
Norman Reedus
Mads Mikkelsen
A female character (currently unknown)

>Highly likely tier:
Kevin Durand

>Could happen tier:
Idris Elba

>Pure speculation tier:
Ryan Gosling
Emma Stone

Who do you wanna see in Death Stranding? Who do you think has a chance of being in the game?

>No PC release after all
Fucking why. Don't hype up things you can't deliver, Kojima you ricenigger.
I could live without Bloodbum but I guess I will have to get a ps4 when this comes out. It will be like 200 bucks by then anyway.


> emma stone and ryan gosling
I am absolutely appalled such a thought even exists

>Emma stone

But that's wrong you asshat. It's either Blake lively or Gillian Anderson

>could happen/pure speculation

Elba and Gosling are literally in thanks to JJ and Refn respectively

Stop being an idiot

PC release was confirmed until Sony execs told their drone to remove the post confirming it and the tweet apologizing and explaining why he removed it; lmao


If it makes you sleep at night that was all done in-engine/real time

>A female character (currently unknown)
it's that ugly dutch weeaboo from MGSV

What does Elba have to do with JJ?

Why no PC release?

I don't want any more joostnigger threads, user. Please let it be some Hollywood qt or former Bond girl. I'd actually prefer Jody Foster, kind of as a sort of Hannibal Lector theme.

>Who do you wanna see in Death Stranding?


Yeah just like TLOU Part II
Right Sony?
Get the fuck out
Fucking clown

He tweeted a picture of him with Junji Ito saying "It's been a while", and considering del Toro isn't an actor and still got in, Ito could be in it.

Why's he putting all his actor friends in it, anyway?

Engine fuckery, they can't make it work on anything but a PS4 without it running like ass.


I really don't want that toothy cunt to be relevant again.

Literally to make them his friends. He's buying them with Sony's budget so he can feel like he's part of Hollywood.

Why would anybody want a video game to waste its budget on celebrities? They probably won't even give good performances since it's "just a video game" and not their real work. Not that Del Toro and Daryl can act anyway. Mads will do some phoned in shit like Doctor Strange, so all you're really excited about is that you have a man in your game who is a trendy meme.

Gosling has notoriously high standards for his work, if you look at the movies he's worked/working on, the majority of them have good scripts and promising crew. He's basically the most famous guy in his age at Hollywood, up there with Chris Pratt or Jake Gyllenhaal. Kojima and Refn may be close friends but Gosling hasn't worked with Refn since 2013. I would genuinely fall completely for the use of Hollywood actors if Gosling was in the game, but I highly doubt it.

>developers are too lazy to create their own characters
>use hollywood jews

mainstream videogames were mistake

On what hardware? Doesn't mean shit.

He isn't going to get Joosten again?

It make me concerned as well.
I honestly do not give a single shit about how many big name you put in your game, it could be a no name that no one ever heard of before I wouldn't give a shit either as long as he get the job done.

Just get a PS4, faggot. It's going to have all of this gen's best interactive experiences, so you may as well give in.

>idris elba
>ryan godling
oh yes
>emma stone

>Kevin Durand

>Elba, Gosling
too expensive

for what reason

>t. Gay for Gosling
I threw up reading your post.
Mike Pence is coming, degenerate.

I hope not. Joosten waifufags are insufferable. They ruin threads when a picture of her is posted faster than ponyfuckers can.

>this guy was gullible enough to fall for some random guy's posts on an anonymous image board

>if you look at the movies he's worked/working on, the majority of them have good scripts and promising crew
Gangster Squad was an absolute piece of shit and OGF got totally panned by most people, even though I like it.

If she's in the game, it's a day one buy

Haven't even seen most of his movies. Just learned enough about Hollywood to know better.

I'd rather some of the budget actually go to the game than hiring big name actors

Will Refn be modelled in the game?

>big name actors

It doesn't matter what celebrities are in the game if the game itself is going to be ass. I don't know why anyone is excited for this, we know nothing of the game itself.

That being said, I really hope it's good because I like Mads.

Ito was supposed to write the script for Silent Hills, I don't think we have any info if he was going to be working on this.

>I like Mads.

By falling for the Mads Mikkelsen meme you're every bit as bad as the people lining up for the latest Chris Pratt flick. These men are marketing tools, not actors. The Hunt/ Pusher are a hollywood shill job made for the express purpose of creating a new "legitimate" actor to be used in subsequent capeshit releases in order to attract the "film buff" demographic to maximize profits. This happens all the time in hollywood. They pluck out a new star with an inoffensive face from obscurity, put them in an indie shit on the cheap, and bam, they now have "legitimacy" "wow look at this hot new talented actor" appeal and can now be a new "artificial star" to hinge your summer tentpole release on.

It is all fraud, a manipulation. Mads Mikkelsen is no more an artist, no more a human being even, than the new mcdonalds festive hamburger promotion. He is smoke and mirrors, a light show, a pretend actor.

Exact same career progression is true of all of the shilled meme actors of late. Lawrence, Fassbender, Hardy, Pratt, Isaac. By supporting these "lesser known" critical darling you are only enabling the pre-production marketing phase of the capeshit machine.

Mikkelsen is lying to you with his very existence.

Kojima pretty much has as much money as he wants, Sony knows the game will sell fucking millions. His track record is enough to show that.

They're relatively big names when you consider that Microsoft's celebrity game only had CIA and Iceman.

>Who do you wanna see in Death Stranding?

i want to see kojima's epitaph

Maybe it was best Silent Hills was scrapped, then. Ito's endings piss me off enough after five minutes of reading a comic. I'd hate to be swindled out of a good ending after tens of hours of gameplay.

