Want to be "diverse and trendy"

>want to be "diverse and trendy"
>make muslim character
>short shorts and hijab

Are the devs retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:


who cares? The game bombed

muslims girls wear thehijabs just because their parents will beat them if they don't anyway.
no point in wearing it for "muh decency" if you wear makeup.

is there actually a news source for that?

did you really expect different from the scum of modern society?

This mother fucker

Stupidest thing ever. No wonder it flopped, couldn't even do current year PC right.

I bet the SJWs were outraged.

Or they wear it because they like to. Or because at certain points scarves (which a hijab basically is) are trendy.

Are brown girls ancient history?

WOW! looks like a cool game!!
Day 1 buy!
PS: what gaeme is this?!?

Most of the time she doesn't wear it. It's also never stated that she's muslim, might just wear the headscarfe as a fashion statement. Muslim women usually wear a different kind.

Yes, they are. Literally not a single person above 100IQ works at Ubisoft.

You are aware she's not muslim right? She comes from a indian pooinloo family.

The 'hijab' is meant to be part of a sari headscarf. Not a burqa.

I thought it was a hood.

Hijab's original purpose is to hide the hair so not sure what you're memeing about.


Where were their parents?

yeah thats retarded. if youre gonna sjw, at least be ACTUALLY sensitive to the issues that concern people hahaha

>a girl neon makeup is also wearing a piece of clothing solely to make a statement
Stop the fucking presses. OP is a retarded faggot, AGAIN.

Did anybody even bought this game

She's a street """""""""""""""""""""((((((((((((((artist)))))))))))))""""""""""""""""""""

If anything they made her less autistic looking than actual irl street autists


watch dogs 2? the whole game has this retarded vibe about it

That's not a hijab though.

Better question. Why the fuck does an internet hacking group have their own fucking clothing line?
Sure, she could of screen printed the hoody, but you can't do that shit with socks

Arab girls or the sluttiest, raunchiest, semen slobbering sluts around. Why do you think they all have to wear a giant covering robe around them? Because if their culture didn't force that, their whole region would be in a literal cuckold and rape crisis all over.

that color scheme is somehow familiar

The cast was like in their early or mid 20s.

Shhhh....just let Sup Forums blow off some steam


>couldn't even do current year PC right.

Game has 2 Tranny characters one is important "ally" in main missions and other is main villian in a game.

I would keep playing that game but sjw everywhere and still awful performance (needs oced i5 6600k to play at vhigh settings) stops me.

In big city centers its considered cool, everywhere else. Not so much.

>Not Muslim
You're a fucking retard user, holy shit.

how would they have a cuckold rape crisis if they are the biggest sluts out?

think before you post you memeing faggot

>Are the devs retarded?

Nope. No. Nein. Non. Negative. Nyet. Nee. I don't even want to hear the insane logic that led her to this. I'm done.

Mental illness.

The majority of India follows Hinduism - 80%, in fact, holy shit.

If you knew anything about india. You'd know it was a hindu majority country.

Hell, dhawan surname is a hindu surname. Not a muslim name. You're a fucking retard user, holy shit.

>ywn fuck a sand nigger with a big ass and take pictures to blackmail her with

>only men rape
>only men get cucked
Check your privilege.

It's simple.

In order to be a feminist, or a Muslim, you need to be two things.

1: Retarded and STAY Retarded.
2: Indoctrinated at a young age.

I want to hear it

How is this game about elite hackers and they hang out in literal dumps?


Story on this

Ah of course, this means that people from India CANNOT be Muslim! :^)

Just fuck off you retard, you made a god damn ass of yourself and doubling down won't change that.

shame because it's better than GTA5 by any measure.

>This puts Watch Dogs 2 launch sales at just less than 80k.

>The original Watch Dogs launch sales were an incredible 380k.

It mostly has to due with WD1 being so awful that most people can't give a single fuck about WD2


Muslims met a white woman.

>every religion that is not Christianity or Judaism is Islam.

You're a fucking retard, did you know that?

wait you know hijab aren't the same as burkas right? they can wear basically whatever they want along side it

I like Sitara's voice. Who's her VA?

Most of the Indian Muslims were pushed to Pakistan and forcibly cut away from the rest of the country.

They are very much not welcome in a very pragmatic, public, well known sense.

Anzu finally was finally caught.

India has the second largest Muslim population on earth, after Indonesia.

Being a feminist already requires massive amounts of doublethink, so it's not that much of a stretch.