What went wrong with RTS?

What went wrong with RTS?

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whole genre is dying.

some user said that it's because of too much focus on MP contents, and i agree with him.

can Spellforce 3 save us RTS bros?

gas powered gas pussied out after supcom: FA and scaled it back

playerbase being baddies

MOBAs killed RTS

RTS have not changed or innovated in 20 years


So people are playing cossacks 3, I thought it was completely deserted.

The games focus on multiplayer while the game itself usually has a high skill floor. People get stopped by the enthusiasts on multiplayer and never play again.

Bad managements mostly

Homeworld flops due to Gearbox
Titans is a literal scam
Grey Goo had no marketing whatsoever and also no support
And so on.


TBS is easier to make with a lower budget and DLCfests like Total War are more profitable while you can't nickel and dime that much in traditional RTS because balance matters more in those games.

the genre killed itself with APM meme.

You faggots buying DUDE WE WUZ HD N SHIEETTT instead of supporting new devs and new IP

Don't even try to blame MOBA, if you guys buy the fucking game then devs will surely make fucking more

>Homeworld flops due to Gearbox
Nah, that flopped due to the fact it had just a month or so worth of advertisement behind it.

>Cossacks 3
I loved Cossacks 2. Will I enjoy this one even though I'm a bad RTS player?

That Ashes of Singularity player count, kek. Why did they even make an expansion for this crap? How in hell did they get money for it?

Concurrent player count isn't everything. Look at Steam Spy instead. The first game sold around 100k, so I guess people bought it for sp.

more like for benchmarking dx12

People have become stupid. Veterans of the series wipe the floor with new players so they quit.

How does this explain 17 year old AoE II doing well for itself though?

That's a big part of it IMO. RTS Multiplayer just isn't fun to most people and the people who keep playing it set the bar pretty high for new players.

Not many good new RTS out there.

The best latest ones have probably been CoH2 (shit game, but its popular), and Wargame Red Dragon (although its been on life support for a while).

The whole idea of returning to the "Golden Age of RTS" is fucking dumb meme devs keep falling for. Gray Goo was mediocre and failed. Act of Agression was a huge failure, and they had to fall back to Wargame and sell DLC. Cossacks III didnt gain too much traction. Men of War just fucking reskinned the original game.

There's been so little innovation. Homeworld is unique, but they just remastered it instead of building on it. Wargame was probably the last innovative/new idea for an RTS/RTT.

Not only that, its objectively harder to learn RTS than play something like FPS or an RPG.

Good games get a playerbase
Bad games don't

because literally how any other new games out there can even compete?

That game is a meme though.

Is there even a way to improve AOE2 gameplay wise?

Blizzcucks and PCfat killed RTS

What made AoE 2 so perfect?

make the dark age shorter
otherwise it's perfect

MOBAs are pretty much all the good parts of RTS with none of the bad.
And it conquered the world because of that.
Why would anyone care about an outdated genre outside of nostalgia?

Play Wargame Red Dragon

It probably has something to do with that the game doesn't really have any gimmicks. It's just a really good RTS game.

The real problem is that

There's 0 fantasy RTS anymore, apart from Cossacks, 0 historical as well, and even then, Age of Empires 1, released two decades ago IS THE ONLY RTS TO FEATURE THE BRONZE AGE


I'd like if melee units could move a bit faster.

This guy is right
Futuristic and modern settings are shit

Big companys aren't interested in this niche genre anymore.

I find that most devs aren't creative enough to do futuristic stuff.
They all base themselves in other games for world building and thus end up looking samey and boring.

Even though Fantasy RTS of early/mid 00s did this as well, we still got a bunch of creative settings like Battle Realms, Age of Mythology or Impossible Creatures.

Warcraft 3 standardized fantasy and Starcraft standardized space.

This, and the fact that the inbetween indie and triple A is fading fast.


Stop playing shit games OP

Does this have basebuilding?

This is a bona fide, true to definition RTT and not RTS

Age of Empires II aged like dogshit and the HD version is borderline unplayable despite all its fixes

Supreme Commander perfected the genre. There's just nowhere new to go.

As an avid AoE2 player I agree it aged badly but I still think it looks good. Damn sprites are like wine.

Yeah but still good and alive, at least
No, but you can easily craft you own maps, and with some mods, use the weirdest tanks/stuff of WW2.

The only thing that aged badly is the pathfinding for big armies

Graphics are fine. Netcode and controls tho

Still, not a true RTS, you just proved the genre as it is is dead regardless.

Act of Aggression is still the most hilariously fake sounding game title of all time.


Why won't anyone just clone it and slap modern graphics on it

Ok, to make it quick
There are 3 groups that play RTS:
>sand castle sculptors
>team based whiners

First ones went to more specialized genres like Anno or Sim City.
Third ones are playing MOBAs and type in Caps Lock how their team sucks

Tourneyfags of RTS are people who can only exclusively play this type of games but they quickly lump together to form massive gravity wells that suck up all attention from smaller games.
Why should they move from games they like and
have mastered to new waters with barely any players?


