ITT: TV shows you want to see turned into video games.
ITT: TV shows you want to see turned into video games
ur a faggot.
this still exists?
havent heard of it since Sup Forumss little crusade against it
>football player
why did Sup Forums sperg out about this again?
Which BLACKED is this?
I think you know why
fa/tv/irgins did, first.
and confirms that this thread was only made to stir up shit with autistic Sup Forums users with their fetish for nigger dicks and cucking
remember to report the thread.
Its creator is a jew who produces interracial porn, and this show blatantly promotes interracial shipping.
It was written by a guy who literally made a movie called "the cuckold" which was full of racial cuck stereotype shit
You fucking cucks are clueless
LOL! le cuck may may
looooool cuck!
LE C-U-C-K!!!
>Watch BLACKED videos because the girls in them seem like real-life "innocent" white girls giving into their dark sides
>Find out that most of them are professional porn actresses who are only doing it for money
Why is a 15 year old posting here?
porn is done by actors for money? Who would've thought
>child finds out Sup Forumsshitposters are wrong
post the picture
You tell me.
>tfw i only watch it for the girls and couldn't care less about the skin color of the guys.
This. I will say however, niggers have a tendency to not shut their fucking mouths and I absolutely hate when dudes talk in porn
>Sup Forums is the one posting pro cuckold shit everywhere on Sup Forums
Yes that makes sense
The mental gymnastics just never ends for many of you cucks
Racists are the biggest consumers of interracial porn.
Most other people find it largely unremarkable.
>tfw can't watch porn with men in it
Almost everything I have is either solo or lesbian.
Source on this
So, by all accounts sweden is the most racist nation out there?
I can't fap to porn with different skin colors of my dick