What did we do to deserve this awful treatment?
What did we do to deserve this awful treatment?
What was wrong with Dark Souls III?
direct downgrade of BB
>The Last Guardian
kys yourself
Oh god you just had to remind me
Have you even looked at Sup Forums, we deserve worse.
Who the hell expected Umbrella Corps to be good?
Being banned for someone else cheating on PC.
Literally BB-Lite
Star Fox Zero was enjoyable in my opinion, it just lacked more stages.
This is our fault honestly. We can't fucking enjoy games for what they are.
They could've been better all things considered. Final Fantasy XV's story is choppy and TLG has quite a few technical issues.
ds3 is good, it's just not as good as ds1 or bb but that's not a problem. The steam reviews change from Overwhelmingly positive to very positive so to call it a blunder is just kinda bias on your part
Doesn't make them a blunder, especially next to things like Battleborn
Bb lite
>2016 blunders
>only 2 western games in a sea of Japanese releases
really activates your neurons
Wut was shit bout 2015 n 2014???
>it's not the lazy, uninspired developers' fault
>it's OUR fault for not enjoying their games!
Yeah, no. Zero was garbage and does not deserve what little praise it gets from the same few people who try to defend it. When it's been 10 years since your last non-port game, I think customers deserve a little more than your C-list effort.
you probably enjoyed color splash
Removed everything good DS2 added, terribly limited build variety, added nothing lore wise. Insanely short and linear.
Hardly makes it a blunder, the game was still great in itself.
Dark Souls 3 was great
ZTD worse than its predecessor but still pretty good
FF XV surprisingly alright
No mans sky is such a terrible fuck up it should count for like 50 games honestly.
Ten years in development likely made peoples expectations for them too high.
If you're gonna make up lies at least make them believable. The game without all main content complete is easily 25-30+ hours
Why is the best fighting game of 2016 in there?
Fuck off with your shitty bait thread.
sfv sold 1.5 million of its projected 2 million, hardly a flop considering Capcom always inflates their predictions
Maybe if you are garbage at it. It's far shorter than 2 and shorter than 1 as well.
Garbage PVP