What game lets me commit sudaku, Sup Forums?

What game lets me commit sudaku, Sup Forums?

In let it die you can eat exploding/poison mushrooms till you die.
Also, any game with deadly pits and fall dmg in general
The suicide choice is also a end (mb even the canon ned) of a game l will not spoil

Dragon's Dogma.
You literally have to sudoku to beat the game.

SUPERHOT makes you shoot yourself in the head. And I was playing SUPERHOT VR, which also makes you point the gun to your head and shoot.

Dark Souls

Tekken of you play Yoshimitsu

Dark souls 2
You can also make a boss do it if you perfect him

What boss?

Sir Alonne

Tekken if space robot samurai.

Sword of the Samurai, get caught doing dishonorabru actions and you're forced to commit sudoku and play as your heir.


Sigh, why can't this meme die already?

Pretty cool, i never even beat him because fuck walking all the way to him.


Why can't this fag die already?

What games let me subaru to rob my opponents of a kill?

Most shooters don't count because if you throw yourself off a cliff during a fight the point is still awarded to them

This also you use it as a load button to get the right drops from chests. You'll grow to hate it.

Spec Ops: The Line let's you shoot yourself. Only good ending IMHO

dragons dogma.

That's a lot of anger.