Games that you never see being discussed on Sup Forums

Games that you never see being discussed on Sup Forums

Advance wars in general I see them mentioned everyone once in a blue usually in FE threads but they are rarely brought up.

Ogre Battle and Ogre Battle 64 deserve their own goddamn fucking board.

Also, pic related.


>tfw when you discover spell combinations

Those animations made my dick turn into diamond.

Enward, they have Advance Wars threads all the time. You're spoiled, for such an obscure game.

God damn, this is 10% of my childhood right here
>crying when your first moochi dies in their sleep

Too many in my collection to list. Sup Forums just likes indie trash and AAA games.

Only see this brought up on /vr/ usually in rare or expensive games threads.

Most expensive game I own actually. Multiplayer was fun as fuck.

Also, MR power rankings:

2 > 4 > DS = Advance/2 = 3 > 1

Such an amazing game. Great animations, good story. Combat not overly complicated but challenging.

One of my all time favorites. Great RPG.

Really, user?


This and Gotcha Force formed a good deal of my Gamecube time.

I don't think anyone here can handle Cave shooters

i rented the fuck out of this
never ever thought it would be so fucking expensive, but some 1995 games just skyrocketed in price

metal warriors
mega man x 3
mega man 7
ninja gaiden trilogy

fuck, all shit i like too

Is this cheap? I've been looking for a cheap game to buy till I can hack my 3ds later this month.

The best Gundam game of all time never gets talked about, even in the Gundam threads.

Probably because all of these tweens were too young to have ever owned a Dreamcast.

Goddamn this game is so good. It's like a mechanically superior GTA3. You can even shoot straight ahead from a vehicle like wtf

I can, I just don't have a platform to play them anymore. Mushihimesama Black is my shit, tho

What little I played of Akai Katana Shin was aight too

Literally everything

Look at the catalog right now, it is mostly whatever AAA game came out last

I'm playing through March of the Black Queen right now. I like it, but I had to look up how to recruit Canopus. If they're all going to be as convoluted as that, I'm gonna miss every character. I only looked up how to recruit Canopus because it's Canopus, otherwise I want to play as blind as possible. I really have no idea what Alignment does, but apparently it's important.

dude, i had a demo disk with that game on it
played the SHIT out of it

blame japan for not wanting more tactical gundam games. that shit is as near to mech warrior as the japs will ever get.

get deneb
best witch

This game is too fucking good but I cheat like a motherfucker every time to get infinite alignment +/- items, trying to get units into just the right alignment zone for class upgrades is horseshit that I don't have the patience for.

Literally my favorite game of all time
>The absurd amount of hidden things

I might cave and figure out how to recruit her, yeah. Right now I hate witches, because all they do is stun me over and over.

>recruiting deneb in LUCT
>those requirements
>those requirements if you want her as her unique class

Canopus is literally the only complicated character (other than maybe Galf? But no one even goes for Galf.)

Do NOT listen to this retard

>MFW she's too easy to get in Knight of Lodis

>2 adult dragons + dragon tamer rape squads
>taking the side path through the mountains around scene 25 or so for that extra Ring of the Dead so you can make a squad with 2 liches for 3x full-squad combination spells
Help, I can only get so erect

>Get vampire
>Put him on front because I assume I was going to rape everything

A lot of characters are somewhat simple, but getting to the islands and getting all zodiac stones would probably be exceptionally difficult to do blind (if at all).

You'd probably be best waiting for a second playthrough for that, though.

Really @ you just posting that photo with no commentary.

I thought that series was ogrerrated.

I like what I've played of Ogre Battle 64, but the law/chaos thing is hard to get used to for me since I've never seen anything like it in an rts rpg whatever. I get to the point where enemies have paladins and shit and I feel I'm doing something wrong because I haven't classed up for shit by then.

>the console kid is judging peoples' taste

lmao enjoy 30 fps