I worked on FF 15, ask me anything!

So I worked in this game for ~14 months, left development team in June (still have contact with a few pals)

Feel free to ask any question about the game. I wasn't a Final Fantasy fan before collaborating with Square so I didn't follow the project since it was announced as XIII Versus but I got a hold of some information, if you want it.

To sum up, my experience with the team was one of the best I had in the business, collaborating with S-E was amazing but if I'm being honest, the last five months or so were a bit painful. So, feel free to ask anything!

Other urls found in this thread:


What was your job?

Why didn't you mates ask for another 6 months of dev time

Did they cut content for DLC?

Are you overall satisfied with how the game turned out?

I would rather not answer this to feel safer (even tho I told you to ask me about anything lol)

The game had to be released before this year ended period. It was a contract thing and that was set in stone before development with the new director started. That's why the last months of working in the game were painful (and I could not imagine how July-October were for my mates).

Do gingers assrape you often?

wow first reply and you've already struck out, impressive

Damn, game could really use that dev time.

what's your cats name?

well he did work on ff15

why is the game so unfinished

why did you delay it then have two massive day one patches

why are you still trying to fix this broken mess of a game with so many future updates announced

whats with all the dlc

what the fuck was the point of kingsglaive

As someone who is an ff fan and enjoys the game, and assuming you're authentic, be real here.

why the fuck does the game go batshit in the last quarter? There's good stuff there, but it feels like you guys literally cut half the game out to get to it.

Why would you go on the internet and tell lies?

Were there any nicknames you and your team gave the characters? Like Noctis Shit Again or Pornto?

>I wasn't a Final Fantasy fan before collaborating with Square
Are you now?

where's that deus ex tie in dlc boio

tell your friends to patch fucking costlemark so i stop falling through the world and it also actually accepts that I finished the dungeon and finishes my fucking quest

Sort of. Last year the game story got rewritten because fans kept asking to play as Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto so they had to insert playable chapters for those characters into the narrative, but since we didn't have time to work on them, the decision to release them as downloads were made from the get go.

I know that there are some game levels, scenes and options that were cut because we couldn't finish them in time. I don't know if they will be released as downloads, but I hope they will.

I think the overall feeling towards how the game turned out is "we could have done more". The team literally ran out of time. There were such cool concepts and stuff that were left unfinished because we knew that they weren't going to make the release date. However, the team is pretty happy to have worked on the game and they didn't feel like they wasted their time. Now I'm sure they will continue to work on the game and improve it to match their vision.

Don't have a cat :(

The game IS unfinished. The game was delayed because the team felt like it would get destroyed by critics if released in the state it was in July and it was a last minute decision to delay it.

Most of the development time centered around the Lucis area. The later parts of the game were also supposed to have (smaller) areas for the characters to explore, but they weren't finished.

One of the main characters was called Ringo a lot by some people in the team. Guess who is it?

On the FF part. It kind of was mandatory to play the classic FF while working on this game, so I grew love for them. They are neat and I wish I had played some of them earlier.

Can they patch in the unfinished stuff?

>because we couldn't finish them in time.
Because you forced them on a story which wasn't even well planned out to begin with.

Do you know if konami is releasing the final chapter of mgsv? I really dont have a question regaring ff15

If the old Versus script done by Nojima is available do you think it could happen to find its way into the public domain?

Why didn't include gambit from 12 in it if the others characters besides Noct are not controllable?

Why were you fired

Leak the Versus XIII original script and I'll suck you off 13 (thirteen) times to completion.

What do you personnally think about the game you worked on? Something that you would want to changed or add?

Some of it, yeah I'm sure they can release it later as downloads or repurpose the assets. But I fear that some levels are not going to be released since they wouldn't fit with the rewritten story.

... I have to agree that the game was too ambitious for the development time available to work on it.

what was the hardest thing to do for the team, a problem that kept getting in the way but that you eventually solved?

>I would rather not answer this to feel safer (even tho I told you to ask me about anything lol)

What does your team's thoughts on FF13? I know that a lot of Japanese people still liked it

Were Prompto, Gladio and Ignis killed by the Iron Giants?

what are you going to work on now?

Who is the Izunia Ardyn mentioned to Noctis?

inb4 this thread ends on news sites
Also OP, did you had acess to 13 versus builds?

Why was the story pacing a mess? Chapter 13 was overloaded with important information that lacked a punch because of the huge volume of it and the cutting of scenes. Niflheim in complete chaos and the empire toppled by Daemons? We'll handle that with a few lines of exposition by Aranea. Ravus and Iedolas betrayed by Ardyn? Well, we will just throw Ravus' corpse at you as if his purpose in the plot wasnt already questionable. Seriously why is Ravus a character? Seems like Glauca stole his role or something.

