Megan Foster: Bisexual maybe full lesbian

>Megan Foster: Bisexual maybe full lesbian

>Breanna Ashworth: Lesbian

>Delilah: Bisexual

>Daud: Asexual

>Aramis Stilton: Gay

>Duke Abele: Gay

>Emily: Love interest is gender neutral

What did they mean by this?

LGBTQRSTUV is the newest meme

>Daud: Asexual

Where the fuck did you gather that?

In a book. Says he was never interested in sex.

Citation fucking needed. I think I've read all books in Dishonored and can't remember this.

It was confirmed by Harvey Smith, do a fucking google search you lazy cunt.

>Duke Abele: Gay

he's in love with delilah tho

book found in the house of someone who is in a Daud fan club, along with a note talking to another member. City part before the wall of light leading to the Duke.

>the tyrant Jessamine


Who gives a shit.
There were female guards and gays in Thief 2 and nobody ever said anything.

Thief 2 was a garbage game though so that's no surprise


thanks obama



Why did this make me laugh so hard


>Giving one living fuck about Dishonoreds storuy

DH1 was already spotty as hell but Daud DLC saved it

DH2 is just full fucking meme from the opening cutscene

They have a very good setting and lore, but don't know what to do with it

The lady that asks you to pick up a corpse was transgender or some shit.

>mfw Mindy "wanting a different life" could've meant anything
>someone asks Harvey if that can be interpreted as her being trans
>he's like "sure :)"

Basically Arkane subtly panders to them because there's money in that, I wouldn't think too hard over it

>"gender neutral"

America please stop

Dishonored 1
>old boatman
>he was the best character of the story
Dishonored 2
>gay, black, crippled, woman, boat captain
>she was the most boring character of the story

Yeah just keep adding adjectives, that's good story telling!

>Megan Foster

Did they really think they were fooling anyone? Or did few people actually play the Dishonored 1 DLCs?

Hell even the way you beat Delilah non-lethally is almost a copy of Brigmore Witches.


Kill u r self