>"A story in a video game is like a story in a porno movie. It is possible but not necessary."
Go play your movies, storyfags
>"A story in a video game is like a story in a porno movie. It is possible but not necessary."
Go play your movies, storyfags
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b88888888888888888 this is orginial stop posting on this board with b888888aitttt
>implying porn with good plot isn't godtier
>an entire form of media is the same as a genre of jerk-off material because I say so
And now he is working on VR minecraft.
>implying story in porn doesn't also push the medium forward
Video games are better than porn tho
Why not just say it's like a movie? Why did he have to add the porno to it?
and that's why he's incredibly irrelevant in the industry and is working on virtual memality
Go shill your Oculus fag.
So RPG's are good without plots?
FPS games are great without the Campaign?
Action games are good without the plot?
I vastly prefer porn with plot though. One of many reasons why my preferred kind of porn are doujins.
clearly they don't read vanilla dojinshi with handholding and eyecontact
I often have dreams about going to a hypnotherapist who hypnotizes me and I black out and wake up like a year or two later and in that time she has completely feminized me and turned me into a qt trap totally obsessed with boys and cock. She then pimps me out and I'm helpless to stop because she has completely conditioned my mind to be totally obedient.
I think it might indicate some slight sexual confusion on my part. What do you think Sup Forums?
You want to fuck your mom
next question
>rpgs are good without plot?
You make it sound like there are countless examples of rpgs with good plot knowing full well it's the opposite
The other two are laughable too. I'm sure everyone played unreal, quake, and doom for the engaging story.
>implying videogames aren't jerk off material just of a different kind
Yeah, that's right. If you want a good story, go watch a movie.
Thanks Freud!
He's right, there are too many games that try to have muh deep story but are not fun to play at all.
you'll understand in 2017 OP
Devs that can't balance a good gameplay with story are shitty devs. It's not the fault of stories, they would be unable to produce anything worthwhile even if the game had no fucking story. Look at the fucking Inside, an idea told through storytelling that is pretty, but mostly meaningless and nonsensical, coupled with horrendous gameplay that is 90% about running to the right, 5% about jumping, 3% about running to the left, 1% about interacting with the objects in the most basic way and 1% in actually solving puzzles, because these puzzles are so easy and degrading you already know what to do from the first glance. They are not mechanically challenging, they do not require timings or memorization and they do not require any mental capability from the player. What a fucking waste
Because a normal movie actually needs a story to work.
A porno movie only needs ass & titties to work.
>says a hack that can't make engines for shit
toppest of keks
Only SJW care about stories.
The quote was more like, "Everyone expects it to be there, but it's not important"
So what he's saying that it's okay to half ass something just because it's not as important as some other part?
Truly the genius of our time.
Too bad id didn't make games that were fun to play until Carmack left.
Well yeah, that's what he's saying.
This dude is a mega-autist, it's not like he even understands basic storytelling
yes if the mechanics and level design are there rent
Implyng he didn't say this just to piss off Tom Hall. Carmack is a fucking bully.
But he is right.
John carmack is like every other person in any other medium.
Everyone seems to point to these people and go "Wow, look how amazing he is, he single handedly made this thing" and then this is pushed by marketing by saying "CREATED BY THIS GUY WHO ALSO MADE THIS THING" because it fucking sells games when you attach names to shit.
So then we get this crazy culture where we attribute everything ever done in anything to one person that works on it.
What I'm getting at is carmack is a programmer, hes not a designer, hes not a writer. Hes a fucking programmer, a good one, a veeeeeeeeeeery good one. The guy has no say about this shit though.
Story can only improve a game when it's added properly. Just like a porno with a good story is way more memorable and in most cases even hotter.
You would think a guy like carmack would know this, but I guess his taste in porn is only surface level.
Fuck these people though, they're the reason western games today suffer.
Story in video games aren't bad, in fact they're great, but only caring about the story is an awful awful thing.
Truth. Story in games is fine but generally inessential. If they're there, cool. If not, also cool.
>copy yahtzee
>but I'm self aware so it's fine
>Story can only improve a game when it's added properly. Just like a porno with a good story is way more memorable and in most cases even hotter.
Obviously, but that's not the point. No one jacks off to a porn video with great story but two obese ugly people doing the fucking.
>If people like you were the only ones tasked with moving games forward, we'd all be playing Doom IX: Back to Hell Again
One can dream
>two obese ugly people doing the fucking
Never underestimate fringe fetishism, user.
>Obviously, but that's not the point. No one jacks off to a porn video with great story but two obese ugly people doing the fucking.
Where do you think you are?
Completely agree.
Gameplay first. Story second.
The funny thing is they're playing it right now, and probably think it's the game of the year.
>but that's not the point
but it is, carmack is trying to say that story is unimportant and you don't play games for story.
Which leads to the thought process that story doesn't matter.
But it does.
just like good sound design, good art style, good pacing all this shit that's independent from the gameplay it still matters a lot.
I honestly think, that Sup Forums has such a massive hate boner for story is that they attribute it to bad games. which is true in many cases, but it's not causality, in fact it's reverse.
That's the problem with carmacks statement, hes dismissing story completely.
And I totally get where hes coming from, when his buddy was trying to make that story driven commander keen or whatever. That was a retarded idea, he saw the corruption that story first brought and had to make the statement.
>So RPG's are good without plots?
Yes, as evidenced by the recent surge in huge open world RPGs with largely ignorable main plots.
>FPS games are great without the Campaign?
Yes, evidenced by a large amount of shooters lacking a campaign entirely.
>Action games are good without the plot?
Yes. Character action games largely prove that point.
A game can be good on its own merits, with or without plot.
as always, western devs can't understand how to mix the two.
that porno where "Oh shit I'm sorry" comes from actually has a funny story.
I kinda wanna start a gay porn studio heh just to have easy capital to write and produce silly movies
I want to make porn that has increasingly complex interwoven stories, and have it blow up and people start talking about literal porn like it's the next game of thrones.
Oh wait.