>Cold War game
>Russians are the bad guys
Historically inaccurate tropes that bother you
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb commie
>any time period in history
>America are the bad guys
t. high schooler
>krauts are the bad guys
*tips le fedora*
Shhh... let the Soros puppets think they're the good guys.
>its a capitalist imperialism is good thread
What games portray America as a whole as the bad guys? Nothing I can think of in the mainstream.
I know the CIA usually gets that role, but they are not all of America, nor does one rouge general or evil corporation.
>Vietnam war game
>America wins
name 1775 games that do this.
Do you really wanna go down that road?
>There will never be a game which actually tells how the vietnam war started
>There will never be a game which shows how full of bullshit clappistan is and that they love to start wars left and right via false flags
But Marxist/Maoist/Leninist imperialism is fine?
We went there to spread democracy and freedom you commie loving degenerate
Because muh commies and hippies.
>It's "international communism is good" meme
off to the Gulag you go, why aren't you working and instead spreading seditious imagery on the internet?
>Game set in the near future.
>The U.S still matters economically
>China is nowhere to be seen
Why do americans live in denial?
Sure you did.
Because we killed them.
Don't forget liberty and justice.
t. Ping Ling Vancouver resident
What's the weather like in Australia, Chang?
Commie faggot.
t. actual comintern (shoot on sight)
>countries where you can get arrested for having certain opinions
>good situation
I guess it is good for someone.
I guess it begs the question 'good for whom?'
>Implying America didn't win the Vietnam war
>After the war Vietnam became the most pro-capitalist country in the world
>there are now McDonald's restaurants in Vietnam
>noticeble problems
>not very serious situation
>Good situation
fuck you commie
>Krauts speak like angry mongoloids
>Known for their organization and diligence
>Screaming like mad fucks with pig-german when in combat
most of the yellow is because that country shuts down whistleblowers against the government
Look I'm not an amerifat hater but let's not kid ourselves. We fled Vietnam. It was thanks to Vietnam that the draft was essentially ended.
Every time someone uses "whom" I think of Archer.
This is what you niggas trully believe.
>american education
>CIA usually gets that role
and for good reason, the CIA is fucking insane
Why is communism bad? I look at the description and it sounds pretty good.
t. absolute braindead retard
please no bully
This, holy fuck these "countries" lock you up for using your voice against their agenda what the fuck.
it's a theoretically good system that fails in practice
>Western puppets being shown in bad light
That can only work in the middle east, they wouldn't oust their newly acquired puppets out like that.
>tfw you win a war after the fighting was over because the people came to their senses and realized how great you are
Yeah but at least legally, you can publicly dissent. If you sign an NDA with the government no fuck you can't whistle-blow without repercussions.
One person can ruin the whole game.
Where the fuck did all these pinko scumbags come from? Sup Forums used to be about freedom, not this ass fuckery shit.
T. Eurofags
It's a Sup Forums raid. Just find a fame you like and post there.
>newfag struggling to use memes
it'd only work in a community of exact same creatures. with no ulterior motives, personality or individuality.
Because no one actually wants to be equal.
Any game that tries to make you believe wars are some how "tragic" while being completely biased in their retellings or pushing an inaccurate agenda, all on the pretext that you're having "fun"
>Imperial Russia had illiterate peasants
>Bolsheviks come into power and raise literacy
>Within a very short period of time industrialize the country to unreal heights
>Win one of the most brutal wars ever
>In 16 years manage to send man into space
What killed off the Soviet Union was not "communism" but politicians within it, as well as outside influence. US making shady deals with SU, that cost for SU a lot, Afghan war and so on.
If you look at what's happening to the US right now, it's pretty much what was happening to the USSR before it fell appart.
the US didnt lose a single military engagement in vietnam
it says "freedom of press", not "freedom of speech". What makes it "satisfactory", rather than "good", is accountability.
In "satisfactory" if you shit on someone and can't prove it's true, you get fucking sued.
In "good" countries, you say your source is annonymous and they can't touch you.
>eastern europe
>there's nothing but urban architecture and farmlands
>If you look at what's happening to the US right now, it's pretty much what was happening to the USSR before it fell appart
jesus christ you're retarded
name ONE thing that will cause the economic free fall of the untied states which is now largely a service economy
>After the war Vietnam became the most pro-capitalist country in the world
>The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is the most pro-capitalist country in the world
>A Marxist-Leninist one-party state is the most pro-capitalist country in the world
>The state owned all land up until 2005
>Can basically not establish a company if you're a forgeiner unless it's trough a joint stock company with a state-approved company
>The most pro-capitalist country in the world
What was the objective of the war and did you achieve it?
>Good situation
Is it true that Communism worked and Reagan destroyed it with sanction because he is an evil capitalist pig?
