ITT Characters whose smiles you want to protect


Other urls found in this thread:東方

I will gladly give up my souls to the one that lets me save Solaire.

ITT: Autismo fantasies

She literally hides an important item you have to get. Kill her

>have to get
It's her soul and you can easily just git gud and play the game without it.

I really should edit this pic one day

I love Reisen!

If you're talking about the firekeepers soul you're fucking retarded and bad if you "need" that. +4 is far more than you'll ever need in a playthrough and you can get that without killing her.

Careful, I think she got a herpes wart on her thumb after masturbating.

Now that's some real fine taste right there.

Is that a character from bobs burgers?

No, she is from Touhou!

How do you pronounce Touhou?東方
Just hit the listen button.

Is this audio from a mindbreak JAV?

And yet the game forces me to kill him. But we'll always have fanfiction. If I could just be arsed to write one.

best waifu(for the main game, get's second during the nightmare), don't even care that she's old as fuck

We don't know if he died, could just be a f-flesh wound.



What smiles?

Priscilla is the only Waifu who has a faint smile.

If popular fiction taught me one thing it's that never say never when a popular character dies, yet chances of MGR2 are very small.

tfw ostrava won't be the new king of boletaria after the demons are kil

Isn't that a man?

Priscilla? No.

Gwyndolin? Yes.

>inb4 the Gwyndolin is a woman delusion force

>that one doujin
you failed miserably at protecting that smile, do you even feel any ounce of shame spouting lies like this?

I hate Reisen!

I got bored a few hours into dark souls but thought the atmosphere was really cool. Should I try 2 or 3?



Man, the feels...


Because she is A REISEN!

well it kinda had a good ending

Sorry, I'm not sure what that means!

That's it! Now you're gonna get it!

>tfw no Tewi to cuck reisen

>Worst girl, worst girl, worst girl, worst girl with shitogatari art style, worst girl, worst girl, worst girl, worst girl and worst girl