Play Overwatch Season 3 placements

>Play Overwatch Season 3 placements
>Get 1840 silver shitter
>Was plat maining Zenyatta last season
>Mained Zenyatta for Season 3 and 1840
>Change off to using all characters instead of sticking to comfort
>Now 2330 and climbing

Why the fuck did they put me into 1840 man fuck you Blizzfucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

season one 64 / 7-3
season two 3345 / 6-3-1
season three 3210 / 3-7
uhm I wonder if placements matter at all and they just take into consideration previous season ranking....

fuck me man. How long have you been playing because jesus I would love to hit 3k rating.

3k rating is like top 30% so I don't understand how everyone on here says they're 3k, its like no fucking way man. Let alone 3400-3500+ rating where you're like top 11%...

The game literally has a very little skill ceiling so just get a halfway coordinated stack or something

I only have 150 hours played, I am okay at best, play zarya/tracer(koth only)/any healer, guess I just got lucky with the people I got.

Legit though I've just been changing up my heroes instead of hoping my team to do the job. So often I only consider Zen if we need an off-healer and little damage going on.

Lately been playing Zarya, DVA (Fucking OP bitch ass shit man), Rein, Soldier, Lucio, Reaper, etc. Whatever the fuck can make the change man.

I got up with a team as well and we were all silver shitters, were now gold shitters but we still call eachother: "The Silver Shitters"

This game is like HotS, can't carry retards because of the hero design being team-oriented.

So fuck it, back to CS:GO.

So is Zenyatta any good now?

how the fuck do you get diamond losing three fucking games in a row?

i honestly do not understand their system. is it weighted with your level? is it weighted with your previous season's placement? because it seems like RNG horse shit to me.

yep that was me yesterday.

4-6, 2933 in my placements

i was at 2980 last season, literally 1 game from diamond the moment sombra released and dropped all the way down to 2810.

just use your mic, coordinate ults and don't be a fucking idiot and swap heroes.

D.Va players report in. What do you like the most about playing the best girl?

>When a Pharah tries to ult your team after a Gravitron Surge but you eat the missiles with Defense Matrix
the first 15 seconds is enough, the placements do fuck all, they just take into consideration your previous season final ranking.

I had an identical win/loss to you.

Why was I placed 1900. Please, Blizzard. I'm begging you.

because you suck and the old broken MMR had you way way too high.

The new MMR system is pushing you faggots down into bronze and silver where you belong, before players that belonged in silver were sitting in mid-platinum making that rank a totally random shit-show.

I, on the other hand, got placed right into diamond despite only having reached Diamond on console previously and having played maybe 15 comp games total over the previous two seasons on PC.

Git gud fagget

S1 and S2 placements had everyone start their first game at the same rating (2500 or so) and they climbed from there.
S3 takes your S2 performance into account if you have any so your starting point before placements might be 3500.

Same fucking thing happened to me.

Congrats, you figured out switching out and filling helps you climb rank better than maining no matter the situation. It's almost as if you learned a valuable lesson by being placed in a lower skill bracket.

Finished 2700 last season after only playing maybe 15 games.

Went 6-2-2 this season and got placed 3082.

Not sure how I went up so much but not complaining.

Got 3,5k when season 1 started by only playing Zen.
That was before he got the buff he didn't need.
And I still stand by my point, when Zen was changed back to how he was at release now everyone would think he's fine, people just didn't bother learning how to play him back then.

>3400 is top 11%
I just made master this morning by trying out Zarya for the first time, are these numbers real?

You belong in silver


Season 1:
High - 56
Final - 50

Season 2:
High - 2607
Final - 2165

Season 3:
Placed - 1877
Only played about 3 games so far, but I'm at 1951 now.

it has a system similar to league of legends, but with some diferences.

you're shown a number upfront but there's another hidden rating in the back, depending on who you get matched with and who you get matched versus. all of my placement games were played with/vs diamonds since my previous rating was very close to it.

Also, unlike league, i noticed it also takes perfomance into account when making the calculations.
in season 2 i played all my placements with a friend, we ended up equally at 7-3, yet he was placed in gold at 2250 and i was placed at 2800 since i had golden medals in every game.

I got 3700 by playing nothing but D.Va for the placements.

I dont know what his problem is, thats exactly how dota does it too.

Placing anyone close to their old rank -+100/200 mmr works way better than ranked them based on a pool of 10 matches.

People would get even more mad if you had some shitters in plat/diamond just because they got carried through 8 of their placement matches.

Or you play very good but loose 9 matches anyway because well its still a teamgame. But then you get placed in silver and stomp every single game.

That would be even more disruptive for literally everyone and make for some really dumb matches.

...fuck man you're not the only guy who tells me they made zen and they get something like this...

Now entertain me.
Is it possible that the 'character' you pick is determinate by rank? Even on
this guys video the zen got placed much much lower than his teammates.

What the fuck does Blizzard hate Zen players?

This fucker.