Don't you gweilo have some bulls to prep?
what could go wrong?
just print more moneys and force everyone to use it when buying oil haha
Mehmet pls, no need to roleplay.
>WW1 game
>Germans are white
Kill yourself
>good situation
America won every battle in Vietnam but lost the war because strategists didn't understand the war. They didn't realize they couldn't beat the Vietcong because the Vietcong weren't fighting for communism, they were fighting for Vietnam.
What are huge as fuck debt and dispersed manufacturing that is not realistic to bring back from abroad? I get that you're positive about the fact that trump wants to bring back manufacturing from abroad, but if you look at the deals that he has already stricken back, they bring a baggage of problems with them. Your economy is fucked either way. Besides the petro dollar, the US has little to nothing to offer to the world and countries are slowly starting to drop the petro dollar.
tfw no tradionalist vietnamese gf
Looks like i am in the only really free country in America, thats nice
The national debt means L I T E R A L L Y nothing because who the fuck is going to cash in on it? The rest of the world knows they rely on the US economy for stability. The US dollar and the JP Yen are the safehold currencies of the world.
People want to drop the debt not because they fear of some massive repercussion but because it just provides more foreign leverage. But no one can act on it. What is China going to do? Ask for more trade?
Reminder that countries with anti-loli laws are NOT free.
>it's a Sup Forums doesn't understand tactical vs strategic victory thread
>It's a retards take the bait thread
Actually that's every single thread on Sup Forums
>it's a useful idiot episode
>The rest of the world knows they rely on the US economy for stability.
Nobody, besides Saudis want to use the dollar. Most countries are just forced into using it, just look at Germany.
>dispersed manufacturing
>when I just said that the US is a service economy
>without boarders
Red flag alert.
>Send all major manufacturing abroad
>Most of middle class starts losing jobs
>The gap between the middle and higher class becomes increasingly bigger
>Middle class becomes poorer and pooerer
Where have I seen this before? Oh right, USSR in the 80's.
>it's nothing but buildings and not-buildings
>Cold war game
>It's in a Russian jungle
>You enjoy it and have a good time
Don't your women have some cock to rub in foreign lands?
desintegration of family: rapidly increasing number of single parent households, fully dependable on goverment's handout
change of demographics: fastest growing communities are also ones most violent and least working.
big business leaching taxpayer's money via various goverment backed financial scams sold as social programs, like affordable housing, affordable college or affordable healthcare
just to name 3 things currently fucking up US economy and social structure
>abandon the US dollar
do you not understand how foreign exchange works AT ALL? I'm not saying people are using the USD as their currency or pegging their currency to it.
>The list of the 23 countries which are creating new swap lines outside of the dollar include China, Russia, India, and surprisingly, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. This means that the Eurozone itself is abandoning the dollar, and preparing for transition to a new central banking system.
What new central banking system? Can you find a single other source than fucking truthandaction to back this up?
>To facilitate the transfer of currencies and swap lines, there needs to be a bank of sufficient size and stature to aid in handling of this monumental task.
So they're just talking about some... theoretical situation? Wow
>the Vietcong weren't fighting for communism, they were fighting for Vietnam.
What's the difference?
>social programs
one of the largest boons to the US economy in its entire history was a social works program and affordable housing
Trump just announced he would repeal Dodd-Frank and weaken the CFPB in order to allow for more unregulated derivatives trading. If anything is going to crash the economy, it's going to be that again.
>but muh taxes
Americans weren't defeated by commies in Vietnam, but by commies in USA. Even Vietnamese admit it.
>Iraq war game
>muslims are the bad guys
>do you not understand how foreign exchange works AT ALL?
What? Russia, China and Turkey are already exchanging without the usage of the USD, via gold.
>So they're just talking about some... theoretical situation?
Who do you think has been investing into gold a shit lot and why do you think the US has been targeting these countries?
Doesn't remind you of someone, like Libya or Iraq?
>Has a McDonald's Restaurant
>isn't capitalist
Humans are naturally selfish, all communist countries so far have resulted in the ruling elite enjoying the good life while everyone else enjoys shitty conditions.
You can break someone fighting for an abstract socioeconomic model. You can't break someone fighting for their home and family.
>one of the largest boons to the US economy in its entire history was a social works program and affordable housing
except when bubbles finall started to burst, leading to worst economical crisis since Great Depression.
Killzone...ISA was likely started by America give the fact everyone is bloody talking American...and arguably ISA is the bad guy given the full story behind the helgast
>destroy all culture that came before them to make sure people only know communism, annihilating centuries of culture
>anything but the ultimate evil in this world
Are you saying a country isn't an abstract concept?
America won the battles, but when it started to leave it left a government and military incapable of winning. Same kind of situation with Afghanistan except with more victories.
1) Ignore trope.
2) Enjoy gameplay.
3) ???
4) Profit