Are you keeping your banter family friendly, Sup Forums?
Are you keeping your banter family friendly, Sup Forums?
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>LITERAL piece of trash
This image LITERALLY set my butthole aflame.
I'll never poo again with my cauterized ass.
I don't know, am I?
best stgggs inc
>before 2010
>go to the park, play Basketball with randoms. Have fun, shit talk each other. Foul language and the worst things imaginable said to each other
>call the police once someone starts shit talking you during Basketball game
>have them arrested for harassment
>get insurance money for mental abuse
>post about it on Tumblr, get 10k followers
>start a gofundme, tell them about how badly you were harassed, raise money to sue the harasser
What is causing the NuMale epidemic?
Societal pressure, and behavioral sink.
Remove headset.
Mute other players.
Huzzah. Problem solved.
Why cant people understand the difference between literal and figurative?
On another note, when did the internet become so normie friendly?
>Things that rarely, if ever happen.
I don't cross the line just because it's immature and dumb.
If I were to choose a nice round number, it'd be 2010.
2007-2009 it was already showing signs of dying.
It grew too big, grew too fast, now the government and corporations have to step in to protect the millions of children, soccer-moms and elderly going through it. Kinda like how jews would hire security guards and bring in vendors to some abandoned place that people suddenly start frequenting as a tourist attraction.
I giggled
Also, why didn't she just mute these people and block them on steam?
>crossing the line is things you just laugh at if someone says that to you bcs u know theyre mad
>acceptable is passive aggressive insults that will make you mad
>"If I could go back in time and perform one abortion with the choice being between you or Hitler; I'd choose you."
How is that not okay anyways? It's hilarious.
I wish i had that beard
Fuck you, nigger cuck.
>i wish i had a thin, straw-like numale beard
so you're a woman?
>my little sister's a better AWPer
I love how this image is trying to suggest shit-talk that's less offensive but that's still low-key sexist
>Not raising your imouto to be the best sniper in vidya
It's not sexist, it's literal truth.
Griefing is NOT funny!
>My sister is a better AWPer
Wow. I can't even. Is he implying that wymon are bad at video games? This misoygny is unreal. I need to go sit down and sip some tea.
why does this face make people so upset?
>le funny numale cuck meme xD
I don't cross "the line" not to protect some fatty sjw feminist "online safe space", i don't cross it because yelling to a microphone in a online game is retarded and annoying.
Man, remember when everyone used to watch videos of ultra hostile children screeching and insulting everyone because they lost a match and laugh at these reactions?
Nowadays? You've got to act like these children apparently. If you don't, Sup Forums will whine about how you're pushing "hugboxes" and "safe spaces" on everyone else. Amusingly, the same people will also complain about how bad the current online game communities are, completely oblivious of their own behaviour.
You can still say mean things to people without yelling into the mic
>banter = screaming like a child
This is the ideal
Aww dude. SUSD guy is cool. Don't lump him in there
what's the funniest is the numale cucks complaining like something needs to change
those people are the bottom of the internet barrel
Don't kid yourself user. Filling the chat with insults while making your own team lose is not banter.
>You can still say mean things to people without yelling into the mic
>Kinda like how jews would hire security guards and bring in vendors to some abandoned place that people suddenly start frequenting as a tourist attraction.
That's not always the outcome. For example, you can shitpost while waiting for a respawn.
it's simple and yet so effective
i think that allow people to project their insecurities
like people laughing at you etc
cyberbulling 'victims' are literally all just people too retarded to turn of the fucking game or use the mute feature.
They still exist?
this is textbook exemple
no one could be offended by that
this banter happens between 2 death
killing the guys that you talk to while he is tipping is just gold though
mfw I don't know which side is more retarded
>UGH just ugh can you imagine someone just going on the internet and not respecting my pronouns?
>we need to ban people who say things I disagree with!
If someone makes you laugh while insulting you, you know they're doing a good job.
Wrong with with him?
Uh, sober up and try that again.
>Ebin Cuck
Come on, there is no way that is real
banter and shit talking is one of the main reasons why online gaming is fun
but shit like randomly calling a black guy in game a nigger over and over isn't funny it's just retarded
his brain is afflicted with a severe case of left-wing retardation, likely due to lack of father figure and poor education
Nowadays it's more like
Not allowed =Any decent banter
Allowed and promoted = WHEN YA'LL BE LIKE NOT GOOD YO
Make people choose between video games and twitter
Hell awaits us if this faggots keep growing like the cancer they are... and they will...
May Kek save us all
Kek grant me digi- oh shit I forgot we're on Sup Forums
Is it "crossing the line" if I say the most horrible shit of all time in an emotionless monotone?
I think it's a lot more effective if you remove any affect while shit talking someone.
I don't banter, I focus on the game
Kek has eyes on every thread and every board.
Except /soc/
/soc/ is degenerate as hell
Someone post wheelchair balls
>You're a worthless piece of garbage
>being a literal piece of trash
the fact that this is Demolition D makes it like 10x funnier
single moms and female school teachers
>tfw leftist cucks will never leave video games and will keep pushing their agenda even though Trump won
hopefully it doesnt get worse somehow
Cancer, all of this is cancer and I hate it. You should be able to speak to someone like an adult and call them a scum-sucking jew who deserves to be holocausted without being banned for hurt feelings. If you can't stand some faggot on the internet calling you a faggot then you have problems. You could always fight back, or even git gud
The worst part about these cucks is that they will literally blow any kind of dicking around out of proportion.
>Sephirot learning party with randoms
> after 3 wipes I start dicking around quoting idiocracy
>"maybe he just needs electrolytes"
> kid starts sperging about me not taking things seriously
>"Dude you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded"
> immediate shit storm
> kicked immediately
> not before seeing the autist type reported in all caps into the chat
I ended my subscription a week later.
who /teamgamerfood/ here?