Is Sup Forums still looking forward to Rising Storm 2?

Is Sup Forums still looking forward to Rising Storm 2?

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Nah it looks pretty underwhelming 2bh. I'll stick with Squad tyvm

I better get a beta key this time

I got burned by Killing Floor 2, but i really want to play a good Vietnam game.
Sadly, the gameplay i've seen so far looks fairly shit.
I'll probably buy it, though not on release.

Slant eyed Charlie's roasting on an open fire. Agent orange nipping at your crops.

Yeah should be comfy.

>constantly get an email about how a wave of closed beta is about to start
>never actually get an invite

FUCKERS. Every time.

>the gameplay i've seen so far looks fairly shit.
What? it literally looks the same as the previous game?

A reminder.

Cant wait to BTFO fat americucks

Literally completely irrelevant

Sorry, let me correct my post.
The gameplay looks pretty much exactly like RO2 and Rising Storm, which is good, but the content and the graphics are lacking.
The amount of weapons is fairly barebones and the game looks awful.
I hope that they improve the UI and general graphics options before release.

they already sent the second wave, tough luck user
>got mine this wave

>They are going to add ANZAC after release

>the graphics are lacking
They dont look half-bad though.
>the amount of weapons is fairly barebones
No shit, the full game isnt released.


At least I can play as a shirtless marine wearing short shorts

Well Sup Forums?


They didnt improve at all on Rising storm, which is almost 4 years old.
Killing Floor 2 atleast looks good, this just looks like they didnt bother on improving the look at all.
>No shit, the full game isnt released.
No shit, but Tripwire is known for being lazy shits.
I fear that they'll pull the same shit as with KF2 and RO2, where they release barebones and shit out a tiny update once a year.

where's my key, you fucking useless pieces of shitwire

usa, the vietnamese can't even swim to america

The right side

The good guys always win IRL

What's the ETA? It needs to hurry so I can justify my 2.3k PC purchase (not pre-built, you stinker)

>Play Rising Storm 2
>Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival begins playing

nope, it looks cheap, can't say im surprised though.

Fucking tripwire I swear to christ

>it aint me starts playing
>its referencing who is buying the game

>what? you have an alternative opinion to mine?
>everything you think is wrong. I win.

>>Fortunate Son
Never heard of it.
Dont you mean
>it aint me starts playing

When Its gonna be released???

No, but I'm looking forward this.

I can't speak for the rest of these cunts here but I'm excited about it. Its not pretty, its going to have bugs, shit might be broken and stay broke, its not going to have 10k players a year from now. But its going to be fun shootin with a mildly shit community of regulars with some Vietnam era mic spam and a bit of banter. Its going to be at the very least 300 hours of a good time. That's good enough for me.

Can't wait to burn some gooks

did they rename battalion 1944

I have RO2.

How do I get the first rising storm? I don't really get it on Steam. I see Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer in Steam but I can only access the old RO2 servers with RUS/GER.

Do I need to buy the $20 Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition on Steam or the upgrade?

>day of defeat meets doom 3

might be ok, but day of infamy looks like a better game

Rs2 website

Different developer.

>no key

>CSGO Reskin
>Better game

Is that just Day of Defeat 2017 edition?


>does it have viet nam era guns
>does it have jungles
>does it have third world urban environments
>does it have napalm
>does it have gooks

The fuck else do you need? Its doing exactly what it needs to do from what I've seen. Battlefield 1 has cutting edge graphics and tons of bullshit. Does that make it a great game? I don't think so.

>insurgency reskin

Insurgency is a Source game, which is why it feels all choppy even at 200FPS, all source games feel and play the same.

Well its lacking rampant drug usage, raping civilian women, murdering civilian women, burning villages, and searching through piles of rice for hidden guns. They better not fall into that "dur the M16 is a shit rifle that jams easily" bullshit.

Best Megumeme

if you have shitty ping

Nah, that just how source games are.
Also I don't think you understand the meaning of "choppy"

The game has frame pacing issues.

im not a gun expert, but at 0:44 how did fire a double barrel shotgun 3 times?


I believe it was a trench gun (shotgun)

sent ;)

It's completely relevant. Kikes and their pozzed underlings don't make good games. They might've at one point, but never post-poz. It's a well proven correlation.

>Game is more focused on individual squads now than ever
>No true front line
>Still no local voice chat
What was tripwire thinking?

Yeah im about to go play it right now, its fun as fuck.

Do people still play Rising Storm?

RO2 was a pretty shit game but I'm tried of the same old RO servers and I remember having some decent shallow fun on a Rising Storm free weekend. And I want a vietnam fix.

I imagine the new Rising Storm will be far worse than the RO2 expansion but everyone will still move over there anyway

I'll buy it just to get whatever weapon it'll give me in Killing Floor 2.

my god why are so many people so fucking stupid, FUCKING GOOGLE IT THEY HAVE A WEBSITE JESUS


>What was tripwire thinking?
how do we get the biggest amount of money for least amount of effort?

