China just passed a law that might ease our collective loot-box-induced suffering a little bit. Starting in May 2017...

>China just passed a law that might ease our collective loot-box-induced suffering a little bit. Starting in May 2017, developers will be required to disclose the probabilities underlying infernal mystery cubes in games like Overwatch, Counter-Strike, and Hearthstone. Here are the stipulations:
>Online game publishers shall promptly publicly announce information about the name, property, content, quantity, and draw/forge probability of all virtual items and services that can be drawn/forge on the official website or a dedicated draw probability webpage of the game. The information on draw probability shall be true and effective.
>Online game publishers shall publicly announce the random draw results by customers on notable places of official website or in game, and keep record for government inquiry. The record must be kept for more than 90 days. When publishing the random draw results, some measures should be taken place to protect user privacy.

The West erodes consumer rights with anti piracy software, DLC, microtransactions, etc while China fights for the common gamer. What a crazy year this is.

>dude lets cut regulations on businesses, they totally won't screw people over

I swear people literally never learn.

You think this was due to Trump's influence?

It's about fucking time we get some numbers on these microtransactions. I can't believe this like this exists but the pokemon games aren't even allowed to have a casino anymore thanks to fucking germany.

What a backwards-ass world we live in.

>the goverment is your friend! :)
>dude let's lobby regulations to kill competitivity and force people to use our friend's businesses
I swear people literally never learn

>china doing something good

What is happening in this world

As someone who has spent $400 on Overwatch loot boxes, thank you based China

Gambling establishments where I live have to disclose payouts, I don't see why Blizzard shouldn't.

Based China?

Don't procreate.

The reason this happens is because China has a big problem of video game addicts.

>Dude we should babysit retards

a fool and his money are soon parted my friend, regulations only makes it harder and more expensive to run and start businesses. Why do you think lots of huge corporations promote further regulation?

Just securing their own asses to prevent anyone taking any advantage of them. This is what they've been doing for a long time now.

I'd still take the washer and dryer, every time.


wow I hated myself for $30, thanks

How is this securing their asses?

inb4 a 400 post thread of people who have no idea how business, economics or china works pretends to be experts on the matter.

Imaigne all of the cyanide you could have bought with that.

Japan did that too with their gatcha mobile games, some are still trying to hide the exact percentage of each drop (they only give the percentage of chance of that quality of items to drop) but some companies that are under the eye of the japanese government like Cygames give the percentage of every single item

So what makes you so qualified, bub?

Amerilards actually elected Trump so this is their golden opportunity to take the #1 spot and they're going for it. The Chinese national assembly is considering a global goodwill jester by giving away solar power panels and facilities across the world at cost. If they do that, it's fucking checkmate for Murica.

What the fuck does this have to do with trump

>muh corporation is always right, I deserve to be scammed because massah needs a new car

Korea has this law too.

>not being jews

I have 100 doctorates in economic politics
not really, I'll just lurk to laugh at the retarded bullshit that will be obviously spouted ITT

I only play vidya while I'm drunk which wasn't a problem before since I only played older single player games. The sound of the loot box opening is very enticing to drunk me.

>You think this was due to Trump's influence?

good news. videogames nowadays feature most disgusting business practices. funny how western governments don't give a shit about that.

Most euro laws technically already have this in place, they just haven't noticed Blizzard didn't follow the law already.
They also legally MUST offer the choice to buy everything individually without a random roll, too.

Isn't the one in Japan non-binding but something that Japanese gacha games choose to follow by their own accord?

Betting shops and slot machines have the odds always clear to the user dumbass

Trump is now the only world leader who actively doesnt believe in global warming, so it's most likely embarrassment tactics

They also made a legit game that wasn't a blatant ripoff of something. Check out Icey.

It's good that legislation is catching up, loot boxes are just another name for gambling, and gambling already has a lot of this stuff in place.

>Implying global warming is real

Why would Trump have anything to do with this.

Oh those slimy Nips already did it first?

So companies from other countries will have harder time hooking the chinese people on their gambling games.

>based chinas
>lets you make games with your favorite characters no matter who actually created them to make giant mash up ultimate games
>fights for your rights to not be raped by casino urges vidya games throw at you

Maybe donald isn't such a bad guy, guys

>new business should be able to rip people
>how else would they grow?

I'm actually impressed with their censorship methods

Sup Forums could literally benefit from it.
Basically what it is is you get soft banned in a way that you can still post and use the internet for whatever but anything you post is invisible to everyone.

So noone replies to you and your shit and it make you feel like shit because you're getting ignored.

Thats silly it was already impossoble for foreign phone games to get popular in china

Chinese play chinese phone games
Koreans play korean phone games
Japanese play japanese phone games

The markets barely overlap

There's no doubt it's real. The question is whether it's a natural process or a man made one. The general consensus seems to be natural process sped up by man. Neither party gives a shit about science though.

Not only that, but renewable energy sources are now cheaper than most hydrocarbons with the exception of natural gas. Purely from an economic prospective, it makes sense to focus on them.

I tried explaining to my retarded family members in West Virginia that Trump was lying - coal isn't coming back because natural gas and renewable energy sources are far more cost effective even if you reduced regulations on coal. Of course since they still live in West Virginia, they didn't listen. At least I get to point and laugh and tell them "I told you so."

>the corporation is your friend! :)
>dude let's lobby regulations to kill competitivity and force people to use our businesses

What's to stop companies from lying? How would they ever prove that they were.

