Will video games ever become a respectable medium like anime?
Will video games ever become a respectable medium like anime?
More shit like this, please
Member when Pain arc was the hypiest shit?
>Games don't reuse assets
What a world you must live in.
I think these actually look pretty cool. It's better than most anime where it's just a static image that the camera pans around on or just a close up of a characters face with nothing but the mouth moving
This kills my sides
>This looks pretty cool
Fuckin hipster spotted.
Hating it is the hipster thing to do though
Nice critism. I write why I think it looks cool compared to what you normal see in anime
>well you're just a hipster!
Nice user, REEEEEAL nice
They did that same sort of thing in asura's wrath, pretty cool one time but you wouldn't want it like that for the entire game.
>Why I think
Hipsters don't think, they're impulsive. This animation is trash, senpai. There's no consistency.
Post stands.
>getting upset that some anonoymous schmuck likes a 10 second animation from some Chinese cartoon that nobody past the age of 15 should be watching
Real nice user. REEEEEAL nice
>when someone tells me anime isn't the pinnacle of visual media
That whole fight was awesome. You just lack the enthusiasm and friends to watch it with, so it probably wasn't as hype for you. It must suck being forever pessimistic. I bet that underneath all that negativity that you spew, you're actually a chill guy who does Ike the animation but you're too afraid to hop off the bandwagon
>things created by adults should only be for kids
How did this happen?
Did they legit think it was good?
How do you go from this...
I think i read somewhere once that it was an homage or throwback to an animator, dunno if it's true though.
To this?
user. I'm the last person that should be telling anybody to grow up, but Naruto genuinely is a series for children and teenagers.
Step aside.
How do you go from this...
To this?
The year of Animekino
anime like most other things became a business
money > talent/time/etc
>This animation is trash
at least it's actual fucking animation rather than nothing but stills and panning shots.
post some fucking Mob Psycho 100 already
haha butts haha
Censored though
>ajin got turned into a fucking cg anime
please end my life
Sauce on this please
that's wand of gamelon level of bad.
Boku No Hunter
That's what I said and got called a hipster. I remember being 16 too but you never realize how un animated anime really is
is 1999 Hunter X Hunter.
is 2011.
Boku no thanks.
Literally the only reason people think 2011 is better its because of muh ants
Well 2011 does objectively have the better Chimera Ants arc.
Is HxH good?
its a guy right?
Its very good.
>shaky cam
It might be.
>muh cg anime is bad meme
End your life
>defending cg
oh no
That's Gate of Butts though
It's a technique and not over blown in the shown webm.
Apply your gif to yourself friendo
CG can be good
it can just as easily be very, very bad
source me faggot
>shit that looks like shit its good
>not liking things that look good
CG is a tool. Used well and you make good looking stuff easily. This applies to any tool.
Why doesnt anyone talk about how fucking phenomenal the animation in Afro Samurai is? I know its western but god damn
>tfw its still the only anime this season that i really care about
thats right
too bad 99% of the time in anime its fucking shit
the pain fight was really badly animated because that was when the tsunami rocked japan.
cringiest anime i've ever seen and I saw re zero
Gate of Buttylon
I see nothing wrong with this anime.
Is this a Naruto reference?
saource pls hue
>Hating stylized graphics when static images with the camera panning counts as animation now
I hate all of you
I just like how silly it looks, never said in any of my posts that I hated or disliked it