Convince me to either play or skip this

Convince me to either play or skip this

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You will play it.

It's clunky and fan-fic tier bullshit as fuck.
Even Kojima dislikes it, and retconned it out of existence with Peace Walker, which is miles more enjoyable experience, especially in its HD port form.

It was confirmed semi canon no matter how much you hate it

Either do this or watch the MGSPO movie super cut on YT

Venom never cared about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

No, I am not Venom and neither are you

It's really not a good game. Dragging enemies to the convoy is such a chore


>INB4 it better than Peace Walker

it really fucking isn't

pls go kojima

It's the best written MGS game. For once it closes plotholes instead of opening new ones. It's te only MGS that makes the plot less convoluted.

But PW has better gameplay.


>It was confirmed semi canon no matter how much you hate it
In the sense that they already made it and promoted it as a legit continuation to MGS3 and Kojima had no choice but to set his own sequels to the prequel to Metal Gear further in the timeline gap. He starts off PW by disavowing as he does with every Metal Gear game not written by him.

I personally thought MPO did a much better job of being an MGS3 sequel than MGS PW and MGS V though.

Why is the best MGS song in the worst MGS game?

Ironically it's nearly Snake's Revenge tier in terms of Hideo having nothing to do with the script and wanting to change as much as possible at the last minute. It's more a Metal Gear tribute game than a proper MGS title.

To everyone saying it's worth playing because it's canon:

Who the fuck cares? Literally nothing from this game ever comes up later on, and Peace Walker starts with Kaz telling you to leave everything from San Hieronymo behind you. The Star Wars Holiday Special is also canon because it introduces Life Day and Kashyyyk. Is it also worth watching?

No it's fucking not

This game is an abomination of a train wreck.

If you absolutely MUST play it in some way, shape, or form, play Portable Ops Plus. It greatly enhances everything except for the story, which is rips out completely, because it is worthless.

go back to reedus kojima-san

>For once it closes plotholes instead of opening new ones. It's te only MGS that makes the plot less convoluted.
I can't help but feel that Kojima had some sense of resentment towards MPO, since it used all the possible scenarios for relevant Big Boss stories (e.g. Frank Jaeger and Roy Campbell origin stories, Patriots origin, FOXHOUND origin), that they had no choice but to make up new stuff for PW and V and have it not break the canon that much. Did anyone really cared about Master Miller and Otacon's dad before PW?

>It's the best written MGS game.
pfft ahahaha!

>For once it closes plotholes instead of opening new ones
Yeah, by totally raping tons of good characters, and literally starting the whole FOX = Lalilulelo shenanigas. Not to mention SPACE METAL GEARS, in 1970s!

>Did anyone really cared about Master Miller and Otacon's dad before PW?

Master Miller was important because we knew from Metal Gear 2 that he had a lot of history with Big Boss, but "something" happened that caused a huge rift between the two, and Snake had a mountain of respect for the guy because he was trained by Miller.

But no, nobody cared about Otacon's dad who we knew absolutely nothing about besides him working on Metal Gear technology in the past, and literally getting cucked to death. The fact that he worked on MG technology meant he had to appear at some point, though.

Canon has never really mattered in Metal Gear anyway. Hideo could come out tomorrow and say "Portable Ops is 100% canon and MGS2 is no longer canon" and it wouldn't really change anything.

yeah peace walker and V were much consistent technologically

>Master Miller was important because we knew from Metal Gear 2 that he had a lot of history with Big Boss, but "something" happened that caused a huge rift between the two, and Snake had a mountain of respect for the guy because he was trained by Miller.
Except he was never really close to Big Boss to begin with. That was purely a retcon from PW. In the MSX Metal Gear 2, he was simply FOXHOUND's drill instructor and his origin was completely different (he was a third-generation Japanese-American, not second).

>and it wouldn't really change anything.
Except for MGS4 and Rising, so the entire ending of the series + epilogue

You can literally sedate and drag waifus into the back of your truck for "reeducation"

My only disappointment with that is that Snake doesn't an OTS carry with them. He just drags them the same way he would with a male soldier

Definitely play it if you haven't played Peace Walker. In terms of gameplay, Peace Walker made a lot of its design choices from the short comings and complaints from Portable Ops.

That said, Portable Ops is better with its story, takes shit more seriously and doesn't throw in crazy magical technology that the 70s shouldn't have at all, unless you were into that.

You get to play as Major Zero, that's all that matters.