Skyrim Civil War

>Childhood is idolizing Ulfric.

>Adulthood is realizing The Empire is in the right.

>bowing down to shitty elves

The empire is the cuck faction

>The Empire is in the right.
>empires flagship colors are red

Based Titus Mede

whole thing needed more kneecapping.

adulthood is not playing skyrim

Forgot pic

Adulthood is realizing that whichever you pick the Thalmor are fucked regardless since the Dragonborn is basically a living god and could probably kill everything they could possibly throw at him.

remove high elf

>bowing down
That's a funny way of saying "biding time until your population growth creates another generation of elf killing humans".

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Adulthood is realizing that doing this questline is a waste of time since nothing really matters in the game and barely changes anything.

>Dragonborn is basically a living god and could probably kill everything they could possibly throw at him.

Did you forget the Dragonborn DLC? TLD is currently too busy getting a mouth full of tentacles since they're now Hermaeus Mora's new fucktoy, this is how Bethesda gets rid of powerful PCs.

>being a puppet to the shitty elves
stormcloak is the cuckest faction

>too busy getting a mouth full of tentacles since they're now Hermaeus Mora's new fucktoy
Hentai when?

Watch as TLD fades into obscurity in the sequel like every other protagonist in the series.

Loverslab exists for a reason user

I would support the empire, but they almost killed me so i kill every single imperial i see.

He promised his soul to a ton of daedric lords due to quests, just think of how many fucking daedra lords you deal with ingame.
But I do wonder if any of that shit affects him in the slightest, since he's like an aspect of Akatosh or something?

Eh, the tentacle animation kind of sucks IMHO.

gameplay wise do whatever, but in a 'realistic' situation that argument is dumb as FUCK

Unless Akatosh goes "nah fuck you fag", your soul is going straight to him once your character kicks the bucket, if Hermaeus will ever let you die, that is.

>its dumb to want to fight against a regime that kills people all willy nilly because it doesnt want to deal with the paperwork involved in letting you go.
bootlickers are scum

When an Empire tries to murder me for no good reason, it is going to get it's shit pushed in hard.

>cross illegally into a country (which is in the middle of a civil war so everyone's allegiance is being questioned)
>I dindu nuffin just let me go officer

it was literally one cunt who wanted you executed because she's a cunt. the others didn't give a fuck cause soldiers follow orders, and tullius has better shit to do. helping the empire is the only not retarded choice

>Childhood is 'realizing' that one side of any given conflict is uniformly right, without error
>Adulthood is understanding that both parties can have perfectly legitimate grievances, and are perfectly capable of cocking things up despite having a good point

That being said, I believe Skyrim remaining part of the Empire is the best option for combating the Aldmeri in the future. But either side winning the civil war is unfavorable to the Thalmor; they more likely wanted for the two nations of Men to continue weakening each other for the foreseeable future. It's entirely possible for an independent Skyrim to ally itself with the Empire when the next war comes, and the Nords can enjoy their religious freedom until then.

Tullius ordered the batch executed to have an excuse to kill off Ulfric without the Thalmor getting pissy about it. The Thalmor at Helgen wanted Tullius to hand over Ulfric to them, and he knew they'd probably just let him go.

>I believe Skyrim remaining part of the Empire is the best option for combating the Aldmeri in the future. But either side winning the civil war is unfavorable to the Thalmor; they more likely wanted for the two nations of Men to continue weakening each other for the foreseeable future.
I think this too, but I can't get past how fucking dumb it is that the plan of the Stormcloak is built on the fact that the Empire is there to help them if the elves start marching for their ass. They both need each other and thinking to start a civil war during a time like this is ridiculous

The Thalmor wanted to let Ulfric escapes so he could continue weakening the Empire with his rebellion. Tullius knew that, this is why he ordered the execution at Helgen.

Frankly this was the smart thing to do and would had ended the civil war, but Alduin had to show up.

Ulfric may as well suck Thalmor dicks for all the good he's doing for them.

Childhood is fighting the inevitability of the empires fall.
Adulthood is realizing that the empire is a failed state.

Reminder, the Tamriellic empire no longer controls the continent, they have half of Daggerfall, Skyrim and Cyrodiil, and if the Orcs really are as rumored, going to go incursion mode they will very likely lose Daggerfall.

