Should I play on hard mode?

Should I play on hard mode?

You shouldn't play it at all.

Hard mode is actually hard. But you will level way faster, so you're likely to outlevel anything and everything by the end.

Fuck off, game is great.

Hard mode only really makes the beginning and end of the game really hard. You will get OHKd a lot.

It raises the damage enemies deal, but they drop much more gold.

not if it's your first time

>hard mode
Wouldn't recommend if it's your first time playing, unless you like to get raped by elder ogres in Bitterblack isles.

delet yourself.

don't expect a game where you need to git gud though, it's all about leveling up and getting new equipment so you can actually damage that next big enemy

Post arisen!


When's the first time I can get equipment from BBI? I'm like level 30 and I'm too lazy to actually explore for better weapons than the masterworks guy's

I actually have started the game already on Hard.

The ogres in the quarry keep oneshotting me even though I'm a fighter with plenty HP and defense.

The lack of dodge keeps killing me.

Can't you just block them? I distinctly remember being to block every attack, no matter how big
This ain't Dank Souls

You shouldn't continue to burden this board with your existence.

It costs plenty of stamina if you block an ogre punch.

Are the online pawns on PC worth it? Can you get by with the generics?

So you spam the hotkey for eating stamina regeneration items
I know this feels like an action game but it's basically a RTwP game, since you can heal instantly basically for free, and going into your inventory pauses the game if you need it
They have better skills and inclinations

Yes, there's exclusive rewards for beating the game on hard mode

Shieeet I wanna play again now, but I've already played through with every class. Why couldn't they have finished this game, I wanna fight moon dragons.
Didn't capcom say they were reviving older IPs, would that include dragons dogma 2?

Also hard mode balancing is shit. NG+ is also shit due to lack of balancing.

Hard mode shouldn't be played at all, it's definately not hard after you first reach gran soren with no more difficulty to be found unless you head into bitterbutt isle, all it does really is completely mess up any progression balance the game may have had.

>Get so much exp you out level mobs much faster then they level
>Get so much gold you can much more easily get effectively infinite health

It's just number inflation with no balance, there's no point really.

Not just hard mode and NG+ man, I can't think of a single mechanic or feature in this game that is remotely balanced in any way

They probably mean older than that. DD still has an MMO, which pretty much kills all hope for a sequel anytime soon. Maybe Itsuno will be based and do one after DMC 5.

Played my first time on hard.

I see no reason whatsoever not to play on hard from the start.

offline pawns have randomized skills and inclinations and will pretty much suck most of the time. a well built pawn from an actual player with proper skills, augments and inclinations can solo large parts of the game for you.

It doesn't matter.
It's not a game that you play for the difficulty, or gameplay at all.
It's all about the loli pawns.

No, Hard Mode is actually really shitty in this game. Rather than giving enemies enhanced movesets, tactics, positioning, equipment, etc... your stamina is now bullshit, they have inflated health pools, and things are more scarce.

I play games to have fun, not to be frustrated.

No, Hard Mode is artificial difficulty. Its shit.

>loli pawns


Its not actually harder, and will in fact make the game far easier because it gives too many rewards

>Rather than giving enemies enhanced movesets, tactics, positioning, equipment, etc...

literally no games do this though

So what's with the water monsters?
They could've just put an invisible wall there if they want people not to explore it, why do we need unexplained things that grab you if you go into ti?

the entire dungeon is full of gear, and you can access it whenever. you're probably going to get btfo by the monsters unless you sprint through the rooms, though. if you're lucky, there might be something good you can use from the duskmoon tower using a moonbeam gem, one of which you get from the warrior's respite. that's about as far as you can get since you'll get roadblocked by the Gazer.

It's a capcom game, you tell me

Go amazon or go home

When do I get to the part where I can just kill randomized giant monsters in some kind of arena

>invisible wall
Because invisible walls fucking suck and irritate me way more than unexplained things that grab you.

confirmed for not having played Far Cry 1 and F.E.A.R.

Just don't.
It literally changes nothing but numbers and cripples your character with bigger stamina costs.
Bigger stamina costs mean you have to pause the game and eat a pack of mushrooms every time you use a skill, or after you run 20 meters, don't fall for the meme.
It doesn't even make the game harder because it gives you 2x exp and like 10x gold.

really early. just after garden of ignominy is duskmoon tower, and you can access it from there. the room is called rotunda of dread.

>pause the game and eat a pack of mushrooms
get a load of this console pleb!

There are rumors DDO will be coming west in the near future, but that's after it has a "strong base" in the east or something like that

The game was alright. World was fairly empty and oddly small, story was almost nonexistent (but this isn't a huge issue), quests were largely just escorts or go here kill this, and while the combat was nicely varied and had a great feel and speed to it, it also seemed a little on the shallower side with regard to each of the classes themselves individually.

Overall worth playing, but I wouldn't consider it great.

Needless to say, it's the kind of game that needs a sequel to improve on its many flaws and arguably deserves it due to the potential inherent to the basic stuff offered.

Oh boy, we get a lame MMO. Forget the sequel, Capcom, I'm satisfied with my shit sandwich.

>They could've just put an invisible wall there if they want people not to explore it, why do we need unexplained things that grab you if you go into ti?
So that you understand exactly how badass the fishermen in Cassardis are.

How do I make physical classes fun?
>play Ranger
>put 7 arrows at once on my bow
>hit weak spot
>does fuckall for damage
>pick Sorceror instead
>charge High Gicel
>oneshot everything

>shit damage with Ranger

How in the fuck? Did you start as a mage?



>design slide
>it's English
what a bunch of westaboos


every time


Are you supposed to play with a controller or m+kb?