Looking it up now it seems OGF was very divisive apparently it simultaneously got boos and a standing ovation at festival

Anyone got some Mads Mikkelsen webms from the trailer?

>People actually think Gosling won't be in the cast


Is this instead of silent hills?

I didn't say I would buy it because of him, I said I think he's a good actor and after watching Hannibal I only think that to be true. If the game is shit, then I won't buy it. If the game is good, then I will buy it and Mads being there will just be a bonus.

Is this a pasta from Sup Forums?

>Not having Refn in your Kojima moviegame

why? the goose is pretty good

>Silent Hill fans and MGS fans always get catered to, new ip this time with potential of a ruse for silent hill or MGS

>Policenauts fans and Snatcher fans still fucked over


At least ZOE got a remaster.

Except you didn't consider that Mads is actually a good actor. Not that it would make too much of a difference in a video game, but he is light years ahead of people you mentioned like Pratt and Isaac.

Honestly, really tiny cameo from hayter would make me happy knowing they could still be friends


Kojima doesn't have time for Literal Who's anymore?

>David "I'm with her" Hayter
>constantly butt hurt on Twitter against Kojima and Keifer and now Norman Reedus


Oscar Isaac had a run of good performances going before he took the capeshit/starshit dollar and threw away his career.
>Inside Llewyn Davis
>A Most Violent Year
>Show Me A Hero
>Ex Machina

Hayter is still butt hurt that he can't act for shit.

Hayter, huh?

Norman Reedus seems like a shit pick. He's at the same time not a good actor but also probably pretty expensive. Clear that Kojima is going for "star power" for publicity rather than what's best for his game.

Guillermo Del Toro is confirmed for char in the trailer also

I don't get how people think he's attractive. He looks like a homeless Billy Ray Cyrus.

Mate, have you seen green butchers? Mads has done some funny af norweigen films

>people always shitpost about ps4 games being cinematic experiences
>"n-no it has gameplay"
>people LITERALLY choosing what actors they want in their new game

can't make this shit up

Del Toro is a hack really. He's put out nothing but mediocrity for a decade and his SJW shilling is distasteful.

>its ok when kojima senpai does it

Theyre using DTs likeness but hes not actually acting, Kojima said so during his PSX panel

It's not because of star power, it's because kojima loves him, and he can afford all of his favorite actors.

Not to mention that the game has had two cinematic trailers in a row and people still get excited for it. We don't even know what genre it is. It could be a Lumines clone with ambient sounds instead of music for all we know.

I'm a big fan of his work and vision, but Del Toro really can get annoying. His twitter during the election was disgusting.

I don't like comedy. Especially some Scandi-cuck shit. I've seen The Hunt and his Refn films.

>Who do you wanna see in Death Stranding?
This guy called GAMEPLAY

>I'm a big fan of his work and vision,
I remember liking Hellboy 2 well enough at the time but Pacific Rim and Crimson Peak were both pretty subpar. Puts a bit of a bad taste in my mouth seeing him regarded as one of the best modern directors. The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth were both good films but he's pretty overrated really and seems to spend most of his time basking in his reputation while failing to get projects off the ground.

>him regarded as one of the best modern directors

lol by who? his sycophants?

its joost

Those are shit no doubt but give it a shout. Trust me

Casual "movie buff" types that you'd find on places like IMDB and reddit.

Kojima twited that he had met with an actress that he has been in love with for more than 10 years, who could that be?

>Puts a bit of a bad taste in my mouth seeing him regarded as one of the best modern directors
lol, bullshit. Pan's Labyrinth is considered one of spanish cinema's greatest in the XXIst century and that's it.

Melissa McCarthy

he oddly enough interviewed guillermo del toro at a conference. its not out of the question considering that random interaction


If you can get an engine to work on x86 architecture like the ps4 you can run it on a PC

he's pretty good but i've never seen him mentioned in the same ways as Fincher, Scorcese, or Kubrick.

As far as I've seen, it's just his fanboys that play him up as anything but a decent director.

>Pan's Labyrinth is considered one of spanish cinema's greatest

Pan's Labyrinth is a Mexican movie set in Spain. Mexican.

>spanish cinema's
It's Mexican cinema about Spain, not Spanish cinema.

>Fincher, Scorcese, or Kubrick.

One of the best technical directors at the moment maybe but come on.

And Refn didn't do anything between 2013 and this year apart from The Neon Demon, which couldn't have any protagonist role for Gosling anyway. Refn and him are known to be pals.

Personally I just like del toro because he loves his work and it shows.

>I just like del toro because he loves his work and it shows.
That's alright so long as the work is good, but when you're seeing him talk about Pacific Rim you're just watching an ugly fat man masturbating in a corner surrounded by anime figurines and it becomes pretty repulsive.

She's getting a cameo like toro, it's most likely gonna be lively for the female protag

It's a Spain-Mexico production. That's like saying Heidi is only German.

That's okay, because I too am an ugly fat man masturbating in the corner surrounded by anime figures. I'm the target audience.

I don't think they would hire Ito as a writter, more like he's gonna be a world/enemy designer.

The only way you can better yourself is to cast aside your infantilizing media.

He said, posting on the video games board.

But the whole direction and creative process was from a -criollo- Mexican.

Lindsay Wagner.
She was in The Bionic Woman.
Kojima loves the show because of its science fiction themes and the relationship between the two main characters in the show.

Fuck of nu-Sup Forums.

I don't play video games any more. I only come to Sup Forums to to fight ideological battles.

>Idris Elba
>Ryan Gosling
Bullshit, why would they bother with a video game?

That's not what people mean when they want to know what the gameplay is like and you know it, stop that

Then you've already lost.

Bah, that's like saying Belle de Jour doesn't belong in French cinema because it was made by an expatriate rojo.