The Empire's crumbling, user. It's been failing since TES3. It's time to let it die.

But what if Skyrim teams up with Hammerfell and takes the fight to Summerset?

If he was really smart he'd have executed Ulfric first rather than put him in line with the rest of the traitors.

>Cross from part of the Empire into another part of the Empire
>This is punishable by death

This simple act shows that even the Imperials acknowledge the Empire doesn't really exist anymore and that those from outside Cyrodill don't get rights. Why would Skyrim ever stay a part of it?

Literally why?

>discussing Skyrim lore

Skyrim is THE dullest TES game and one of the dullest RPG in general, there is nothing to discuss as the main story is shallow, your choices don't matter, and no one gives a fuck whether you pick the red or blue faction.

The Thalmor manipulated Ulfric into wanting to kill Thalmor?

Yeah, that's totally not self-defeating. That will never bit them in the ass.

Ulfric is objectively wrong - the game makes this clear, though not until you've made a choice one way or the other.

It's actually pretty bullshit that they couldn't just let the stormcloaks be a legitimate choice. No spines.


The Hero of Kvatch is (((probably))) the Sheogorath you encounter in Skyrim.

>killing every elf you see
>forcing the Empire to get their shit together
>praising some emperor that hasn't even been born yet the whole time

why aren't you doing this Sup Forums?

Because the longer they wait the more room for error there is. He is the leader, he should be killed first. Why wouldn't they kill him first?

He is, he mentions the being present at the Oblivion crisis in his own madgod way.

Ulfric may kill some handful of Thalmor here and there but in the end he's unwittingly helping them a lot by weakening the Empire and tearing it apart.

It's been explained a million times.
The Thalmor are benefited by a distracted empire, not by a Stormcloak victory.

A Stormcloak victory will force the Empire to send more legions, weakening them elsewhere. It has been explained a billion times.

And it's been explained a trillion times that the collapsed empire only has so many soldiers to send marching across a mountain to fight a dragonbron-led incursion before they send a diplomatic escort to sign a treaty.

Imperial Legion master race here.

>Implying Martin's sacrifice didn't make it impossible for faggot Daedric Lords to claim souls like this
>Implying the Dragonborn as an aspect of Akatosh is completely fucking above that shit anyway

He has free reign to do what the fuck he wants when it comes to pledging allegiance to faggots like that to get their artifacts.

Why the hell would they send more Legions after losing their foothold? The whole reason there's only one legion in Skyrim is because they can't afford to move away the one they have left out of Cyrodil.

Showing them as a shadow of their former power, open to further rebellions. Meanwhile Skyrim will fall into irrelevance and will be busy purging non Nords.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

Explain the Thalmor to me

What the fuck are they?

People talk about them like the fucking boogeyman in the game and don't explain what the fuck they are

While this may be true no one expected the world ending avatar of the god of time to come in and start wrecking shit.

Pointy Eared Jews

Yellow Elf shits that want to unmake reality

The more room for error? They had him dead to rights. They were in well controlled Imperial territory. What? Some magicel threat is just going to swoop in from the sky? You are a loon.

In reality they're a group of high elves who think the removal of Talos worship will destroy mundus, allowing everyone to ascend into being god like beings like they originally were before Nirn was created. They reason they're in power is because they claimed to have stopped the Oblivion crisis. And took the moons.

Thalmor are a political group of elves that currently rule over the altmer, their political agenda is ending the world.

Only Skyrimbabbies pick Stormcucks, I find it hard to even find sympathy for them when all they do is alienate everyone while the entirety of Oblivion was showing how cool the Empire and Legion was. Not to mention that Ulfric is nothing more than a Thalmor puppet used to give the Empire a distraction so they can't build up their forces

Arena's protaganist is the only one who really vanishes

Daggerfall's get torn apart by reality when the Warp of the West happens

Morrowind's goes to Akavir to kill snek men or some shit

Oblivion's becomes Sheogorath

Skyrim's becomes HM's fucktoy


How the hell did that happen? I thought everyone in the Empire knew about Martin's sacrifice to end the Crisis.

>Wah we're unhappy that Tiber Septim became a God and we're not psuedo Gods any more
>I know, let's all band together and completely fucking separate the bonds that tie reality together and fuck everyones shit up so we can maybe go back to being how we were

WE WUZ GODZ N SHIET is basically their shtick.

