Tales of Berseria

Tales of Berseria demo available on January 10th, 2016 for both the PS4 & Steam.

New dubbed video released as well.

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Pre order bonuses/any day one purchase incentives fucking when

I need to know which system to get it on. Then again being able to pirate all the costumes with a legal copy of the game is tempting.


The dub fucking sucks

>mfw they changed the sacrifice scene

So much for that one interview where the director talks about wanting to deliver the same game to fans.
Can already see them censor the DLC costumes as well now.

What exactly is different?

Instead of Artorius stabbing Laphi and letting him slide off his sword, he makes him float in the air above the pit, stabs though a magic glyph, and causes a blade of light to stab Laphi instead.

There's still onscreen child death, but it's slightly less brutal.

Every dub sucks. That's why you play with the original voice acting.

Velvet brother literally got stabbed in the chest by Artorius sword without hovering in the air and getting impaled by a magic sword. After Artorius stabbed him he just dropped him off his sword into the abyss. This magical sword scene makes him just fall into it.

I like the original scene better because it's was much crueler and set the atmosphere that Artorius doesn't play games even if you are his family.

>caring about voices in tales
>caring about the characters or the rehashed plot in tales

Go back to persona threads where those things matter

shit you're right, what the fuck the scene loses dramatic tension and emotion if you use magic to kill him instead of brutally stabbing him and holding him high

so what? I guess children dying wouldn't make this game teen rated in their eyes, still that's fucking stupid, the scene has less impact now, I hope they don't do this for any other scenes

The Velvet voice over is pretty lame but the biggest stand out is that scene change, what happened?


It's America. What did you expect. You really thought that would fly?

Absolutely disgusting.

They censored middle fingers before in tales games.
I can't say I'm surprised.

Dammit Namco you lied.

>of all things to censor they censor fucking gore

Are we fucking japs? Lewd shit is understandable but the fuck with this shit?

They wanted the Tales game to be rated T instead of this game getting an M like it should of had. I guarantee it was the ESRB telling Bandai that they would have to up the rating if the scene stayed intact like the Japanese version and they chose to be cowards and censored it. Now I have to wonder what else is censored in this game because it is pretty brutal for a Tales game.

Exactly. I'm pretty sure the director wanted the same for every region. But then someone goes to tell him "Uh, sorry but this can't be shown in the West. You really have to change it."

You guys honestly think they want an M rating for a Tales game especially showing a child being impaled? Hell no. That would cause unnecessary drama.

They are selling to teens. Remember that. Not adults. Teens in the West complain about everything compared to the East.


They going to be doing a lot of censoring thing with the amounts of deaths in this game. This could also possibly fucked up the ending pretty badly.

>This could also possibly fucked up the ending pretty badly.
This, if they don't show this impaling how could they show Velvet ripping Arthur to pieces in the end?

They'll show it because he's a goddamn adult. Not a child.

The trust is gone. No way they didn't alter other things too.

>the new director will make sure there's no changes

Then don't buy it. Easy.

>Berseria demo available

>"I believe that those who support the Tales Of series like to have exactly the same content as the Japanese version. We believe it’s ideal and the best option to bring exactly the same game experience and design to the western countries.”

I already imported the nip version.

>murder is a less sensitive topic than sex
Fucking americans.

Weebs, ladies and gentlemen.

Yes it is dumb fuck, we have tons of violent games here. There's a reason why berserk game is censored in japan but not western version

Jesus christ that's edgy as fuck. Glad they changed it. Only 13 year olds would want to see this.

Do you need to go to church and confess your sins every time you see cleavage?

The problem is, it'll make you hate Altorious less.
And that really has a huge impact on the entire story.

You should be anger fueled throughout.

I dunno, it kinda feels like there less impact when someone is killed with magic
I feel it would more relateable to see a loved one killed with a more realistic weapon like a sword than with magic

We have to eat a hamburger actually.

Damn, that's cruel. Summer must be hell.

You might as well complain about the entire game then. Since it deals with death a lot.

>unironically defending censoring a game for an audience that was never gonna buy the game

>A 15 min skit pre order bonus

Just fuck my shit up

>The problem is, it'll make you hate Altorious less.
Not really.

Kid dies because loved one wanted to kill him.

Any kind of doing still means the guy should be hated.

Murder is fine to look at in America. So long it isn't a kid. Any other else and it's fair game. Even kids can watch murder there.

Nudity though. That's blasphemy.

>playing a dual audio game in English

>New dubbed video released as well.

I can't even fathom how anyone would want to play the game without Rina Sato's voice.


>already censorship

Guess we can kiss the /ss/ goodbye.

It's on PC

>Playing a game in a language you don't understand

Much better than Xillia and Graces F
Slightly better than Vesperia
On par with Symphonia and of the Abyss

This, Im not even the kind of person that gets up in arms over this kind of thing, but Satou was on point and i can't imagine hearing it any other way.

>Tales censorship

This always happened didn't it? Didn't that girl in Xillia get censored for swearing or something? Not a big deal imo.