I literally don't see any downside to this. So the publishers will have to be a bit more transparent about how much they're fleecing their customers when they take their money. More transparency is good for the customer and this will make the industry healthier.

>Online game publishers shall publicly announce the random draw results by customers on notable places of official website or in game, and keep record for government inquiry. The record must be kept for more than 90 days. When publishing the random draw results, some measures should be taken place to protect user privacy.
>valve and blizzard have to publicly show the results of people opening crates

oh boy


People with money would run tests for its probability and payouts. It's easy to extrapolate given enough spins of the wheel

Remember that time America spent over a trillion dollars on a jet fighter that doesn't even work instead of on healthcare? Good times.


It's not a choice between no regulation and absolute regulation my retarded friend. Also anyone who starts a new business and starts by ripping people off isnt going to have a business for very long, usually you give a good value when you are small and once you are big you start ripping people off.

Regulation protects the big guys ripping people off from the small guys that will give value and steal their costumers.

Learn something about business kid, its useful even if you dont own one.

post yfw you realized the loot box meme will die in your lifetime

They forced this in Japan a couple years ago too, with their mobile gacha for digital card scam.

Maybe they'll get around to doing it for the US and Europe too someday.

>You think this was due to Trump's influence?
HOW fucking deluded are you?

I agree, new businesses are far more important than "people" who buy digital boxes containing unknown, digital objects. They knew that they didn't know the odds before buying crates; it's their fault.

One caveat: If the box has literally zero chance of containing the advertised weapon/skin/whatever then that is fraud. Until then, all they are promising is that their is a chance you'll get what you want and it's your own fault if you buy without knowing what that chance is.


>while China fights for the common gamer
...while harvesting organs from living people, making abominable human-animal hybrids in the lab, instituting slave labour through the use of "re-education" camps, and generally keeping a horrible grip on it's people so that they can not think, say, or do anything that goes against the ruling elite. Oh, but you'll be able to find out what the odds of getting a butterfly knife are in CSGO now, so I guess that makes up for it!

Their games aren't that popular in China and I think Valve would rather just not offer crates in a market than disclose their data.If this is true and goes through expect to see some big names pulling out of the Chinese market.

With that said Chinese play their own ripoff games and very few bother with western shit anyways.

You can continue to rip people off as long as you keep them ignorant and feed them your 'truth'.

Go protest on tianamment if you care so much


They can ask for source code, like for slot machines.

The Senate Budgetary Committee makes decisions like that (As in how much money to grant our military organizations) based on how it will affect the stocks they own.

Most Senators and Congressmen make all their money on what essentially amounts to insider trading.

For the duration of their term of service and up to 10 years afterwords, an elected official should be unable to own property, invest money, or access their assets.

Seriously, this is how I imagine you idiots would be placated under dictators - "Oh, I can't speak my mind or question the authority, but at least I have muh Hearthstone cards!"
Retards, I hate you all.

it wont valve made it non random except for the cool item everyone wants to get

even if it has 1% chacne to drop people would still find it acceptable

card games are going to get fucked tho since it all must be necessarily random

>overwatch and dota
>not popular in china


>only pretending.

if you really think people can't get away by ripping other people is not me who is retarded. You should go look at actual business. Here, let me give you a starting point: casinos.

I thought you should know you're retarded, and i can't believe im saying this in the year of our lord 2016, but lurk moar.

>generally keeping a horrible grip on it's people so that they can not think, say, or do anything that goes against the ruling elite

>le social democracy is good meme

literally a non sequitur.

Haven't people figuered out the droprate for Valve crates already?

there a reason dota 2 chest work like they do now.

I drink your sweet libertarian tears.

Does this mean Valve will have to disclose Crate chances, too?

>tell wife to invest on your behalf.
>vote yourself a $1 million salary for your term + 10 years (it's only fair)
>nothing changes

wtf I love china now???

it's literally gambling and it should be literally subject go gambling laws and regulations

leave blizzard alone, you fucking chinks.
they're the only one in this fucking industry who care about quality games and their customers.

>never bought lootbox/cards with real American Dollary Doos.

Feels good mang.

does calvin marry that chick?

>card games are going to get fucked tho since it all must be necessarily random
not really, physical card games control the random easily, they print a certain number of each cards then spread it on a controlled number of boxes and wala. Games will have to do the same instead of using RNG when people open the pack.


Back to /Reddit/ with you faggot.

>Sup Forums shit being this forced
How fucking stupid are you?

He is too redpilled to marry

>the corporation is your friend! :)
>dude let's make companies have a monopoly on some sectors so they can charge a million times more on a bad deal when other countries get the same shit for literally peanuts

you should be fucking hanged

It does work you faggot

Are they going to be forced to reveal the code the game uses to determine the results?

it's fun to see their delusions.

So the comic explains how bad business practices fail and those businesses then turn to the government for money?


what is this?

Neat. How many enemy planes has it shot down?

goodwill my ass, are you fucking inbred or born yesterday? whatever they give away for "free" will not be free, it will either come with some sort of pact, like all those dumb niggers that gave mining land away in africa for chinese roads, or the shit will just break in a week, you're fucking dumb as fuck m8

Blizzard is the shittiest dev on the planet. It's still a mystery to me how they release shittier casualized variants of other games and the babbies who love them eat it up every single time.

>falling for the most obvious falseflags

fucking neck yourself you fucking faggot, holy shit newfags these days

>it's either business OR government

Why don't you dumb fucks stop it with this stupid dichotomy. Either entities sometimes do good things, sometimes bad, with varying frequency. Both should be supported when they do something good for the average consumer, and criticized when they don't.