A cheap LCD screen
A cheap LCD screen
The viewing angles definitely confirm TN, though I'm not sure what anyone was expecting
I was expecting better than TN
>PSV launched with oLED
Maybe they expected something a bit better from Nintendo's next big thing.
Did anyone honestly expect Nintendo to NOT cheap out on hardware? Shit is going to have a piss yellow TN panel, wifi speed from the PSP era, and the whole shit is matte instead of gloss for fucks sake.
>In fucking 2016
Absolutely unacceptable, even cheapo piece of shit $50 smartphones have IPS screens.
Nintendo is absolute cancer and I can't wait for those worthless greedy faggots to all die and go out of business.
led, etc. Like samsung and iphones ?
It'll be just like the N3DS, some will have TN screens and others will have IPS but you have no way of knowing until you turn it on.
Wait, so the Wii U outputs like 480p ish res to the pad, this will likely be 720p on a pretty large panel. Man this is some low quality garbage. Nintendo is so fucking cheap and this is really offputting.
>wanting grubby fingerprints on your console
you'll die before them user, why are you torturing yourself
That's not caused by a TN viewing angle you fucking retards. Don't get me wrong, it could be a TN monitor and really it should be for a handheld but whatever, that's screen glare that would occur on an IPS monitor as well.
It's a TV set, they literally have a giant spotlights pointed right at that screen from several angles.
If its ANYTHING like the 3DS it will be awful with dpi.Another generation of looking through a screen door that warps faces and any detail.
>to someone worth less than dirt
You'll be long dead before Nintendo even comes close to that.
fallon is recorded in 4K 60FPS, the screen is definitely at least 720p.
>wanting a $250 handheld that feels like a fisher price toy in your hands
people that champion and buy Nintendo products don't care about hardware power, or quality.
the Wii U was Fisher Price tier but people still defended it, I don't know why people expected something different for the Switch.
>some will have TN screens and others will have IPS
I've never had a DS. Did Nintendo really do that?
Nintendo could drop out of console making at any time if it doesnt make them money.
>glossy portable
How retarded can you be?
If you watched the actual video you'll realize that's because of several studio lights from above shining directly down on it.
Thank you sir for telling me how I'm supposed to process this OP. Now I will proceed to hate Nintendo for making such awful hardware..
Gloss looks fucking great when clean but it is fucking finger print magnet....
Why would that matter. We know its at least 720p, this doesnt factor the low quality screen concerns.
I'm not talking about the glare in OP's shitposting attempt, I'm talking about the viewing angles. You can clearly see they're shit in the video footage and it's definitely TN
Yep, the first batches of the New 3DS XL had IPS screens
ITT: Sony ponies pretending to be experts making assumptions based on 1 screanshot
what a fucking surprice
Figured it might have been anti-glare treated glasses or a screen protector. Don't think I've ever seen a screen do what was shown but then again I'm usually not at secretary height when viewing a monitor.
>PS4 Pro is pitifully underpowered trash designed to improve performance of the PSVR, which is built on recycled failed PSMove hardware
>Nintendo Switch is pitifully underpowered trash designed to match WiiU performance in a handheld form factor, recycling failed Nvidia Shield hardware/design
So far this next-gen is looking shit.
Words have meaning.
They do
It's a fucking chink glossy LCD, for fucks sakes.
Well you should hate them for making shit games and overpricing their hardware, while selling overpriced accessories and toys to you, really. They are the Apple of gaming.
Shut the fuck up nintendrone
Switch will be shit, you dont need to be a Sony fanboy to see that you big baby.
Botw looks way better on Switch and runs without frame drops. Better draw distance as well.
Toddlers are so fussy.
>Being this assblasted by Fallon
I'm astounded they put a multi-touch screen on it, especially since (from what i've heard) touchscreen is not the focus whatsoever
why the fuck is their first non-touch device in ages the one with the proper fucking modern touchscreen?
>Not wanting Matte hardware
You had me until there desu
>you'll die before them
Did you miss the first half of the video where they announced they're moving all their big IPs to mobileshit? LMAO
>retarded nintendrones
>Switch will be shit,
so this is the power of neo Sup Forums
where you saw this
ITT: OP thinks the average consumer gives a fuck about what kind of screen the device has
nice contra argument budy
here is your (you)
because as we've seen it's incredibly underpowered, and has a terrible gimmick
and most of the games are confirmed to be ports from xbox 360
Nope, looks the same. Still had notable drops, even with less vegetation in the game. Draw distance was near identical when they panned the camera. Well know for sure when digital foundry does it, but its still looking bad.
more like scratch and finger print collecting surface
>most of the games are confirmed to be ports from xbox 360
>hurrrrf durrrrf why is a portable device not as strong as a PS4?!?!?
Fuck off.
