Not the real Big Boss

Not the real Big Boss

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks, Boss!

That ain't Big Boss, Op.

Thanks, Boss!


How about expanding the base, Boss?

Thanks for that, Boss!

Thanks, Boss!

Good. You captured it alive.




Venom didn't care about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

Thanks boss


Thanks, Boss!

What is "Big Boss"?

Is he a man, or a meme? To the world at large, Venom Snake WAS Big Boss, and he fulfilled that role until Naked Snake completed Outer Heaven.

You'll never be as hate/loved as barneyfag.

Lmao, you're not even me.

I guess you finally have seen the light.

Thanks, boss!

Not even my goal, I do it to spread the facts, not interpretations.

Thanks, Boss!

That's an attack helicopter

Oh that's fine then. Carry on.

Thanks, Boss, will do.

That's the joke you fucking autistic sperglord. It's parodying the idiots who spam #NotMyPresident


When was the last time kojima said that DS will release on PC too?
No golden face maymay pls

Thanks, Boss!

No golden face meme. They said it would release on PC but now things seem to have changed, reason is the engine. They don't think they can make it work on PC. You should live with the thought of it being ps4 exclusive.

"Thanks, Boss!"

Thanks, Boss!


Thanks, Boss!

Imbecile frogposter

Thank you, Boss!

How bout a few rounds boss

Thanks, Boss!



>start playing this game around 2 weeks ago
>JUST extracted lil' Liquid and fought off first Mother Base invasion
>Suddenly new FOB opens up and have to grind more soldiers/materials for a whole separate base
>story seems to be going nowhere
>"This guy probably has some info on CYYYPHURRR, Boss. I promise. Go extract him."
>"This guy is a douchebag CYPHUUURR lover, go kill him Boss."
>"Remember Boss, CYPHUR fucked your gal. We gotta get em."
>"Don't shoot the nigglets, Boss. That's a hatecrime."
>meanwhile Boss gives literally no shits about characters like Huey, Ocelot, Miller despite all of MGS3 and PW story happening
>Boss doesn't even question Ocelot showing up and joining/founding DD
>straight-faced, no-nonsense plank of wood 100% of the time
>not even a smidget of humor, dark or otherwise in the whole game so far
>becoming a chore to even progress in the main story, let along the side missions

I know that this game isn't that great story-wise, and I know it isn't the best representation of the characters portrayed but come on... not even a little fanservice? A nod to the previous titles? Am I just not there yet? Does it ever get good?
I think the only parts I really liked were seeing Ocelot and Liquid. Quiet is decent too, I guess.