VR is already dead

>VR is already dead

how does that make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:


>my opinion on something is the truth

fine because i didnt hop on a new trend and waste money buying it anyway

fine because i didn't buy it


Indifferent. Everybody with 1/10th of a brain knew it was a forced meme.

It pretty much fizzled out as soon as they shipped out.
That opening salvo of non-games kind of killed any hype.

top kek
have you seen porn in vr?

>how does that make you feel?

makes me feel like an opportunity to make something of it. the reason why you feel that its dead is because theres no incentive to buy the platform.

maybe if someone where to create games for it or make something useful for consumers that would hep it.

i can already thing of something that can help it launch.
1. virtual board games and editing software.
Chose from 1000s board games like monopoly or guess who to card games like magic the gathering or texas holdem poker. Along with games like warhammer 3000 or a table top version of star craft. Editing software to create your game, or own characters or table top dioramas to upload anywhere. play online or with several people. leaderboards and tournaments. you can play outside or inside in a virtual setting. Online virtual casinos, ect.

I didn't buy into it so I'm indifferent but it's sad that the industry is basically killing the tech before it has a chance to garner mass market appeal.

indifferent, never cared about it and honestly I predicted that it would be a flop

Anyone with half a brain knew this would happen.

Lonely neets who want to fap with a TV strapped to their face is not a big enough market to support this expensive shit.

it's not dead
just idiots who didn't get to try occulus devkits thought they could play old games in VR without vomiting got wrekd
also only shitty steam showelwaretier gamedevs and games so far for it

I feel it has legs in other fields but it can't take off for video games until someone solves the unrestricted movement problem which may be impossible without an expensive treadmill

I think I understand what you're saying.
It can't be dead if it was never alive to begin with.

DOAX3 VR keeps getting pushed back and it needs to fucking come out already.
That's when it'll really take off.

It's not dead at all. Uptake is slow, but dedicated VR games are going to get a lot of interest.

gimmicks come
gimmicks go
and I feel alright

Ehh imo its not where i thought itd be 10 years ago. But give it another 5-10 we may finally see a better jump. Bit the smart phone in goggles thing really is a bummer so far.

...But it isn't? If anything, a critical mass of hardware is out there now. Unless you define VR in an extremely narrow way and don't include stuff like PSVR and smartphone VR, it's impossible to get rid of now.

yeah, it needs something like doom was for pc gaming
if you know how huge doom actually was at the time

I'm enjoying my Touch controllers right now. The Unspoken is very fun. Right now thinking of getting either Please Don't Touch Anything or Superhot VR.
What do you guys think?

Retards who bought vr

Ripcoil is a good alternative/palette cleanser to Unspoken, basically discs of tron. The Assembly has added Touch support now and Technolust will receive a free DLC based around Touch soon.

I would get so hard if someone collaborates with Wizards of the Coast to create VR technology that has pre-loaded adventures that WotC has already released for 5e put into a program, as well as being able to buy a program to create your own realm running on DnD's mechanics.

Thanks for making me want something that will never exist you jackass.

I'm pretty sure it isn't dead, but I hope it dies soon.

Ripcoil is free if I buy something else on the store. So I'm deciding between those two games right now.

nope, I have only tried occulus devkit 2
never bought one

Don't miss out on The Assembly. It's arguably the best story driven single player VR game out there atm.

Anyone know the name of that video where some guy was reviewing all the shitty VR games and he was having no fun? He even had a red mark over his face towards the end of the video.

>Post screen cap of OP and first few posts in this thread 5 years from now
>"Oh well what I actually meant was, [elaborate post-hoc rationalization to avoid being inarguably wrong]"

user is nothing if not predictable. I did the same thing to people who said PSP would crush DS and that Nintendo would go first party by 2010.

poorfags will NEVER EVER experience hover junkers and doom 3 vr

fucking lmao

Battlefront VR is good!

I don't feel anything, because I was never interested in face monitors.

