People actually fell for the VR meme

>people actually fell for the VR meme

The vive is pretty good. Stop being a poor fag.

Dino Frontier is supposedly really cool

Still waiting on that porn

>sour grapes thread

Honey Select works in VR. If you want western shit instead, you're probably a furry.

Maybe you should try looking

my best experience with video games was with vr and I've played a fair amount of games

is vive the best vr?

what games did you play with vr?

Rift+Touch = Vive. Get whatever you want. There isn't enough difference between them to care unless you're picky or have some weird hangup. And if that's the case you can do your own research.

Getting the Rift and Touch but I'm worried about the amount of 3.0 usbs needed to connect them. Would a powered usb hub be good enough?

fun as heck with the right games i.e.
euro truck sim


usb 3.0 shenenigans
you clearly see a fly screen
everything in the distance looks blurry, except if you..
upscale, which needs beefy rig
porn is shit, everything appears too big. i got no giantess fetish. but might be the player i'm using

8/10 it's ok

>people pay $800 for this

The sensors can be USB 2.0. Hubs can be a crapshoot, you may have to google to see ones that people have found to work.

external? probably not, get a card

The vive has a much larger play area.

Why would you get shitty camera tracking instead of vive where you can actually turn around

Why do casuals like you come to Sup Forums?


well for one thing the Touch controllers btf out of the Vive wands

Not incorrect. But it's only valid if you have that much room, and hardly any games really require more room than the Oculus can track.
Because you're a liar and opposing corner setup, just like the Vive, works just fine for me.

Flight sims are amazing in vr, I wish I didn't get so fucking sick from it though

Cards are a problem since I'm on a micro and the only slot that isn't taken is covered up by the video card.

A solid mech game series/flight simulators could save it. But obviously it couldn't be like titanfall.

The walking around VR meme will never catch on.

MechWarrior 5 was announced and is to have VR.

Well do you have free 3.0's on your rig at all?

Get oculus touch. Vive controllers are ass.

Two at the back I think. There are more on the front but they're connected to the 2.0 ports of the board.

Lucid dreaming > VR

Nice meme. By that logic, you don't need video games or any other media again. Just take naps.

What's wrong with the vive controllers?The touch pad is great and allows the devs to use it any way they want.

They have to advertise like hell.

Then you're good, it needs two plus the hdmi output. Obviously do make sure they really are 3.0 though.

I'm about to.

Do your worst. Talk me out of it.

Not necesarily, lucid dreaming cant happen on demand, takes a lot of discipline and effort and no man is a vaccuum, without the inspiration from anime and videogames and movies how will you figure out cool things to do in a lucid dream? You will find yourself lacking in imagination and inspiration.

Its just like how binge watching or playing anime and vidya for a week can give you dreams about it, really amazing dreams that put you into the anime itself or hanging around with the characters, and playing better versions of games that you have played.

Lucid dreaming is just like that only you have more control and awareness, I view it as a way of getting closer to your favorite anime or vidya and experiencing them in new ways.

I still am shit at it, I have had maybe 3 lucid dreams this year, all DILDS and I still play vidya or watch anime because thats a far more easily and readily accessible way of escapism and fun than lucid dreaming is yet.


It's an expensive toy and if you got no steady income, I would probably advise against it. It's good and fun, not the revelation and not shit.

I'll be happy when this stuff is cheap so we can have threads without sour grapes

That's it? Sounds like something my mom would say.
I do have income and some extra dosh from a raise I had. Plus Xmas bonus and another raise coming by the next month.
I literally don't know what to do with this money.

The one thing keeping me from buying it, is the amount of games for it.

Its not going to ever be "cheap". Realistically what's the lowest the vive would ever sell for? 600$? After the next gen vr comes out.

tl;dr- nice meme

New controllers on the way famalam. Late adapter master race

Jesus kid. Really? Not everyone is a poor bedroom dwelling NEET that has to ask their mom for everything.

The amount of games is alright, but I personally am not very impressed by the "vr games" specifically for the thing, cause they often are quite simple. Like wiisports, something you can show your parents. I play 5 games, like Elite and Dirt Rally, but those are really cool.

Agreed, it's not going to be cheap any time soon, I don't know why people expect it to be cheap. The processing requirements mean it's always going to be paired with high-end graphics cards which means they already know they can charge you more.

All tech gets cheap after a while, you idiots.

A high end graphics card today isn't really any cheaper than a high end graphics card 10 years ago. Maybe you'll be able to get the previous VR gen for cheaper, assuming the price doesn't stay up because of scarcity, but the VR for current games will always be at least $500.