Vivendi now owns 25% of Ubisoft: Preparing for hostile takeover
Maybe it will force them to make good games
That isn't how Vivendi works.
What Vivendi wants to do is come in and wreck the company just because they can.
imagine a company worse than ubisoft. that's what it would be like
If it makes the plane crash faster I'm all for it.
that's the exact opposite of what will happen.
this. they did the same shit with blizzard.
>What Vivendi wants to do is come in and wreck the company just because they can.
Ubisoft is shit now anyway. Time to crash and burn.
Don't even care 2bh
>good anything
They are gonna milk the IPs for 4-5 years to get their investment back, then sell for profits, and target someone else.
God bless them, all Ubisoft makes nowadays is generic open world trash and Rabbids garbage.
why is vivendi such a massive asshole and they don't even give a single fuck?
though, maybe ubisoft will try to make a good game now.
I actually like some of Ubisoft's games. They're comfy.
Siege says hello fafgot
Oh, So there's going to be no difference then?
money means power. power means you can do whatever the fuck you want.
also they are publicly traded. their fault really.
>Siege ended up being my favorite multiplayer shooter of 2015/2016
>Ubisoft doing a semi-decent DLC plan for it
>Game continually growing'
>Ubisoft actually committed to fixing and balancing it properly
>Also has promising competitive multiplayer games down the pipe with stuff like For Honor
Vivendi trying to buy them worries me. The open world games are pretty crap, but Ubisoft does some god tier multiplayer games and has currently promised future releases will not nickle and dime with aggressive DLC releases (though so far is failing that promise with Steep)
>not fitting user's description of the shit Ubisoft makes now
>>Ubisoft actually committed to fixing and balancing it properly
it's been increasingly buggy since fucking open beta desu
>for honor
let's hope it'll be good
RIP ubi
But it has gotten better since then. I've been playing since the open alpha.
Network and rubber banding is still an issue, but has gotten better since the launch.
Also some of the major bugs and gamebreaking stuff has been fixed, and the hitboxes are now better (neck shots now count as headshots properly), plus they buffed Kapkan, nerfed Blackbeard, and actually balanced out Pulse
RIP Siege. Now we're going to get lootboxes, pay2spray, and gloves.
I don't get why Vivendi needs 30% needed to enact this
Any french people on here to explain this
Good, fuck them
Ubisoft kind of deserves it. Couldn't have happened to a nicer company, really.
>anno is shit now
>asscreed been shit for a while
>prince of persia is fucking dead
>tom clancy stuff is mediocre garbage
>far cry is going in circle and fell into shitter
>watch dogs is a blunder
they deserve it desu
It's odd, usually you just have to threaten to take over and the French give up.
WIll there be literally any difference in the games?
With the exception of Siege, when was the last Ubisoft game that didn't follow the exact focus-tested to hell blueprint of an openworld dotted with pointless bullshit with absolutely no risk involving the actual gameplay mechanics?
EA and Activision are far worse than Ubisoft
>thinking vivendi will make things worse
>its fucking impossible
>jewbisoft is dead or nothing but f2p mobile
lmao who cares
also this
What's stopping ubisoft from not selling them any more shares?
Some bizfag explain it to me
>Maybe it will force them to make good games
Gameloft was once a pretty good company. Now it's just part of the Shilling network.
ubisoft will add more pay for bullshit while releasing mediocre content.
It's publicly traded shares. Meaning it's not Ubisoft / Guillemot selling them. Guillemot has been trying to buy shares and convince other shareholders not to sell to Vivendi but they simply do not have enough money to keep up with Vivendi / Bollore.
Ubisoft doesn't own the shares. The best they can do is try and convince the people who do own the shares to not sell them to Vivendi.
But given Vivendi's track record, and the inevitability of them gaining control, a lot of people will be cashing out before the stocks crash.
EA and Activision still publish good games once in a while. Ubisoft doesn't.
Ubisoft is a publicly traded company iirc.
Without going into the details of public vs private traded stock, Ubisoft basically has to sell stock to anyone willing to buy into it.
There are upsides and downsides to public trading, most of them are more for commercial purposes and monitoring trends, but what Vivendi is about to do will be a big downside.
Coming at this from a legal standpoint, and not entirely versed in French laws regarding majority buyouts.
You're delusional if you think Vivendi is spending millions of dollars to make good games.
Good, Ubisoft is a shit developer and had a negative influence in the gaming industry so to have any them get fucked is great.
