What ruined games?

What ruined games?

Choose one:

You might think they're one in the same but that could not be further from the truth

The watering down of gaming mechanics for the sake of appealing to a wider audience despite previous iterations selling more copies while being harder in design.

Mario only got harder

Inflated budgets


How? So people instead of pirating shit games, won't play shit games?

Its the precedent

more like Manchildren, who feel like they are some kind of hotshit and forgot games are for telling stories and having fun
and instead they promote fapbait games with no(or atleast the minimum) gameplay,
Video Games are a Hobby not a way of life.
Vidya is for fun, the moment you stopped having fun playing video games, is the moment you started to blame other while swimming in your Echo chamber while some other told you it's the women fault
Grow Up
TL;DR: Vidya is for fun
Grow up instead of blaming other

Couldn't agree more. Every single time people turn a hobby into a lifestyle, it goes to shit. People used to play and make games for fun, but now they just do it for the money and attention.

I'm not choosing any of your retarded ass options you faggot.

Well thought out challenges and gameplay mechanics taking a backseat compared to graphics.
Developers and publishers not wanting to take any risk in trying to do something new or original because it is safer to just make something that already exists with a huge marketing campaign.
Rampant casualization, there's nothing wrong with casual or easier games, but putting effort into a balanced difficulty setting for a minority of advanced players is apparently just not worth it anymore.

oh shit could it be
could it juuust be
that video games are getting less fun because of the idiots behind them and pandering to other idiots

but vidya is for everyone the Elitist type of mind is what ruined games
here's a tip: if you don't like it then don't buy it
but don't make a fool of yourself by saying "hurr i'm so stronk other ar waek "


Women. Without them we wouldn't have SJWs and a push for diversity. Mobile games and their cancerous monetization techniques wouldn't have taken off and we probably wouldn't have micro-transaction in paid games either. They're the root of everything wrong in the game industry.

You did.

Western devs

They're behind most of those


I just said that i would like to see some more variety in levels of challenge in modern games. I really enjoyed Kirby's squeek squad, but i would've enjoyed way more if it featured a more challenging difficulty level. Sorry if i was unclear.
As i said, there's nothing wrong with casual or easier games. Being elitist or trying to show superiority because of skill-level is a poor charactertrait, but there is nothing wrong with being let-down that you can't enjoy a lot of games with otherwise great mechanics because they more or less play themselves.

I think I'll pick the actually correct answer which is also the only reason the things you posted are an issue at all

Couldn't be anymore accurate.

>What ruined games?
popularity of the medium



>for telling stories

10/10 bait.

The consumer sheep. They just blindly shit out money for anything and everything, basically sending a message to the devs that they can just pretty much get away with anything. There are no standards in this industry.

>literally any answer but casuals
God this board has gone to shit.

ah sorry i misinterpreted your post
i agree with you
the fact that gaming only panders to graphic whores is pathetic, i want game that feature gameplay
stories and interactivity is the two main feature of Vidya
it's like saying "i don't want stories in my comicbook/manga, i want pretty drawings"

your mom

no, seriously.

Greedy fucking faggot publishers coppying the music industry/hollywoods business model

when games were good it was because theyt were made by small to mid sized studios composed of nothing but people who liked games

Only affects PC gaming and the only Denuvo games I have played are MGSV/Doom (pre-removal). Would have never known either game contained Denuvo just from playing it.
Does not affect all games and I would hardly see this as ruining gaming. I only dislike this when its feels entirely forced like its pushing a political agenda.
Wouldn't say that ruins it as a whole.
Only affects a small amount of games particularly MOBAs, Overwatch, and CSGO.

What you listed pales in comparison to what said.

Bigger problems also include
>Cashgrab sequels that change very little and could have easily been a DLC expansion
>Games chopped up with content left out for DLC and overpriced season passes
See EA for this, a full EA game will generally cost you $100-$120 for the game with the season pass.
>Games released unfinished or buggy as shit
AC: Unity, No Man's Sky, Bethesda developed games (elder scrolls, fallout)

Stories can be important for a few genres but for most games it's enough to have some kind of excuse for why you got to do what you got to do. I don't care why Mario has to go beat Bowser or Wario up, I wouldn't care too much if Link was send on a quest to do whatever else other than save Zelda and the kingdom. I just want to look around for stuff and play the dungeons. In most genres less story is better.


better 3d graphics

could not agree more

Damn it feel good to have a real discussion on Sup Forums for once

Best post in all of Sup Forums desu

triple A developers

Nope. 100% fine with it.

Doesn't affect the games I like, so no.

Got no problem with games featuring women, so long as they're done right. Beyond Good & Evil and Horizon Zero Dawn know what's up. Real bitches acting real. They're one half of the species.

Lords of the Fallen also has a real woman.

SJWs are fucking gay, but I'm not autistic enough to hate all women. Shoehorned gay bullshit is much worse. Especially transgender faggotry.

Black protagonists only piss me off if there's an agenda behind it.

[ continued ]


Literally don't give a fuck. That shit's been around forever.


This is the best answer. It's companies' constant hunger for a larger audience, and the subsequent dumbing down / casualization / condescension / whatever you want to call it, to cater to the lowest common denominator, that's ruined games.

This applies to a lot of indies as well. Think of all of those 30 minute tutorials (that comprise half the game) that you've played through.

Those four things are non-issues in comparison.

Games are expensive and takes time. We are now at a point that something new doesn't guarantee for a game to make a profit. so Publishers want to make stuff have wide appeal. So they produce stuff that is familiar that is believed to be "in". That's part of the reason indie/small studio market has boomed and the most innovative. They have less to lose.

I will say EXACTLY what ruined games.

Attention of the general public.

Society and it's eternally downward spiral of a forced culture.

Games aren't ruined you fucking dorks. You're not children anymore. Why is life ruined? Make America great again. Things were good because you were good. Now you're shit so everything is shit