Dropping the price and the release of Ace Combat 7 will highly make me consider. So does Rez but not enough.

VR is something that has been toyed with for decades, and the main issue is that it causes extreme eyestrain among other things (the weight of the device, the expense involved, the room needed to make it remotely plausible to work).
It has always been a gimmick, long heralded as the "future of entertainment" since the 50's, it never really caught on, even though we've long since known about it, it just never was accepted.

I'll look into it. Not sure if I should get it for Oculus Home or Steam.

the fuck are you talking about, big companies just made an Assosiation just for vr.

It actually restored my faith in humanity a bit.

Indifferent really, just got a PC that can run VR but never got a headset yet. Seems like there is no killer apps and the only thing fun is sandbox shit like hot dogs horseshoes and hand grenades. I feel like the novelty would wear off quick on those.

I would like to try some racing games or Elite Dangerous on VR though.

I honestly feel like its still too early to call it a dead gimmick the technology is still too expensive. The only attempt to bring it to the mainstream was PSVR and that was a huge wash, it costs as much as PS4 Pro and the hardware is incredibly underpowered for VR. We will have to see what happens when it becomes more affordable because unlike the motion control gimmick of last generation that was affordable and available on every platform. As it stands you either get the garbage PSVR experience or spend well over $1000 on a capable PC and oculus/vive.

But /vr/ is still very much alive.

>extreme eyestrain
Doesn't feel like that at all when I use my headset
>weight of the device
Rift weighs about a pound, and Vive just a little more than that.
>expense involved
True, it's expensive now, but in the coming years, it will get cheaper and more refined, like other technology we have.
Also this. All the big VR companies made an association to help it thrive, because they don't want to pull all this effort into developing these devices, they don't want to see it fail and lose their initial investment.

>Sony lost the betamax/VHS war by not allowing porn
>PSVR will also lose by not allowing porn

Wholly indifferent, same as before VR launched.

That's pretty limited idea of new way to watch concerts and happenings. Like... why would you put a goddamn camera in place of some seat?

Why not planting some 360 degree cameras under the roof, among audience, on the very scene, behind the stages etc.? This way you could fucking jump between them in real time on a whim.

A lot of concerts do that. I recall watching some indie music fest in Texas(?) several years they would do shit like this. You can select the stage you want to watch and then switch between multiple cameras they have set up. Infinitely better than VR.

good, because it means videogame consumers are completely retarded... yet

I don't want anything on my head while I'm playing games

Look, it is another gathering of the poor to try and feel better about not being able to enjoy the latest tech toys that they really wish they could.

I think you got 3 or so of these threads up right now. Feeling better about being poor and without cool stuff now?


>nightmare vision VR

SSHHH..let the poor kids try and make themselves feel better. It is funny to watch the lies they are telling each other in order to do so.

I mean, they/we are, but I get your point.

mildly vindicated

anyone playing games since the 80s or early 90s could have called this easily. ive seen enough shitty interface gimmicks come and go without any significant impact on the industry to know that this would be no different. comparative to previous failed gimmicks, massive hype and massive money are the only other differences here. other than that its history repeating itself.

old VR didn't weigh a pound and have sub-millimeter positional tracking

>there are retards itt that think VR already came out

Only a mong would think any sane human wants a tv strapped to their head like an autist.

>you don't want to strap a tv to your head to see stereoscopic anime tiddies
The future is not for you.

>Could literally buy ten of these shitty headsets right now and still have plenty of leftover entertainment money
>Y-you're poor! Y-you just haven't tried it!

18th century pottery

Don't try reasoning with it.

>this thread

So are you one person or are there 2 of you making working in shifts to make this thread every 30 minutes?

That which was never alive could not possibly die.

Been there done that.

virtual reality is one of the biggest human goals, and every tech is a step to it. would be pretty obvious if you wasn't a dumb memer.

Why can't Asians naturally look like this?


Knew it was a fad. I mean it sounds cool but costs way too much for what it's worth.

