TLOU Multiplayer > Metal Gear Online 2.0 > Uncharted Multiplayer

TLOU Multiplayer > Metal Gear Online 2.0 > Uncharted Multiplayer

What other single player games that have better than expected multiplayer modes deserve a place on this list?

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>Everyone on my team in TLoU MP


Assassins Creed?

Really bad multiplayer imo

OP for once actually knows what he's talking about. I'd have MGO2 head and shoulders above the other two but those are a close as it gets.
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mountain blade: warband?

idk i guess when the multiplayer mode becomes good enough it becomes a multiplayer game, so i cant really think of any single player games with great multiplayer

>Taccy shotgun
You're alright, user.
>Silenced taccy shotgun
>No sexy DLC executions
I'll allow it.

Hunting Rifle/Revolver/Double Barrel is my top loadout.

Factions has the best bomb shenanigans

Uncharted 2 Multiplayer or Uncharted 3 Multiplayer? Uncharted 2 shooting feels a bit better but I liked a lot of the stuff they added in 3. Medal Kickbacks were bullshit though.


Literally cancer


Put Titan fall 2 on that list, it's mulitipayer is amazing

uc 2 >tlou >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>uc3

uncharted 2 really made so much fun, getting exclusive skins for getting the platinum trophy was awesome. Uncharted 3 was kinda shit, maybe I was bad, but in uc2 I was good in uc3 I was bad.

It really bugs me that there is no good 3rd Person Shooter on the PC which is like one of the naughty dog games. Nice Story and nice mp.

People might say mass effect, but honestly I never understood the praise. Always seemed pretty shitty to me

Why is it that tacked on multiplayers from single player focused games are the best?

>that aim
Why can't consoles just support m+kb

Mass Effect 3 MP aka one of the few rays of ligetting in that shitshow. Also I remember really enjoying Dead Space 2's multi-player but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that great objectively.

Dat fucking squad wipe. Good show user

You evil bastard. Reminds me of rolling bombs down the stairs at the centre room on Coal Mine.

Oh and Red Faction Guerilla. One of the most underrated games for MP. I still sometimes think of getting it on PC when it's on sale, but I know the servers are probably beyond dead

What about the MP in UC4?

Gears of War desu.

Analog controls are bad but they're nowhere near as bad as that player makes them out to be.