People still play it there's always a handful of full servers.

>I'll stick with Squad tyvm

I'll stick with Project Reality tyvm

"Run Through The Jungle" actually is the song in the menu, just as good if you ask me.

Not necessarily. They brought in new talent from the community and from what I've seen in videos it definitely looks like an improvement over RS. Tripwire is completely cucked but AMG is making this not them so who knows, it might actually be good.

>signed up for the beta with 5 different e-mails
>still didn't get a key
fucking assholes I'm quickly losing hype and it's the only game I'm even looking forward to

I was thinking the same thing

>signed 5 emails
I hope you never get one

I had planned on giving away any extra keys on Sup Forums, but I can't even get one

>it's a butthurt PR poorfag

Oh it shows


Great gun

>implying I don't own squad but stick with the superior game regardless

>after the fucking scam that was kf2
fuck off and die

I mean, you will get to play it eventually, and if you never get in the beta then you will get to experience it in its full glory when it releases.

And I can say without a doubt this game will be played for the next 3-4 years actively.

>5 emails
>mfw i only signed one and got the beta first wave
serves you right, faggot

I love SQUAD as well but Rising Storm 1/2 fulfill very different needs.

Rising Storm 2 reminds me of when my dad would upgrade my PC. Already obsolete by the time I would get it.

>don't get the key
>it ain't me doesn't start playing

It was a lack of support that did the burgers in, they could have kept going and won but everyone kind of went "why?"

l e l have fun not playing fag

At this point its already surpassed imho

Eh, if you take out the vehicles they're very similar in concept

If you'd have signed up 5 times you could've given a code to me.

I would do it for you.

I know, it's just annoying that I'm guaranteed day1 buy (they should let you pre-order for beta access) but I won't be able to play it until the game actually comes out at this rate

Please enlighten us on what superior multiplayer games you are playing. Please user.

>Tripwire games
>masters of making really shitty unreal engine games

Not a single fuck is given.


Nobody wants to play as fucking dirt gook farmers with AKs

Nothing cool about them. Japs had swords and banzai charges. The fuck are these zipperheads gonna have?

>open mailbox
>it ain't key starts playing

Yeah, and I feel you. I suspect though they will keep doing beta "weekends" up until the final release in Q2 of 2017, so you have a lot of time to get in.

but it doesn't even look like a trench shotgun

And yet it manage to be a better multiplayer fps than 80% of the trash out there, I am having the best fucking time so keep being some salty little bitch and fuck off back to Battlefield 1 or what ever gay fucking game you play.

>It's another Squadfag vs PRfag
I don't know what's more obnoxious when I play both games these days.

I hope they keep and up the pacing of updates for Squad though or finally integrate WW2 with PR like they did with Falklands and Vietnam.

I have to say the RS2 UI looks horrible. Hopefully it's all placeholder. They don't even have the paper doll to show you where you've been hit.

>The fuck are zipperheads gonna have

>Nobody wants to play as fucking dirt gook farmers with AKs

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

The problem with Vietnam War, just as with Korean War was politics. Politics didn't allow the army to turn recruits into legions(surprisingly enough Marines were ignored by the public so they've never really had that "oh shit we're sending untrained recruits for war" moment), politics didn't allow to set decisive goals, politics didn't allow for large-scale involvement.

The fears of politicians had good basis - Chinese intervened in Korea after NK was almost done, so it was reasonable to expect Russians to join the grindhouse in case if McArthur would get his way, but the other result of such stance was that there was no public support for the war. Literally none at all. Same happened with Vietnam. Had those been all-out wars with superpowers and the public would stand firm behind the US troops, but they weren't so they didn't.

I can't wait to scream gooks inside the wire

>implying people don't want to use AK's

Are you retarded? Also they have tunnels and such but yes the lack a banzai charge is sad but it won't ruin the game.

Not to mention only squad leaders and the TL have swords, role that typically aren't used by new players and if they do they don't last long.

If you're a seasoned RS player then I'm genuinely shocked you aren't excited for this game, but something tells me you're a faggot kid who participated in one good banzai charge probably and only used a sword a handful of times, most of which you fucking got gunned down before you could swing at anyone.

Yes lack of swords and banzai's are going to be sad thing to miss, but this is a fucking TWI military fps set in a time where everyone has a full auto rifle and there are helicopters. I don't know, you just sound like some ort of jaded faggot who never enjoyed RS that much to begin with.

>who would want to play on the winning side?

>I'm having the best fucking time
So why are you here?

ye something like that, main point is the
>lol rice farmers vs. global superpower :^)
meme is just dumb Sup Forums baiting

Hey, if playing straight garbage is fun for you, more power to ya. But remember, you're still eating shit.