>le ebin fat screaming childrens entertainer
Anything is better than current Ubisoft. So maybe this can be for good.
Fuck I used to love Gameloft, even if their mobile games were carbon copies of popular console/PC games.
Still, Zenonia, NOVA, and some of their other stuff was pretty good for car rides.
With Vivendi, I promise you, they will make you miss Guillemot and current Ubisoft.
>ubisoft will add more pay for bullshit while releasing mediocre content.
so literally nothing changes then
Are you trying to imply that shallow open world sandboxes aren't fun?
You can do so much in them though. Like climb towers to activate beacons.
Fuck ubisoft desu. They deserve to die like this. Fucking cancer company that releases thrashy sjw shitfests.
I cant beleive there are actual retards IN THIS THREAD who buy ubishit games
>Never played Rainbow Six Siege
I bet you're a niGGer too
Ubisoft does literally nothing of worth. The only passable game they've made this decade is Siege and that's online only (or may as well be) so what is that worth.
literally who
>picturing Siege where they now lock gun skins and charms behind loot boxes
>start doing outright pay2win operators that you can't grind for
>bullshit imbalanced maps
>do a sequel that simplifies the destruction system into something more akin to Battlefield 4
>no lean buttons
>return to Vegas style cover system because Gears
>charge for guns
>free to play
>charge actual money for basic operators, do free rotation of 5 operators every month
>Dead in 4 months
>What Vivendi wants to do is come in and wreck the company
There is nothing in Ubisoft to wreck, they are literally the worst AAA developer out there
Who cares? And why do they care?
I don't want them to get owned by Vivendi even if I die hate them, Vivendi is a bunch of shitbags
But user, they aren't Konami
I'm retarded. Whose Vivendi?
Vivendi is still around?
The mega jew
Even Konami's shitty zombie MGO is better than anything Ubisoft will put out in then next decade
I don't think Konami counts as a AAA publisher anymore
Konami does/did Triple A games?
>though, maybe ubisoft will try to make a good game now.
It's the opposite. They have no reason to try anymore. vivendi is there to milk and sell, not to create. Get ready for even more asscreed, and a possible huge come back of the rabbids.
But i do user. I want Vivendi to fucking cannibalize this ebola company that is ubisoft.
They cant possibly become any worse. If you disagree you simply dont know ubisoft well enough/actually like their games
>Animal rapist defend Activision and EA
He's right though.
So there will be no difference from today?
Since all they do is release rehashed asscreed games with cancer dlc?
"B-b-but they will make more shitty games" isnt an argument if thats ALL they fucking do already
What has vivendi done that makes everyone hate them?
Not like anything is going to change with them in change
nothing of value was lost
They're Activision and NeoBlizzard.
>implying there's anything of quality to wreck
Fuck off.
let it be a lesson to all shit publishers and developers
Ubisoft goes from worthless garbage I wont buy to worthless garbage I wont buy
Oh noooo
Ubisoft has treated the heroes of might and magic franchise like absolute trash. I hope they get fucked hard.
>muh 97% of sales lost to piracy
They killed Sierra.
Vivendi's history in the games market was to buy their way in through acquisitions, fuck things up and then cut and run.
Ubisoft couldn't even program tetris.
I would be sad if they hadn't fucked up Steep.
How do we end the publicly traded company meme?
Corporate "democracy" was a mistake.
>end the publicly traded meme
>end all that lucrative IPO work
As if Goldman's lobbyists are gonna let that happen.
Who's next after Vivendi is done with fucking the corpse that is Ubisoft?
Take-Two, then Activision-Blizzard.
Your favorite video game.
Nah my weeb games are safe.
Probably the other big big triple A developers.
>Vivendi takes over Ubisoft
>Cancels Beyond Good and Evil 2
>wreck the company just because they can.
Wait really? But why? Like, what's the goal for doing stuff like that? Do they just not like videogames?
It has lost its meaning just like "meme" and "cuck". Don't pay attention.
Sierra :( still sad
>Fucking cancer company that releases thrashy sjw shitfests.
I think you've spent too much time on Sup Forums friend
Why would you want it?
Hopefully they will fire all the feminist cunts
This might actually improve Ubisoft, as pathetic as that is.
Because Michel Ancel still makes good games? Why the fuck wouldn't you want it
It wouldn't be good. Just enjoy your memories of the first.
How much fucking worse can Ubisoft get really?
they do yearly rehash
they do DLC out the ass
they lie about the looks of the games
European mega corp, they make most of the music you hear on the radio top 40.