As a redguard I support the stormcloaks because blond Nordic women are insatiable in bed. Their love for big curved ra'gada cock knows no limits.

>they claimed to have stopped the Oblivion crisis
This makes me mad and confused at how people could buy such a lie in the first place after the whole ordeal that Tiber Septim and the player from Oblivion went through and how famous both of them were.

>applying real world politics to fantasy politics
>challenged the incompetent high king to fair combat

terrible post

As I remember it, a faction of extremist Island Elvs in Summer Set who believe reality is impure and in order to return to heaven/purity they must undo reality. They were unpopular until the Oblivion invasion on the planet fucked their Islands, along with most of Tamriel, hard. Then they rose to power and began their campaigns to take over Tamriel.

>People try and kill you for no reason
>take their side

Want to get ORCED cuckboi?

No it's more like they wanted to kill Ulfric so they rushed to execute all the prisoners. You were a victim of citcumstance.


I wonder if Bethesda will pick a canon ending for the war.


Never happened in TES

Am I remembering things wrong or do you actually meet an aspect of Talos in Morrowind on Red Mountain

Wulfharth was it?

Why can't you join the Thalmor, everybody in Skyrim is a fag.

>sided with the stormcloaks
>finished the civil war quest
>realized I made a big mistake

Because then they couldn't just copy paste missions and would have to put effort into making the game

You realize Tamriel doesn't have telephones. Or the internet. Right?
There is no Tamriel Twitter, or Youtube, or whatever to get news quickly. And the games are incredibly compressed, walking from one end to the other doesn't take a day.
Summerset is an island a long, long way from the Imperial City.

>Summerset is an island a long, long way from the Imperial City

which helps his point sort of

You have this Hero of Kvatch running around closing oblivion gates, but some faggot elves sitting on an island some ways away stopped the Oblivion crisis?

It's not like the imperials believe the thalmor, it's more that the altmer native to and living in summerset believe the thalmor moron.

Weren't the Summerset Isles hit really, really fucking hard by Oblivion gates opening up which is why they're extra mad about it?

Also, why was it only Mehrune's Dagon trying to muscle in? Was it only his cultists trying to do shit?

>Kids think that the skyrim vactions really had any interesting qualities or real point to them

I liked the Dawnguard

Their point was pretty straightforward, kill vampire fucks.

Set 6 200 years in the future and just give vague references to the Second Great War.

Problem solved.

Need some help about the horses. I have Frost and Shadowmere and i want to know if you can store in a safe place both of them. Is there any special place to store then?


>Join the Dawnguard as a vampire
>Nobody seems to notice

>Walk near a bandit with an IQ of 50

They were still cool though

>it's another imperilards believing that skyrim needs the empire and not the empire needing skyrim thread

>tfw couldn't kill her and her cunt of a mother

So why did Isran a battle-hardened bordering on paranoic vampire hunter just let two daughters of coldharbour, the living exemplifications of all that is wrong in this world, walk away again?

Even if they helped defeat Harkon, they still have a 1000+ years of preying and feeding on the weak and innocent, are we supposed to just ignore that or what?

I actually like the "Vampire that hunts other Vampires" trope, I got her cured anyway.

Yeah, that was kinda dumb. I still thought they were the coolest of the Skyrim factions though.

I just skip the middle man and summon the plastic skeleton horse.

The only people who hate Serana are paladins and homoseuals. Just saying.

They just follow you around until you get on another horse at which point they mostly return to wherever you obtained them

Was it ever brought up in game what Serana and her mother feed on?

Also, the answer you're looking for is shit writing.

Lore wise though, shouldn't they be extremely fucking strong?

>he's not a paladin

>Was it ever brought up in game what Serana and her mother feed on?

Daedric prince cock

no, he makes it vague enough

I mean, by that logic the character is canonically a thief too

>one guy represents the whole faction

stormcuck logic

>he's not a homosexual

He is, though Daedric Princes lack the agency on Nirn they once had before the Oblivion Crises.

But no protagonist has a direct major effect on the setting following the ending of their game.

homosexuals are gay lol

>one guy represents the whole faction

Imperivirgin logic