Glad to see they always wanted to make a small-ish world
Giant sandboxes are cancer



When I started the game, I had all kinds of different, seemingly high-end item sets in my deposit. I could sell these sets for a stupid amount of gold or just use them and nullify all items I could possibly buy from the regular stores.

Is this supposed to happen?

What's the point in exploring when I'm handed a good armor set or huge amount of gold in the starting village?

It's because the PC version comes with an addon, basically
All the rings and armors are so us PC plebs won't whine about having shit equipment
You can sell them if you want or just keep them in storage
Eternal Ferrystone is great though, use it

It is supposed to be there, like a 'purchased ultimate edition reward' or something.

The gear isn't that great, honestly. It'll be quickly surpassed, the gold from the monocle is more useful. Up to you if you wanna use or sell it.

Also don't forget to check your stash again after hitting up the guild.

It looks pretty nice from what I've seen, but if you don't want to play it then you can cry about it all you want

Yeah, I got stuff like the Vagabond's armor and the Lion's Spine, both of which I don't like visually but feel forced to use because they're superior to everything I come across.

What's the deal with the weapons in the Black Cat store anyway? They cost a bunch of gold but aren't even that good..

Don't use them then. They're not that much better, bandits enroute to the forest will still kick your shit in.

As for the Blackcat stuff, that's all gimmick DLC stuffs which comes prepackaged with DA. Most of it is jank, but some of it can be good if built around. The Ancient armor gives stupid good resists when forged, and the Legion's Might is the premier Mage staff.


It's not one of those games meant to be played on hard the first time. Wait until ng+.

It also halfs your stamina if I remember correctly.

Hard mode doubles stamina cost for the Arisen (basically what you said), increases enemy damage against the Arisen, boosts enemy stagger resist against Arisen attacks, and gives out double xp and extra gold.

Also, noting the 'for the Arisen' stuff... yes it is just free xp/gold for a ranged Arisen with melee pawns.

Hard mode blows.

>princess dress pawns

arisen right, pawn left.
my arisen is a pretty generic looking self insert

How would one go about playing a fighter without a shield?

I find them crude and brutish. Is it manageable?

Any pros to playing without a shield?

Hideous leprechaun, reporting in.

You're better off just playing an assassin instead if you're going to do that.

TBQHF, may as well just go sword Assassin with a bow.

OP here, my Punished Arisen.

I'm too invested into my hard mode run to start over now, might as well stick with it.

Currently trying to escort Mercedes without her getting murdered by Chimeras and Cyclops.

Just pick her up and run past them.

This. I have no idea why people on this board constantly defend this garbage

Use a ferrystone, they'll follow.

Why does the console version feel more fun and have better pawns, bros?

They have decent taste.
Here comes your essay about why that's wrong I'm sure.

I think if you perfect block you don't use any.

>Here comes your essay about why that's wrong I'm sure.
I guess that means I'm not allowed to justify my opinion. Changed my mind, DD is based af guys!

You're allowed to have an opinion, it's just that no one cares. Glad I could be of help.

So you're on this board where people post their opinions on videogames because you're retarded I guess

Got this for the humble bundle going to play it soon should I use a controller?

Go for it. The extra experience and money help to speed you through leveling up and you can always afford the best gear and plenty of consumable items. I actually like hard mode more because I never have to grind for cash - some of the later upgrades and things are pretty costly.

A tip that will make things far easier on you - unlock warrior and grab the defensive augment from it asap - you don't even need to actually level as a warrior, just grab the augment from rank 1. If you want an extra layer of protection, do the same thing with mystic knight. Between the both of them you can take hits as any class without much fear and it'll make getting started out drastically easier. It's also great because again - you don't have to actually level as those classes to grab the augments and it doesn't cost anything to swap back to your main class afterwards.

Use periapts to boost your offense/defense, or throw skulls to curse and weaken them. Liquid Vim if you have it for a period of unlimited stamina. Use throwblasts and shit for damage.

Seriously, items in this game are great. Use them.

multi hit attacks for enemies with low defense, powerful single hits for enemies with high defense. Or just use blast arrows and laugh at how overpowered they are.

Can you multiclass?

I dared not change my vocation in fear of losing all my levels in fighter..


chocolate and cream masterrace reporting in

You don't lose anything by chaning classes, you can change back and forth and they level seperately.

that sounds cuter than it should be

kill yourself and then pick "go to lower difficulty"
Thats also how you can keep your character but reset the game. Play NG+ hard mode, kill yourself, and youre back at the start but in normal mode

You can swap classes whenever you want and keep all the skills and stuff you have learned. Classes can only use their specific weapon types, and some attacks are exclusive to specific classes - anyone with daggers can use the dodge roll or hundred kisses for example, but only striders can use skull splitter.

The passive skills, Augments, can be used on any class once you unlock it. It's a good idea to hit up different classes for the augments, as they can offer pretty large boosts like +20% physical damage.

Look at the wiki for classes stat growths.

Your stat growths on leveling depend on your current class.

This isn't worth it. As long as you keep on top of your weapon upgrades it's never worth leveling for stats. You can beat all of BBI twice over before you are half way to the level cap.

Halfway to the level cap is the levels that matter tho.

I'm not saying you have to follow it religiously but it's nice to know.

Yeah, but by the time you finish your stat build and can actually start playing the class you want, you've already finished everything in the game anyway. There's just not much point to it.

Hard mode is for new game plus playthrough

It will ruin your first experience since you level too fast, get waaaay too much gold and low level bandits will one shot you. Fights that are fair and epic on normal mode will be 30min slogs where you die in one hit unless you have end game gear