The technical depth of Star Fox Zero

Star Fox Zero is, in my mind, easily the most technically complex and deep game made in the past decade. Now that I'm really starting to make strides into constantly improving my scores it's really becoming evident that the game never stops giving.

I haven't been so addicted to a game since, and I am not exaggerating here, God Hand. The game never stops rewarding you once you begin to become dedicated and start improving.

It's a game where you can never stop 'gitting gud.' And that's why I love it so much.

Retards like you need to be euthanized.

> A game that was poorly received critically can't possibly be good!

I like how no one ever addresses just 'why' this game supposedly isn't very fun to play without referring to a single autistic infograph that was written by someone who had not even touched the game, let alone understood it.

I was honestly interested at first but the video is just CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE

Shut up Cody

hey cody are you still mad about getting blocked by dobson and thinking clint eastwood had a twitter

I played it. I played it more.

Nigger, go play the original star fox 64. Or a good arcade game with the intent of 1ccing it.

The main gimmick of star fox zero is what kills it. Enemy patterns are dull, the game has awful non on-rails shooting, every boss is all-range mode, and you're a fucking moron.

Get bent.

Well, it may look that way, but keep in mind that what he's actually doing is lining up his shots in JUST the right way so that it destroys the most amount of enemies without locking on. This is super, super difficult and takes a lot of practice.

A big part of what makes it so fun is the controls, which take a lot of skill to begin with.

Memorzsing the locations of enemies on a on the rails shooter isn't that skillful. But I admire your enthusiasm.

the sad part is, even star fox 64 offered different enemy layouts on harder difficulties
zero doesn't even have harder difficulties
zero is just trash

I played the demo for quite some hours. The controls are tight, u just need to get used to them, which take a few minutes since its has a lot of buttons to pay attention to.

Also motion controls aint a problem if you began using them on Splatoon. Practice and you can do it too

tho some decisions on this game are stupid as fuck like having dialogue running only in the gamepad instead of TV. Also the lack of a good battle multiplayer.

I really enjoyed it for what it was, I just felt there wasnt enough of it.

It's just Startfox 64 with forced camera angles to make you use the shitty gamepad

I think it is an 8/10 game, because the slow stealth levels have no business being there, and there should have been more boss fights against Wolf and his squad, and those boss fights should feel different.

the controls are perfect, but arent for everybody, in the same way that pc flight simulators with flight joysticks arent for everybody. it was a game for few, an arcade game with flight simulator cockpit motion controls.

and now it is impossible on the switch, doubel screen gaming cant be done there, unless they divide the tv screen in two.

Thank god you only played the demo. The first level is the best part of the game.

Everything else is a huge dissapointment. You know all of those things they show off in the first level? A branching path within the level, another way to destroy the boss, three phases?

Well every other level doesn't have that shit.

>14 KB JPG
>Star Fox Zero


I wasted my allowance on this shitty game and now I have to make lies to make it seem like I did a good purchase

It's not mere memorization. You have to keep in mind both of where you are aiming and where your ship is located.

Keep in mind the kind of shot he's using, the charge shot, has a very particular reach and takes a while to charge. There's a lot going on there. I would compare it to watching a professional Street Fighter match, personally. Amateurs won't get it, but experienced players know how skilled the players are.

Imagine how Cody's parents feel about how he's turned out. I'm sure his mother talks down about him behind closed doors.

No, you're memorizing the shot placement, kid.

What you talk about only applies in a truly random versus battle WHICH STAR FOX ZERO DOESN'T EVEN HAVE.

I really want to give StarFox Zero the benefit of the doubt. I absolutely adore W101 and I've tried to defend the criticism behind that game. I'm aware that W101 is not a perfect game by no means, but folks were very quick to say the drawing mechanic was wonky, it didn't have enough tutorials to explain to the players how the game worked, and some just wanted a weapon wheel altogether, which would completely break how W101 works.

I've played Zero for about a month, and I know it's got plenty of depth, plenty of good action, and it has that really cool arcade experience spectacle, but there's something about the game overall that rubs me the wrong way. One thing I really don't like about the game is the inaccuracy of the reticle on the big screen. I feel like that was done deliberately in order to make players look down at the screen, and in game as fast paced as StarFox, you really can't afford to be doing that very often. I especially don't like those cinematic moments where you can see all this cool shit happening, but aside from holding a button to view a nearby enemy, it's rather difficult to straighten yourself up for a shot and you must dedicate your viewing to the small screen.

Games like Splatoon made great use of the gamepad aiming because it was all solely about aiming. You didn't need to look at the screen to get a proper aim. That's what Zero is doing, and I'm not fond of it at all. If they tweaked the reticle, and allowed players an option for alternate control schemes, a better camera overall, I might enjoy the game a lot, but as it is, it feels pretty average.

Oh, and the fact that it's YET ANOTHER STARFOX REBOOT really kills it for me. I'm sick and tired of playing 64 again and again and again. I don't care if Shigeru said it's a "reimagining" and not a reboot, it's still a fucking reboot no matter how you look at it.