Lets make the fucking emperor a shitty lv 30 imp after 10 seconds of screentime. Great decision Tabata. Removing Kingsglaive was a huge mistake.

>provides no proof of working on it
>retards fall for it

Any idea what any of the planned DLC episodes will be about specifically?

Also what happened to the Solheim region in the game? I heard that was where Prompto was born and it's where Nifflheim salvaged their advanced technology from an ancient civilisation.


Almost everything said so far actually can be substantiated with previously released statements.

If this guy's a troll then he's a well-researched one

Can you get close enough again to shit on Tabata's desk?

Does it matter if he's lying or not? If he's lying it's a bigger time waste for him than it is for us.

I understand how you feel about everything except the Glauca part. He and Ravus are nothing alike at any point in the whole of the XV universe.

He left

So what the hell information can we get if we don't even know what you did on the game.

Why was combat in this game so foreign to Tabata? Boss battles could have been the best thing ever with things like:
>a warp where you have momentum after teleporting like Nyx
>Grabbing on to large bosses and climbing SoTC style
>Emphasis on staying in the air and teleporting to certain points instead of just doing aerial moves in the same spot constantly.

Bosses were really botched in this game, the Leviathan fight felt fucking awfully boring to play.

I don't think that type of material gets to leak, but who knows?

I don't know the whole story about Versus XIII but I heard teammates talk about some details and I also asked about some stuff, so if you want to know something maybe I can answer it.

In my opinion, the only problem with the development process is that we didn't have time and sometimes we spent development time creating stuff that wasn't part of the actual game just for promotional material. I understand that it needs to be done for the PR team, tho. Overall, I think the game turned out to be okay and I'm pretty proud to have worked on it.

I didn't get fired, my contract didn't get renewed.

I didn't solve any problem per se, but the porting to console system process got on my nerves.

They respect the game and I haven't heard anything bad about the game other than it disappointed the fans and that some of the design choices were very questionable.

At the end of the game, you say? I think it was supposed to be left open for interpretation. If I recall correctly, they weren't suppose to have any death scene or anything so I assume they are alive.

I'm at a negotiation process right now again with a former employer.

What Izunia? If you mean the Izunia from a thousand years ago, that is Noctis' ancestor.

No but we used material (assets, concept arts, etc) to work on the game.


Specifically, I'd like to know how the arms summoning power worked plotwise in Versus XIII. In XV only those of the royal line can use it, but Ardyn has a red version which is never explained. Stella also had a red version in an early trailer. Was it linked to Etro previously?

is there something that you personally regret? Something that you wouldn't have done but were more or less forced to include or see included?

besides anything of "we didn't have much time", you already stressed it enough

How about you just start fucking giving us stuff instead of these bullshit vague answers. Stop asking and start telling.

Was anyone actually convinced that Luna was a better character than Stella?

Besides Tabata, of course.

>vague answers
the fuck are you talking about

What purpose did Ravus serve though? After Kingsglaive I wondered did he seek the ring because he wanted to lick Niflheims ass for the time being but then use the ring to take back Tenebrae? Was he an opportunist biding his time? Nope, we saw no development in the game. Before we know it he is gone.

I compared Glauca and Ravus because I assumed Ravus was the one who killed Regis in the Versus XIII storyline, hooded guy from the earlier trailers.

Why does Cindy have no ass?

Also, do you know anything about Tifa in the FF7R?

Are you a grill?

Sorry for answering late dudes, the thread is moving fast.

As I said, the focus of most of the development time ended up being the Lucis area so the later parts of the game had a lot of cut content that wasn't ready. However, as far as I know, the fact that the empire is completely in chaos once you get to it never changed.

They are about the party members and they introduce new mechanics built around them. But work on them barely started before I left.

In regards to the Solheim region, we never worked on it. It wasn't cut, so I guess it didn't fit the story the game was trying to tell.

When will XV stop engrossing all other S-E projects

It is literally explained as to how he can do that. Do you know what his surname is?

Answer this please

Can you please give us some sort of detail that you're an actual dev Jesus fucking Christ.

Should I buy the game now or do you know if there any special edition out later? Like a GOTY edition or something that includes DLC?

It's explained why he can do it, just not why it's red. Only other red one was Stella.

Why did Luna feel like such an unimportant character?

I would think it's probably nothing other than blue is good, red is evil.

who decided to make emo-backstreet boys for the main characters???

Tell us everything you know about Versus

Was it expected from the team for the game to be so critically mixed

Just say what you know about the story Versus XIII.

Talking about the Leviathan level, I remember the level design being a bit different last year and it had to be sort of redesigned because it didn't run well and the engine was having problems.