>I am now in the top ten percent of overwatch players worldwide
What the fuck

I don't really "main" Zen, he's just my favorite healer to play.

My Season 3 placements went 2-6-2. It was a shitshow.

Favorite Attack: Reaper
Favorite Defense: Junkrat
Favorite Tank: Reinhardt
Favorite Support: Zenyatta

>get placed in plat
>make no progress/ derank all season
>keep plat reward

I think they did it to spread out what was obviously a reverse bell curve, with 90% of players being placed in high gold or low plat, making matchmaking wildly unpredictable.

Kicking people back ranks offers two huge benefits.

1. Ranking up is more rewarding/lucrative, encouraging season-long play

2. Reaching higher ranks will align you with players that belong in that rank or higher, meaning an overall higher quality experience.

then what is the point of placement matches? it doesn't feel good. it feels like a coin toss.

I tried to be nice and fill last season, but this season I figured out that if your dps is a mongoloid you have to just say fuck it and play dps and hope they switch.

>ever touching Junkrat

Pray tell, what's life like down in gold? Also feel free to elaborate on how Junkrat would ever be more viable than Reaper or Soldier in any situation when he is countered by moving.

>go 8-2 in placements
>lose 13 games in a row immediately after being placed

>I wonder if placements matter at all and they just take into consideration previous season ranking
This would be the smart thing to do. 10 games is way too little to determine skill level, and you probably won't have gotten 1000 rating worth of skill better (or worse) since last season.

It sets your MMR.

Went 5-5 in placements, got 2333. First win, earned 65 SR.

I played Junkrat in Platinum. It's not hard calculating angles of trajectory and leading people. I'd regularly fuck up Pharahs. I never said he was better than those two, I just preferred playing him

>begin and complete my season in 2 hours

Eating Mei and Zarya ults or just holding defense matrix over a spinning Reaper is the best.


Its not a coin toss, in fact ranking you over the course of hundreds or thousand of matches is way more accurate than ranking you based on 10.

Ranking you based on 10 matches is statistically speaking way less solid and much more of a "coin toss".

>then what is the point of placement matches?
They could still add/subtract like 200 mmr from your previous ranking if the placement matches detect that you indeed play way better than your old rank.

But placing you in diamond when you have been silver before, just because you won 9 placement matches would be super retarded.

please tell me you ran a hitscan dps alongside the junkrat

Usually, yes.

no, I'm a zen main and I finished season 2 at 3014 then placed season 3 at 2910 playing 8 games of Zen and 2 of rein. I think I went 6-3-1 for my placements.


Why does everyone in this thread seem to think that your placement is based solely on your W/L? Don't you think it takes actual performance into account?

yeah it's baffling. It's obvious it takes into account personal performance as well.

cute gif thanks friend ;)

No problem, buddy.

season one 45/ 3-7 climb to diamond
season two 2450/ 5-5 climb to diamond
season three 2650/ 8-2 climb to masters in 30 games

i love blizzard

>that pic

Embarrassing all things considered.


>Season 1

Low diamond DPS player here. Get a group with full on every role except 1 missing healer, say I can't play healer for shit, I only know DPS. They are not having any of it, tells me to pick healer regardless. To me, Zen is the most logical choice because of his dmg potential. Save ult for enemy genji/soldier. Keep killing people as if I were soldier. Haven't lost a game since. Get win streak bonus, already master. Zen is the best healer for DPS only shitters like me

>git gud
>implying overmeme takes more than two brain cells to be good at

Was Zenyatta nerf a mistake? 50% discord was one of the things keeping the tank meta in check

I was at 3700 last season and got placed there now too but I have no desire to keep playing since the meta is stale as hell, it's simply not fun



starting to get tired of people crying when I pick her no matter how good I play her


Enjoying your shitter casual community.

>be a 28xx pleb
>Poor aim
>Pharah crushing my team over and over again
>Nobody want to switch to counter her
>Pick up Soldier cause i'm sick of this
>Mercy heal/boost Pharah 24/7
>Dva rush my face everytime she see me shooting at Pharah
>Team curse me cause i dont instant kill her even with all the support she get
>Still gold kill/dmg
>This shit happen like everytime

Fuck this game man

Have your team run a Zen and just put a discord on the pharah

You can't 1v2 a Pharmercy combo, tell your healers (Ana/Zen Discord Orb) to help you next time. IF you really want to 1v2 them, play Widow and have exceptional aim.

That already wasnt funny half a year ago, literally designed by a 14 year old.

Keep getting around 2850 but can't get higher. Even if I do well in the games.

Soldier and McCree can 1v2 as long as they get the Mercy first

Also they're literally sitting ducks for their ults

>season 1: 58
>season 2: 3000
>season 3: 1800

Speak for yourself

>What do you like the most about playing the best girl?
Defense Matrixing ults to make them worthless. Soldier, Reaper, Pharah are most satisfying.

>not uninstalling and playing a decent shooter