Stop playing easy mode

Stop playing easy mode.

Stop wearing a bra on your head.

>play on easy mode
>game is too easy, breeze through everything
>play on normal
>still too easy
>play on hard mode
>only difference is that your weapon damage is nerfed and enemy health bars are inflated

Why bother?

I will once I 100% Critical all the songs on the playlist, then it's up to normal mode.


I'm not.

I'm playing very easy mode instead

I want to fuck that oni.

She's. A. Hermit.

>Play on hard
>First playthrough is more frustrating than it is fun

>b-but muh story...

What's hidden inside those white baubles?

But im new to the series and want to enjoy the story


You can't make me.

story is nice
Junko's son dies



Then why do they look so firm?


it's radar domes to spot incoming enemies

They're not. Stop poking them.


Only losers play on Easy or Normal. If you got the option, Very Hard is the only way. Or whatever's the most challenging setting.

If you haven't beaten AKUMU mode, don't even speak to me. Fucking peasants.

Delete these lies

Why is there a Chinese robot coming out and why does it live in there?

t. Complete shitter.

>HIs fav 2hu doesn't have cute little horns

joke's on you
even on lunatic your game sucks, blabber hermit
go fucking mind your own business


>Only losers play on Easy or Normal. If you got the option, Very Hard is the only way. Or whatever's the most challenging setting.

Sucks when you think this matters in real life

>his fav 2hu is Seija


Nothing wrong with that.

Don't be silly user. Horns can't be ball shaped. That's totally just her human hair.

I'm just gonna leave this here and hope that NOTHING HORRIBLE happens


Kasen is for sexual.


a martyr
rip in piece, dreamy nosferatu

>Someone who relishes challenges and improves himself to meet them
>VS someone who just wants to coast along

Yea, one is totally not going to be way more successful at everything he does than the other :^)
>Petty cuck trying to justify his sloth

I do finish games on hard though. Slobber on my dick, shecunt.

what did she mean by this

Stop jerking off to anime.

She wants the D

Kreisreise is not anime you fucknose.

Is ZUN a sellout?

Would you a sexy medium violet oni?

I prefer my onis high-tension