I have never dislikes a Tales dub and Berseeia sounds fine to me.

This is a game full of death scenes. It is concerning in regards to what they may possibly do to all the rest of scenes in this game.

>I have never dislikes a Tales dub and Berseeia sounds fine to me.

You can't say that here. Anything dubbed here is considered bad.

That's what subtitles are for.

I bet you watch foriegn language films dubbed too, you fucking philistine.

Velvet is sounds terrible, are your ears full of cum?

I mean if you think about it, I don't get why that's so weird. Murder's so outlandish and against the wall, seeing it fictionally shouldn't influence your views of it. Sex is something much more common and brought up more often, and the various illegal forms of it are a lot easier to do with less risk than murder is.

Never played the series but Zestirias (sp?) is on sale on PSN. That any good?

JRPG dubs these days are terrible. Characters stop sounding like real people, and in combat they're going to be blabbering nonstop.

>Didn't that girl in Xillia get censored for swearing or something?
Not swearing, but they censored character showing middle finger was for whatever reason.

>people blindly defending this
Can't say I'm surprised seeing as people here defended Zestiria.

It's one of the worst ones.

>PEGI 16
shaking my head

Don't get your hopes up about restoring anything.
It's only on PC in the west, so you won't have the original files to undo it. And it's obviously going to be just as censored as the PS4 version, they aren't going to make two versions of the game.

Found it:

I dont even get why this was censored in the first place

I would have agreed if I didn't hear Prompto's JP voice. His JP voice was so damn irritating because it was so fucking high pitched and it was obvious they were trying to sell him as a very effemintae character. He ended his voice in a grinding gayish way. His english voice was way damn better. Sounded jolly and really suited him.

Because someone sits in an office who's job is to find stuff like this.

If that person doesn't ever find anything, they will be fired.


FFXV's dialog is so unnatural. Everyone has to have a turn commenting on every rock they pass. In English I would give Noctis and sometimes Ignis a pass.

what the fuck is that font

Oh come on. After all that bullshit about not wanting to censor the game.

I finished this game yesterday. Absolute garbage Story and characters. I was skipping through everything 2/3 in. Gameplay was fun as fuck, but that encounter rate was pissing me off.

seriously why the fuck did they do this?

>Tales of..
end it, its not funny anomre

Guess Baba isn't the only one who can lie.

Seems to be the basic skill of every producer.

You tell me
I liking the Story and characters so far the and I think the gameplay is good but Innocence R gameplay was better

I tried to play it a bit again. It's just so slow and ugly.

It's tolerable at the start but then MUH CREED and after is fucking garbage

That's also what pisses me off as well. The damn producer said he wanted the original vision of the game to be intact yet he did this after multiple times saying he was going to have it stayed true to the original.

Plus, the death scene lack less impact now since it seems clean as shit. I like Artorious personally doing it himself because it means he willing to dirty his own hands too archive his goal even if it means running over his own family members with his own blade. Instead of distancing himself away allowing some magical bullshit take care of stuff for him as if he can't handle physically doing it himself.

Fucking censored
Im getting it used
Fuck the lying piece of shit

When did Baba ever lie?

Cool, I'll just pirate it then. I don't appreciate the censoring but I'm gonna appreciate the money I saved.


I thought they had censored him chopping her hand off too but at least that's still in.

Is this guy serious? The characters and the voice acting in Berseria are top–notch. Its like half of the enjoyment really.

Get at them on social media or something, I did.

>New producer lied about Berseria not being censored

Do you want me back now, guys?

>we won't censor it pinky promise because we love you fans
>censors it

At least the new Producer made a better game fuck off Baba

When it comes to censorship, "violence/gore" has always been Bandai Namco no. 1 priority if they had to censor something...

>Seems to be the basic skill of every producer.

It is, every producer have that skill

I don't hate Baba, but he fucked up with Zestiria and making Rose's VA fall on her knees at Tales of festival and apologize to the fans.

I don't think he lied.
I believe he generally feels this way.

He just didn't know how fucked up the localization process really is.

>A fucking demo for a game
>In the year 2016
I thought they were phased out completely, like the game manual included in the packaging.

OP fucked up.

The fuck is wrong with demos?

I guess when they meant no censoship they meant sexual themes
of course a bikini or the original outfit shouldn't censored because they're not even that sexual
but c'mon, no one would complain about the sacrifice scene, in fact it would enhance the player's enjoyment of the story and how things unfold when shit hits the fan

I just copy pasted from abyssalchronicles.

I don't even understand why they did this. It's not like they even made it less violent. It's just magical bullshit now. Why even bother with this? The game is even rated 16 which seems completely fine for this kind of scene.

>defending censorship
Get out.

It's so stupid. Laphicet is still getting stabbed.
I like how all media accounts from Bamco, don't engage in conversations about the censorship. They know.

I'm not defending mouth breather
I'm pointing out what I think happened
they're wrong for censoring the scene

What's with Namco and censoring swords now? First Dragon Ball Fusions and now this.