>he play dbz games with japanese audio
He play dbz games with japanese audio
Other urls found in this thread:
>DBZ games before 2010
Play in English.
>DBZ games after 2010
Play in Japanese.
I sense degeneracy
>He refers to Goku as "Son Goku" or even "Son"
Is it just me or was it the same person doing all those voices?
You mean like Goku does in the dub?
son is his surname though, that's not weeb that's stupid, it's the Son family not the (pre-broly) legendary super saiyan son
Yeah i am not an americuck, so i am used with the japanese voices
wtf man
db sure has changed
Wow, the art went to absolute shit in the latest series.
>vegeta doesn't even hesitate punting a child into orbit
>arale accelerates her orbit into an instant circumglobal kick
>no shading
>clunky animation
>shit colors
flash movies are better animated than this shit
>Piccolo's voice
I like it a lot.
>DB pre-Super
>DB now
>try to watch jap dub
>every voice sounds cool
>goku sounds like a grandma with throat cancer
Bless the heart of whoever dubs goku in the jap dub. It sucks but I honestly worry for the guy (girl?)'s health whenever I hear it.
in the top one he looks so damn intimidating
Masako Nozawa, I don't like that she still voices Goku as an adult, but there's no denying she's talented
>He calls the Z-Fighters the "Zetto Senshi"
>anime outpacing the manga
>when they say the saiyan saga or anything after it is canon
She's actually good at adult goku, as black showed, the voice director is just ass
They shouldn't have remade the movies for the tv show. The difference in budget is huge and there's no reason to expect viewers to feel compassionate over that.
My first real DBZ game was Budokai, and here in the UK it had the Japanese VAs.
So I just got more used to hearing them than the English ones.
>when people say Dragonball is canon even though it's only a parody spinoff of DBZ
>grew up hearing makankosappo
>friend link me english va with piccolo screaming special beam cannon
I can't not cringe.
The voice direction is fine. Black is fine as deeper sounding and more intimidating, while regular Goku is fine as energetic and always child-like.
>DBZ games after 2010
They're all shit.
>He doesn't play DB games with DB Abroged audio
>He starts dub vs subs wars.
>playing dub games
>he finally hits 1pl8 ohp
I don't think that's movie, that's a fan edit
>people unironically prefer Falconer
He's better than the replacement they've gotten for Kai and Super, at least.
>implying the nip audio sets the mood for the scene anywhere near as well as Faucloner
I know right? It's like opinions are a thing.
Who was the one that did GT Goku and young Gohan voice? Did she leave cuz this new actor for them is complete fucking ass. She voices luffy too and its insufferable af.
Would you play a Super game in the style of Legacy of Goku?
>Dragon Ball will never look as good as the top one again
He's hit and miss, but he sure had some good tracks
Nothing will ever express Vegetas character as well as this
The point stands either way.
The Piccolo fusing with Nail scene worked better with the jap music.
>he doesn't
>Dragon Ball will never look this good again
Gohan sounds almost exactly the same.
I really like that Piccolo and Cell too.
I seriously don't understand why anime fans have this weird double standard where they trash most anime dubs, but DBZ is somehow exempt. I guarantee if people don't grow up with it in Toonami, no one would praise that garbage.
I mean listen to this corny ass speech where it makes Superman lite.
or this meme worthy voice acting by Picoclo where the author breaks off into Vegeta (that's how he terrible he is).
I guarantee if Hunter x Hunter (2011) version was in dbz's place with the voice actors in place now, people would say the hxh dub is better than the sub.
Colleen Clinkenbeard does the new voices.
Stephanie Nadolny did the old ones. Could never find a reason why she was replaced. It just sort of happened.
meant voice actor, but yeah. I really don't get the love for the dbz dub.
>dragonball super will never look this good again
oh wait yes it will
Someone post tracksuit Gohan powering up
No fucking shit it's people who grew up watching it on Toonami. They're the same people who spam weeb on the internet as punctuation and complain about anime on Sup Forums.
That Beerus scene is so much better with Faulconer dub:
Fucking Nips.
I usually play in english on Dragon ball games, but in Xenoverse 2, holy shit they did a piss poor job on the Dub. Japanese sounds so much better.
It's like both shows are animated by different people, and both shows have noticeable dips in quality because they run fucking forever.
You Amriclappers don't know shit.
Let me introduce you to the Ultimate Dub:
Portuguese DBZ
Bow down to Portugal
the dubs for Hajime no Ippo for the first two series was exceptional
This is his best theme, the jap version doesn't even compare desu.
I got you
Except the only portion of good animation in DBS is the Goku vs Frieza flashback
Grappler Baki also had a really good dub, even if the anime itself was shit.
thats fucking terrible. Stephanie is a fucking god, i really want to know why she got replaced now
I feel like this joke would have been funnier with them still being Vegito
Is this another dragonball super roast thread?
You guys salty that now saitama is the official strongest anime character
The old english dub was alot worse and low quality, the remastered one from later one was alot better.
>not remembering based "that's one whopper of a lizard"
The dub that was way after was far better desu,
What are you talking about? That's as OG Dragon Ball as you can get
>Grow up with english dub
>listen to original Japanese voices years later
>mfw Goku's voice
>Gokus voice actor never changes when he got older
>same fucking voice actor as a kid
That's one thing ill never let slide. That was fucking awful.
You get used to it pretty fast
Falconer drowns out every scene with his monotonous music that literally never stops. You have to let things breath otherwise it ruins the mood. His track are okay to listen to by themselves but they were horribly implemented in the series. It's awful to watch an episode with it.
Have you just not seen Zamasu vs. Vegito, or everything else done by that lead animator?
>HE is an americlap
Not everyone loves having blood in their ears.
It's been like 30+ year since Dr. Slump/Dragon Ball crossover happened. How come Arale never had an adult body made for her?
at least it isn't Big Green, literally haven't laughed this much in a long time
His voice does change, adult Goku's voice is on a lower register than child Goku. You would know this if you ever actually listened to it instead of taking your opinions from the internet.
I agree. It's a mismatch for Gohan, and an even worse mismatch for Goku. It's far more shrill than it needs to be.
Posting best Budokai opening
>listening to aryan aliens in fish nigger gook language
Pure degeneracy
>I can see their parachutes! They're OK.
You can have preferences when it comes to actors, performances and soundtrack. But there's no bloody excuse for how cringy the dub script is.
Dumbed down. Pointless lines shoved in to remove moments of silence. Translators literally adding made up nonsense straight from their headcanon.
That body is WAY too lewd! Why would you want to rob the robot of her innocence?
Japanese Goku and American Goku are two different characters pretty much
Japanese Goku:
>Autistic retarded virgin manchild who just wants to eat and fight tough guys, who knows how he has kids
American Goku
>Martial arts superman who wants to protect all innocent life in the galaxy, truly loves his family
I assume you think all the amazing work he did on DBZ was also awful. Assuming you even know what you're talking about.
Uchiyama is obviously the worst here but even that is atleast on model.
Yukio's honestly looks like broly.
God damn yukio doing it again.
forgot link
>try watching Kai
>for some reason the fights seem uneventful as fuck
>maybe I'm just getting old
>realize Faulconer is missing and japs can't into audio
Do murrikan need to bring their dubshit on everything that isnt murrikan?
Do people have a problem with Luffy sounding like an old grandma too?
>Bardock's death.
My fucking sides.
Most of the people who bitch about this don't actually watch anime that isn't DBZ.
>watching one piss
Yukio's even worse than Uchiyama senpai.
Uchiyama may be subpar but Ebisawa is almost unwatchable.