Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/It has actual graphics/type/op/

What genre is it?

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/It has actual graphics/type/op/

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/It has actual graphics/type/op/

Pasta thread do not respond.

Yeah, no shit. I'd like to have Paragon threads on Sup Forums, but this fucker has poisoned the well.
If Epic are paying him, they'd do well to look for their money back because he's turned the entire board off the notion of ever giving the game a chance.

Where am I supposed to talk about paragon? It just had a major patch.

>only ps4 and pc

Not even memeing.

>never checked what kind of game it actually is
>multiplayer online battle arena

>"I just wanted to discuss the game guis :^)"
Bullshit. You're a faggot using a copypasta that's old and stale. If you actually wanted to talk about the game your post wouldn't resemble every other fucking thread this game has ever had made for itself. Nobody gives a fuck about Paragon no matter how many polygons it has shoved up its ass.

I really like this toaster.

I do, but I can see why you'd be disinclined to like it given this asshole's spam.

I'm not the op.

Pretty fucking pathetic if you let some Sup Forums posts turn you off a great game that has actual graphics. Try not being so impressionable maybe?

What are actual graphics?

I play the game, retard.
You're the one that single-handedly ruined the game's reputation on the board.

Fuck off, DJ.

Why don't you make the threads then, so I don't have to?

>another fucking moba

Nah Im good

What were you expecting?

It's not just another MOBA; it has actual graphics.


It looks gross like everything is covered in gun oil.