Want to download SSX 3

>want to download SSX 3
>one seeder
>30 kb/s

Other urls found in this thread:


>buy it

PS2 or GC? I ripped my own PS2 copy. GC from some site.

PS2, it's supposed to emulate well


Here you go, you fucking jerk off

>direct downloads larger than 50mb
This is something I haven't done for 6 years.

So we can all agree that Griff and Kaori are the best characters right?

I remember I was playing Kaori in the living room and she started speaking runes when my parents were around

I switched to Elise

Great game

Are you Kyle Bosman?

What's the issue, you DON'T have a PS2 with a 250gb hard drive?
You don't even need to hack the PS2 to run games off the hard drive, you just need to format the drive a special way.
you WERE aware of this, right user?

I was just thinking about that stream after watching the archive last night.

Man they must have paid a lot to get the rights for that Run DMC song since they just blast it nonstop.

PS2 version has better controls, I think some tricks are unavailable on GC due to the missing L2 equivalent. Also IIRC GC version had framerate issues.

PS2 version emulates well enough. I don't recall SSX3 specifically but at least in SSX and Tricky all lights are missing on night stages which makes the stage look dull. You can still see clearly though so it's playable.

SSX3 ran perfectly for me with Dolphin. No frame drops on a fucking C2D.

The PS2 version just let's you do more moves, which is nice. But you have to turn on some skipdraw hack to get rid of red bars I think.

Why don't your parents like runes?

Buy it then.

I have the series (aside from 1) on Xbox which has much better lighting quality.

But man for a PS2 game in 2000 SSX 1 looks fucking suberb. How the fuck did that and Deus Ex come out in the same year?

I mean seriously name a fucking better looking game in 2000. I am the first to shit on consoles but man, PC got BTFO'd that year in terms of graphics, just by that one game.

The PC games I've played from that year where Deus Ex, NOLF (probably second best looking game of the year but it's still noticably behind), Thief 2, Giants Citizen Kabuto, AVP1, the Sim, Hitman 1. And the other console games released that year where stuff like Spyro 3, Medal of Honor Underground, Dino Crisis 2, Midnight Club 1, Toca, Army Men games, 007, Code Veronica.

Seriously, SSX was fucking leages ahead in the graphics. How did they do it. The game still looks stunning today. I am amazed the PS2 could pull that off in it's launch year.

Elise is better anyway

Huh? That doesn't make sense though, how can Elise be the best girl when Kaori is already the best girl?

Another reason to get an Xbox if you want to put down $30 or so for multiplats

>Deus Ex

Deus Ex looked like absolute ass even for its time. Like it has some nice atmosphere in some areas, but the models and animations (or lack of) were all subpar.

Is tricky any good? Not sure why I already have a copy of the GCN version but I do so I'm kinda curious

Best in the series.

But even if Deus Ex was bad for it's time, all those other 2000 games were also miles behind SSX. It was seriously the Crysis of 2000 and it was console exclusive too. Amazing.