Good enough for me.
Look at this shit

>how do we fix MoW?
>better UI or self sufficient unit AI?

>no fun allowed
Also, do you know what a mod is ?

No one to play with

What about the fourth group?
Those who liked the campaigns.

this. american millenials buying the box without looking at the content.

homeworld is great

Oy Vey, funny nose.

requires too much skill

people just want games to pat them on the back for pushing buttons.

This. AOEII wasn't obsessed with balanced-for-lean multiplayer. Before developers were obsessed with delusions of esports grandeur, they could make design decisions that were actually fun and engaging.

No one thinks RA2 has a semblance of balance, but that doesn't mean it isn't a blast to play.

What are you implying, goyim?


Too much focus on units and skills. Not enough focus on base building.

>5 futuristic RTS' are in the shitter
>2 historical RTS' are keeping it alive

No one has innovated in the last decade. RTS won't be popular until its easier to play. Most people don't find micromanaging to be fun, if a dev found a way to automate certain parts of the gameplay I think RTS could be more popular.

Starcraft II's Co-Op mode is the easiest RTS one could play and it gets around 30k players in a day on the EU server only.

I agree 100%

Holy shit there's a terrestrial Homeworld game

I didn't know about this. I'm sure it won't run on a fucking netbook though

Fuck yes my man
I vote Battle for Middle Earth as well, the first one.
Gondor has tons of upgrades, stronger units all around than anything Rohan had, still Rohan had its place because of cavalry and late game ents.

But oh boy didn't it feel good to trample over foot soldiers. Felt better than winning sometims.

There's 700 on DoW 1 and 1,000 on DoW 2

lol. these plebs think RTS is dead when we have TWO amazing gems coming in 2017

Halo Wars 2

Dawn of War III

they're both going to be AMAZING.

That should've given devs a clue already but no, lets keep making more sci-fi shit.

Nothing, people just play dota now days

>too much focus on MP contents

this killed rts for me.

I think a good option to attract the shitters would be to create a game which would put emphasis on unit intelligence. Make the player handle deployment and other general macro stuff and only give the general directions for units with basic move, attack target/area, defend target/area orders, Then make him watch cool shit they do. For example, give each soldier within infantry squads ai of the level fps enemies or bots nowadays have, so they can move around, take cover, etc. Make tank units flank, hull down or evade air strikes.
Basically, eliminate the micro like dodging stuff, exact positioning, stuff that makes you win or lose in a few seconds but is super easy to fuck up.
I doubt the core strategy audience, me included, could be satisfied with that though. You'd have to really build up the macro and strategy part to keep it entertaining and then we're back to the square one, too hard for casuals.

How many layers of irony are you on

"aged like milk/shit" is a buzzword used by underage kiddies

That's the whole point, why can't we get good rts games anymore.

it's an expression indicating that the game doesn't really live up to modern standards of a video game, which in the case of AoE2 is objectively true. Fuck off.

They just need to make another Dune.

You mean, autoplay the micro but still let the micro happen?
A sensate suggestion, I think.

Why would anybody wants to look at a game play itself instead of actually playing it

>asking this in the middle of the let's play era

They're simply too hard for most people. I don't think people enjoy the intense amounts of micromanagement they require if you actually want to be good at them.

MOBAS are a lot easier to get into and being able to play with friends is very attractive to lot of people where as RTSes are mostly 1vs1 ordeals where you can't be carried.

>which in the case of AoE2 is objectively tru
except it is not. The only questionable thing about AoE 2 gameplay is how retarded shift-queueing commands is

They usually go to sand castles because they move their units in blobs and take ages to build bases.
I played a lot of campaigns before I turned into tourneyfag.

>Modern videogames

well I guess 'playing itself while handholding the player' counts as a standard

Relic went full retard and the result was CoH 2 and the upcoming disastpiece, DoW 3.

Genre peaked in 2006 with Company of Heroes and nobody that makes games bothered to figure out why it was so good.


""""""""""""""modern standards""""""""""""""

I want to play age of empires 2. Wat r min specs, is i7 and 16 ram enough?

>PA titans

I remember there was a bug caused by an update to the game. Where the screen would flash in multiple colors and cause none of the troops/buildings to show up

input delay, pathfinding, interface, controls, netcode are all pretty rubbish my man

esports shown people that they are bad at the game and are playing it wrong, for the most part

But AoE HD has 2 more expansion packs including new campagins, maps and civs it also has better AI and higher unit cap than the old version also camels are no longer counted as ships it is 100% superior.

>input delay

none of those are a problem

>muh starcraft 2
>starcraft 2 comes out
>its bad

They're not team games. If you fuck up and lose there's nobody to blame but yourself. Same reason fighting games aren't as popular as mobas or fps.