>I've never played Star Fox Zero the post

>I feel like that was done deliberately in order to make players look down at the screen, and in game as fast paced as StarFox, you really can't afford to be doing that very often.
So... press Select?

>I'm mad but trying not to act like it: The post

Star citizens dogfighting module with VR or some kind of head tracking would be like this except it wasn't designed for literal children and actually has some complexity

And it would be easier to look around since it would be your head actually looking instead of that fucking retarded unintuitive control scheme

I own both games, I don't know why I'm responding to this troll post seriously

>motion controls

Fuck off

All these fucking dumb chinks have to do is stop sticking their head in their asses and think they're some great innovators

>Charge shot in the vague direction of an enemy for 7 minutes
Truly this game is deeper than the Mariana Trench.

At this point, I'm glad to hear there are other decent similar franchises out there, considering that we may never get another good Star Fox game.

>what he's actually doing is lining up his shots in JUST the right way so that it destroys the most amount of enemies without locking on. This is super, super difficult and takes a lot of practice.
When you think "space shooter", you think "mashing those twin lasers and ripping waves of enemies apart". It'd be one thing if the game rewarded you with more points for locking on to the right target in a cluster (to maximize the splash effect), but you actually get MORE points by blindly flinging the charge ball and hope it overlaps all the foes.

This along with shit like "snaking" in Mario Kart games absolutely kills it for me. I want to fly a fighter plane or drift in a kart. I don't want to have to do these autistic rote memorizations to maximize effectiveness, especially when the technique makes you look like you're not even playing the game the way it was intended. It's just as bad as the people who used the bar for balance in DDR. It's DANCE DANCE Revolution, not "flailing your legs on the buttons like a sperg Revolution".

Are you kidding me? If I wasn't at work right now, I'd grab my copy and screencap that shit. I've spent a good long while playing it. I WANTED to like the game, and to some extent, I do. it's not a bad game. It's average to me. The depth is there, the potential to be one arcade long runner is there, the potential for high skill ceiling or whatever the heck you call it is there, I just can't enjoy the game overall when there are small stuff that really breaks the game.

Zallard1, a pro at StarFox Zero, has gone on twitter to say that he isn't fond of StarFox Zero's control scheme, layout, and the aiming overall. He hates how there's the feeling of not being in control of the arwing 100% of the time. And he's done some impressive high score runs. So no, don't tell me shit just because you want to defend the game.

Continue enjoying the game. You love it? Cool. I find it OK, but it COULD'VE BEEN BETTER. Is all I'm saying.

I know that switches the screens around. I've used in W101 a lot. I never tried using that very often in Zero, but I'm almost betting the aim could be thrown off everytime you gotta switch. Still, you have to really be looking at both screens somewhat simultaneously to know where you are and what to do, so switch the screens would put a damper on that. But that's just my guess. I'll give it a shot.

Man I feel ya 100%

If you look up DDR 'freestyle' vids you'll find stuff that's more actual 'dance dance' rather than high-score riverdancing

It didn't do anything new with the franchise other than an awkward new control scheme that no one wanted, and two new vehicle nodes that are not fun.

The two biggest crimes of Star Fox Zero are that it was not fun and it was yet another rehash of the original game. The original Star Fox barely even has a story and yet Miyamoto thinks it's so classic that it has to be revisited every few years.

>So no, don't tell me shit just because you want to defend the game.
In hindsight, I feel like a hypocrite saying that after I had JUST said I defended W101. So I'll take that comment back, but seriously, I have played the game. I did enjoy it, but there's a lot of nuisance here and there that just doesn't sit right with me.

Reminds me of folks who wallbounce in Gears of War a lot. I'm not one to argue, but if the mechanics allow players to do stuff that was unintentional, players will be using it to their advantage. I snaked like crazy back in Mario Kart DS, but that technique is rather easy to do. It is what it is.

>enemy comments if you steer their own missile into the ship
Zero has these brief touches of charm. It's a shame the game is such a fucking bore after the first 3-5 hours.

Star Fox Zero is just a lame cash-in of 64 and nothing more.
Stop defending this literal rehash.

There was something like 4 or 5 different boss fights with the various Wolf squad, weren't there?
*A basic shootout in space in that Armada against the whole squad, and if you didn't finish them quickly enough, Slippy would get shot down.
*The fight on the mini-planet in the warp area near the end, where they would go from land to air.
*The hidden fight against Pigma and Leon or Andrew, where it was just you against them in space, and they each had a unique ability they used specific to them and that fight.
*The hidden dog fight against Wolf by Yourself, where he transformed into a custom Wolf thing, and had those crazy moves.
*The half-fight in that second space stage, where you either shoot against Pigma for a bit, or spend the level chasing Andrew

If anything there may have been too much Wolf Squad, but they were certainly all unique and pretty enjoyable fights.

Is that real?

I cant believe still defend this lazy cash grab