn't the same as being good. Good ideas are useful and may come back around to you.
If they felt they shouldn't share it, they'd ignore and move on. They dont FEEL incredibly good or bad about it either way. They just know what they "should" feel and they probably dont identify passionately for or against.
True Neutral's usually do mildly good deeds and things because its better than being seen negatively or being actually bad and in trouble.
>doing only good because you've been told to
>doing only evil because you've been told not to
Really made me think op
Take a deep breath and repeat after me.
Would it make sense for a True Neutral usually do mildly evil things as well? Like throwing a rock at the beggar to tell him to piss off because he can't afford to spare his.
>Being a wishy washy faggot who can't make big decisions.
really makes you think user
>He plays anything else
how does it feel being an edgelord?
If the neutral in question is a bar owner that throws a rock at the hobo in front of his store because he scares the clients yes.
He wouldn't throw a rock at someone for no reason.
>Took a personality test based around this retarded concept and answered as honestly as the list of answers allowed me.
>Got Chaotic Neutral
What does it say about me if I'm chaotic Neutral?
What alignment allows me to kill anyone that doesn't agrees with my morals