ITT: Hidden/underrated qts

ITT: Hidden/underrated qts.

Bonus points if they come from a game that's good.

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Is she romanceable?

Who is that? Looks familiar but not sure if she's the one

The best.

Good taste, OP. Ken Marinaris from ZOE2 is definitely a qt.

yeah, by the end of the game she practially jumps on your cock

>that one ending when Stocke just runs away with her

Shame you couldn't get the bonus points for the game being good.


Ken Marinaris from Z.O.E 2


She's a fucking cunt.

She gets the million bonus points for being super qt though.


>Can't pilot without AI assistance
>Can't do shit even with AI assistance, even in a top tier OF

Ken a shit.

Real pilotfu coming through.


>Ken Marinara sauce mclargetits
>Not going for the giant robot waifu

But you're the best, baby

I see you are also a man of refined taste.

I need to replay it sometime to see if I get bonus points. I remember it was fun.


Easily the best ending.


he eventually ends up with her in true ending as well, but without fucking up the entire world in a process

Kiiilll meee...

love me some retarded cow.

>tfw nobody recognizes your waifu on Sup Forums

Yeah but the bad end reminded me of Farewell To Arms.

Also I thought he ended up with the princess at the end? I can't remember much about the actual story that wasn't Stocke being a badass.



>It ain't gonna pilot itself

Princess is his sister
Stocke specifically mentions Raynie in a true ending

>Also I thought he ended up with the princess at the end?
He is basically luke skywalker, so no he doesn't end up with the princess.

There's only one pure waifu in ZOE

Oh dang never mind then.

>sequel when

seriously, i don't know how anyone who played the game could like ken

also godlike taste user

Isn't she also based on some drugged up junky like the ones before her?

She has autism, not even joking, check the symptoms.


Best president

The waifus from Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun are pretty cute.

Yuki is adorable if a little autistic, and Aiko is lewd as fuck.


>That thumbnail

I was about to chew you out.


Nice CO Power meter you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it.

>Imagining her barking orders in a thick Russian accent.


jesus christ user

She also has a batshit sister and a loli sister.


She's perfect just agree with me


Because characters don't have faces in the Mech Garage Simulator, that's the part of the appeal to me though.

Terrible moe uguu ice cunt. Worst female in the series.

>that easter egg when she loses her suit for sports bra

In spite of game posing as a grimdark "serious" entry, I still couldn't take it seriously.

>sequel is visual novel on the fucking vita

I will never not be mad.

My first vidya crush.


Nobody even knows her name.

She's so perfect they didn't even update her animations 20 games later.
At least enough people know about Project Diva to get SEGA to care.

She's still just there to be a sad sack of shit with her other povertyloid friends.

>Well, here I am! Conker the King... king of all the land! Who'd a thought that? But how did I come to this?--I hear you say.

does this "game" count?

Well, yeah, as of X, everyone but Miku got screwed over.

not sure what to say about the first game but the PSP games are pretty good from what i remember.

If World of Final Fantasy ever gets a sequel, surely there's gotta be hope in seeing her as a chibi.

i dont remember the game that well, but is she from Phantasy star portable or something like that?

>the series is now dead with Konami and will most likely get pachinko

Wheelchair qt

Speaking of Diva X, is it true you need the playstation eye to play it? Cause if you do that's some BS


Nope. Especially not since it's also on vita.

she was annoying as fuck from what i remember

Phantasy Star Universe and Phantasy Star Portable 1, 2 and Infinity. Infinity didn't get localized.

Yeah, surprised me as well. Neat character cast overall.

i only played portable 1



She was a fucking pushover compared to Wynne, how on earth was she ranked #2?

Eureka 7 ps2 game that sucked balls big time

best girl

She may have been a bitch, but I did enjoy floating above lava to make her robo qt frame heat up so shes strips aaand her freak out over her frame being hacked.

A-adol why are you touching my face??

Even before I knew she was a bun.

Noble birth.

>underrated or hidden

>Zero/Ao no Kiseki
>not underrated or hidden


just because a character's game is untranslated does not mean they're underrated or hidden

typical rixiafag delusions


Muh nigga, I was just about to post her. Makes my dick DIAMONDS only one who can come even close is Dr. Naomi

Dolores was a better series then people give it credit for. I've never seen ANYONE besides me like it.

Chloe has a lot of fantastic lewd pictures

Best mage.
>Has a sad back story but doesn't give a shut
>Battle lines are smug with a side of double entrendres

Fauxnel > Lezard
Lieselotte > Mystina

Great tastes.
Did episode 3 ever get fan translated?

I didn't really enjoy infinity as much as I did Ambition. Perhaps because half the cast made me want to pour acid on my face.


I liked it.

>No ZOE 3 with Hathor, Isis, Anubis and Jehuty all present

It hurts.

My nigga! Dolores is too cute. I wanna name my first born after her.

You could save Nei on PS2 remake, why not Alys? Fuck this shit.

Mirania a best.


The cutest