Chinese mmo lets you hug loli players

>chinese mmo lets you hug loli players
Why are asian mmos the only ones pushing the future of the genre?

>mmo lets young boys lick the cunts of older female players

Why isn't this a regular thing already

>korean MMO lets you be a furbeast instead of a girl with cat ears + tail
Asia strong

Don't you lie to me user. Is this real?

>tfw no doggo gf


Second Life

>korean mmo lets you imprison furshit players




West release when?

archeage is shit.

what game

Bless Online

>Bless Online is Coming to North America and Europe Published by Aeria Games
It's dead before it got here don't bother.

c u t e
k i t t i e s



I Shall Seal the Heavens MMO when?

I can just go and play the Korean/JP like most NEVER EVER mmos like BnS and PSO2

This should be a singleplayer RPG.

You can't ERP in singleplayer games, dumbass.

Screw hugging, I wanna pet that head.

>i can emulate brazil
good 4 u


>implying hugs aren't the most based shit

Yet they still could not resist going for the animu princess face so it's all moot. Other than the feet it looks like a chick in a really good costume.

>emulating brazil by never talking in chat not hacking and sticking to your small group of friends that play
ok user, enjoy never playing the game or if it does manage to make it over enjoy playing a completely gimped version of the original game 4 years behind on content and missing promotional crossover items

Hugs are fucking gay.

>>hurr look im putting my arms around u

>not hugging and petting
Look at this pleb.

All of those problems and then some are fixed by not being EOP.

That's great and all but you're the minority when it comes to the english community, holy fuck are these people annoying.

Can two loli players hug each other tough?

user whos never felt the waves of relaxation and comfort wash over his whole body as feels the skin of a cute girl come into contact against him as you hugs and then that lovely moment where you hold the hug and you can smell her sweet scene mixed with her light perfume and feminine hair products detected

>yfw when shitty chinese MMO has better animations than AAA western RPG

This guy gets it.

no shit, loud obnoxious fucks forced all the japs off an entire server in pso2, spamming dick symbol arts

that's pretty cute

Such powerful show of love and compassion is only meant for special times, such as when the person is in need of comfort.

comfort≠dicking damnit

That's super cute!

That's adorable as fuck, bro.

>Hugs are fucking gay.

>he's never experienced the feeling of holding someone dear close to them, and enjoying that warm and fuzzy feeling.

T.Sup Forums
Go back to your containment board you lonely fuck.

>falseflagging another board

which korean mmo has the most active playerbase?

I laughed, good one


>If he doesn't like hugging, he must be Sup Forums

Fuck off you shitposting retard. I am Sup Forums and I posted

Can you bathe her?

I thought furries were bad?

>Psh nothin personal kid

Found the edgy 14 year old