>because as we've seen it's incredibly underpowered, and has a terrible gimmick
>and most of the games are confirmed to be ports from xbox 360
source: my flamboyant dick fulled ass
The PS4pro isn't underpowered, they're just trying to run games closer to 4K than they should be
4.2 tflops is respectable for a console, you can't build a PC that powerful for the same price
What the fuck man, Nintendo's consoles don't even reach the minimum required standard to be considered a modern console
>less vegetation
The are they were in has no vegetation at all, you fucking idiot
It's a terrible feature to somebody like you, who sits in his parent's basement all day
Tons of people will love the functionality of the switch.
it's weaker than Wii U, which was already extremely underpowered at release
released 5 years after Wii U
>I'm a dumb sack of shit
- (You)
For real though. It's nintendo so I'm expecting a fairly cheap screen, but if you think that's a fucking TN you have brain problems.
actually master race. waiting to see if Scorpio can go three-for-three in being underpowered trash whose purpose is only to recycle some failed hardware from last gen. maybe consoles can finally be allowed to die.
This is partly why I hate VR and handhelds - I don't want to own more screens.
you know what ain't cheap?
A TV studio projector.
They all wear make up on stage for a reason. the skin itself becomes a reflective liability for the camera.
>this retard cant spell for shit in any of his posts
>it's weaker than Wii U
Except it's not as Tegra is more powerful than Wii U
But keep up that delusion.
>Tons of people will love the functionality of the switch.
might want to make the shilling less obvious
and if you think "normies" are going to be caught dead with a Switch in public, you are fucking retarded
Looks like IPS to me because of the viewing angle.
>it's weaker than Wii U,
you are fucking retarded, and shouldn't be allowed to breath.
The Nvidia Shield was $199
If this fucking thing is north of $199 it's dead as shit. Nothing about this thing screams high quality product.
You never asked why.
Lets see, little to no third party support, advancing the console with constant ports ports ports, no new games access from third parties, shitty battery life, shit tier screen, a fucking tablet with cheap plastic controls, most of its first year will just be Wii U games, it will still have no storage, shit online, terrible UI and awful system OS. You're basically buying into a Nintendo shield but more expensive and does less.
It will be very similar to the Wii U again. Even if it does well to any extent, the Wii was shit too and had a terrible library. This is a console for people who like Nintendo games which would be fine if they still made good games.
not him but I forgot this was a handheld. Now I'm sad. I wish Nintendo would just make a proper fucking console, but no, we can't have that, we need more gimmicks and Amiibos.
>baseless speculation for the sake of shitposting: the thread
>people actually think its TN due to a fucking studio spotlight shining directly at it
Underage Sup Forums please go...
bu...but it's Nintendo
nice bait
this is part of their deal with DeNA.
iirc they're basically leasing IPs to be sold as shifty mobiles games to turbo casuals. In other words, free money.
>lets see: bunch of shit I don't have a source for
What? It's so obviously TN
Either that or the game naturally looks washed out. Take your pick.
>it's weaker than Wii U
source: my ass
nice try shitposter san
>if you think "normies" are going to be caught dead with a Switch in public, you are fucking retarded
That's some bold prediction for someone who doesn't go outside.
>if they still made good games
they do
OP here, you guys are so easily baited kek.
>we can't have that, we need more gimmicks
Yeah, fucking Nintendo and their gimmicks!
Most people dont give a shit about picture quality, as evident from large numbers of people watching movies from their phones and preference toward streaming services.
Actually, they do. That's why OLED screens have taken off. People are familiar with LCD and OLED, and they definitely know the difference between one and the other.
Case in point: All the fucking smartphones with OLED displays.
>glare from intense studio lights
>reflective screen
Basically Sup Forums has zero critical thinking skills. Look at the bottom left of the switch where the studio lights are blocked
The games will run at 720p and you know it.
>go out of business
>make games on mobile
nice goalposts shifting, cocksucker
Have you actually ever seen a TN screen before you fucking Indian shitskin?
>My fanfic proves I'm right
You are "I draw sonichu kicking the jerkops so I'm right" tier of raving delusional.
What went so horribly wrong?
Literally this. Are people blind?
Who exactly is the target audience for the Switch? Normies? Hardcore Nintendo fans? Little kids? The whole concept of the device seems like a PR nightmare to explain to people at retail stores.
>"it's like a tablet except you can plug it into your tv"
>a bunch of 3dses set at different brightness levels
the reveal is just a fucking chroma key
>Lets see, little to no third party support, advancing the console with constant ports ports ports, no new games access from third parties, shitty battery life, shit tier screen, a fucking tablet with cheap plastic controls, most of its first year will just be Wii U games, it will still have no storage, shit online, terrible UI and awful system OS. You're basically buying into a Nintendo shield but more expensive and does less.
>the console isnt even out
>i made all this shit up based on my own asumptions
jesus crist you guys are terrible making arguments i mean is almost like you are an aunderage retard kid
who am I kidding (you) obviously are
Normies already play their 3DS in public in my city.
Checkmate turbo sperg, trying going outside once in a while.
the same said at Microsoft: nobody can notice the difference between 720 and 1080p
now the ps4 is a piece of shit but runs at higher resolution than the x1