I said it would flop years ago, I can see into the future.

Feels preddy gewd. Was fucking obvious honestly, who the hell wants to come home from work / college / school and lock themselves away from everyone in VR. In an uncomforatble headset, when you can just slouch on the couch with a controller, half ass watching netflix and playing a vidya.

Fucking idiots.

>when you can just slouch on the couch with a controller, half ass watching netflix and playing a vidya
i fail to see how strapping a monitor to your face prevents you from doing this

yes but this isnt that. its not even close

this is Franz Reichelt to Yves Rossy

meanwhile theres loads of gullible plebs going youre just jealous you cant afford a parachute suit. so what if he died jumping off the Eiffel tower next year's model will improve that

John Carmack lied to us

>Being bald

It's not. It's bleeding edge infancy.

uhh... Why? is ther something worthwile on VR taht would make jealous to non-owners?

Happy. All the smug assholes bragging about PSVR got BTFO.

That would be pretty cool during E3 or comic con

>Set up a few 360 cameras in some seats
>Put on the VR headset and pick a area you want to sit
>Stream the panel live and get to watch an event like you were there from home
>Option for a window in the side you can bring up for stream chat

>being racist

Virtual anime tiddies in your face, for one.

I feel bad for you.

It was too expensive at launch with too many competing brands and no real games, just small 'teehees and ports, so yea, no duh it fucking died immediately. Maybe in another 5 years it'll be brought back for cheap and people will finally do it right.

>making VR based on strapping a screen on your face
Should have been a clear screen which projects objects into the real world

>too many competing brands
two of them
>no real games
onward is better than sex

The only good thing about VR is its application in psychology, it's already proven to manage and treat Alzheimer's in the elderly to large degrees.

Other than that, it's just a fucking retarded way to play vidya. Too much investment and effort to play games that will all rely on the same gimmick.


you're thinking of AR, not VR, user

Fucking amazing. Saw it coming a mile away, knew as early as 2014 this shit was DOA. The DK2 was a sweet kit of enthusiast hardware, but it was dead in the water due to lack of engaging software. No one was making anything worthwhile for it. Then the following year we learned more about what the consumer products would be, and the direction things were going. Every game has to be stand up, no artificial locomotion, boring teleport bullshit. You cannot make a game like Half Life 2 with this teleport garbage. And Half Life 2 was the BEST experience I had in VR to date.

1 + 1 = dead platform. Get fucked VR faggots. Especially that freak who runs the evrydayvr channel that went trans or something. You can so tell that guy was banking on this being the next big thing, and it was going to take him from being a pathetic loser and turn him into some kind of guru. Shit just fell apart completely, dude got rekt.

>>making VR based on strapping a screen on your face
So you're saying it's better to have nothing than to have something? Sorry VR can't be at advanced as you want it to be.

>Not dead
>All the major players realized how dead VR is and that they've created a massive investment bubble so they've had to make the an international GVRA to try and salvage this mess before investors pull out

"not dead"


I can just go to sadpanda without strapping a tv next to my head. Call me in 20 years when I don't need a screen frying my eyes.

What did he mean by this?

>So you're saying it's better to have nothing than to have something?
>Its better to have AIDS than not to have AIDS!
This is how stupid you are, no really, you're this stupid, this is what you just said.

Clearly you haven't tried a RIft or Vive, because there's clearly a difference between looking at a monitor and looking through a VR headset.

>too expensive
>no games

Makes sense

You don't even deserve a (You) for that post. Think about what you just said.

Relieved, it was too casual to be allowed

I'm sad, especially since I don't even want full-blown VR, I just want a 3d head mounted display.

Virtual Reality made that impossible to find. I don't want room sensors or hand tracking, just sitting in a chair looking at a digital world in immersive 3d.

Feels like being tired of being proven right all the time

Thanks for the (you), Im glad you realized how fucking stupid you sound

Resident evil may not be the killer app it needs but it's a damn good step in the right direction