I'm probably wrong about this since I'm not that familiar to plot terms and stuff from the 13 universe but I think more than one crystal existed in the game and that each crystal had a family which acted as bodyguards. Noctis was part of the Lucis family and the heroine was part of the other family. And the game had a lot to do with death so Noctis was continously using the weapons of dead family members.

When I was told that a certain level (snowy area with Shiva statue) was going to get deleted anyway after working on it for weeks nonstop and then having to work on a bootleg version for that level.

The team had to keep a lot of things from the past projects because the former director shared details about them. I assume Ravus was one of those things that had to be kept because details about him were previously announced.

However, I have to say that the story had to be partly rewritten last year (after the movie had entered full production) so that's why that character might have inconsistencies between the game and film.

I don't know about that but I would buy the game now and then buy the download content instead of waiting.

I heard that the team had to change and delete certain scenes about her because they portrayed her in a way that would have been criticized nowadays. And like what happened with everything else, it seems like her role in the story wasn't able to get fixed before release.

>a certain level (snowy area with Shiva statue) was going to get deleted

fucking the japs giving in to the sjws

>portrayed her in a way that would have been criticized nowadays

>because they portrayed her in a way that would have been criticized nowadays.
This smells so much like bait...
Can you somehow prove that you actually were on the dev team?


>muh sjws
Ya blew it.

Who the fuck decided the survival horror in chapter 13 was a good idea? What the fuck was the reason behind it?

there's the reason son

Can you please tell me the original plot for versus xiii? Only then can I peacefully let go of that "phase" TT~~TT

Sorry. I'm currently writing a screenplay and the ellipses help me to "show" a character pondering things.

You are off the hook then

>they portrayed her in a way that would have been criticized nowadays

They have shit like Cidney and Ara-Ara, who are nothing, but tits and ass. They made Luna in movie typical damsel in distress.
Also, all male cast.

I don`t know what can pissed sjw even more, so, SE decided delete it.

Do the 3 bros die in the end along with Noctis, or do they make it? Will Ch 15 world ever be fully explorable?

tell us something you did that you are particularly proud of

what was your favorite thing you worked on ?

Versus was about noctis becoming the villain and killing everyone in niflheim, so stella had to kill him in the end and she cucks him with ardyn.

My heart won't let go....

Just write >pauses instead you fucking hack.

I will always love this trailer the most, too bad it wasn't used in the game at all.


I think luna actually slept with Noctis before she was supposed to die

>I don't know about that but I would buy the game now and then buy the download content instead of waiting.

Be a good goy, friend. ;)

Based on how much you were paid and how many teammates you had, could you wager a guess as to how much FF15's production cost?

All right since you cannot tell your job and since I worked at SE as well (several years ago however), in which office were you working?

You should be able to answer that at least.

>writing director notes INTO the spoken text

maybe he's going for that post modernist feel you know

Is SE planning to stop making their own wasted engines? It seems like it took XIII forever to get out the door (Crystal Tools which was never really used again outside the XIII trilogy) and Luminous is an outdated mess? The company could have spent more time on cutscenes, story, and world building if they hadn't insisted on making their own engine and just used something like Unreal?

If he had a position that wasn't garbage tier (i.e. contractor / temp staff) he'd have easily access to such data really.

You certainly cannot determine how much a game did cost based on your salary and the ones of your few colleagues, especially not on a project that large.


why are you a lying faggot?
I remember your tripcode you nigger.
dont think people on Sup Forums only browse Sup Forums.

Whose idea was it to squeeze the final three summons so late into the game? You spend an enormous amount of time with just Ramuh and Titan, then you literally dont get to use Shiva, Leviathan or Bahamut at all except against Ifrit. What was the reasoning behind that?

Ifrit is an angry astral in the story who sides with Ardyn and doesnt like humans. Was this a lazy reason Tabata invented as an excuse to not make him a summon?

Also was it Bahamut that Regis was speaking to in Omen? Was Bahamut referring to the plague when he said "I have seen many deaths" and Noctis when he said "now I am looking forward to one"? Did Noctis become the Immortal in this trailer, like Ardyn did millenia ago?

Also was Iedolas' role in the story canned? Were there any scenes of him and the Niffs getting wrecked by daemons?

Finally was there any discussion on whether Noct would react to Nyx's body in the throne room? Did they know each other?

Is there an essential after life for Noctis and his wife that was going to be where they can be together? Kinda of pains me to see a formation of love never kindle because the rushed writing decided to kill her off extremely early.

you know how ff13 had 13-2 and lighting returns
yeah will ff15 will have shit like that to milk the game more and more
I don't have to work at SE to tell you that