What are some top-tier examples of shitting the bed and selling out in the game industry?
What are some top-tier examples of shitting the bed and selling out in the game industry?
Riot Games
what does smartwatches have to do with games
Also everyone called that they would flop
> pebble being a flop
Wtf m8? I thought pebble was the best budget smart watch around. How did it flop and now fit bit is getting their software??
Because smart watches are a stupid concept and everyone knows it. Fitbit is a fitness tracker that has some watch features, which is why it hasn't flopped. If there's one surefire way to make money, it's to make and sell a get fit quick scheme.
OP is using Pebble as a metaphor for selling out. You may not have heard but after taking $12m+ via Kickstarter this year for new models, they sold out to Fitbit, cancelled all production and even nullified all warranties on all already sold Pebbles with immediate effect.
I can't think of any vidya fuckery on that scale. Notch selling out didn't rip anyone off or harm existing Minecraft players (did it? Don't know, never played it) and the Oculus Facebook clusterfuck took place before they even started making them available beyond dev kits.
>anyone allowing the chinese devil Tencent to invest/buy parts of their company
recent example Rocketwerkz - the fagnigger who started developing dayz, the left in the hands of retards in czechia because fuck u lmao 2mil sales xD
>investing in startup hipster trash, ever
fuckers got what they deserved. holy shit how many times do you have to flush your money down the toilet before you learn?
I have no idea if this is a good or bad thing for fitbit stocks.
What a fucking shame. Pure NA company sold out to chinks. ActiBlizzard doesn't even come close to how fucking hard Riot sold out.
>Pendragon's Legacy
>shitting the bed
When squaresoft did this.
Star Citizen.
Reminder that the CEO turned down SEVEN FOURTY MILLION DOLLARS
Probably closest in terms of scale maybe. But at least SC investors got to walk around a hanger or some such shit, Pebble investors got literally fuck all.
urrr hello?
Man I bought their first model off ebay last year for $50. Was planning on getting one of their newer ones but whatever. There's like 50000 different smart watches now.
It was still neat to see what games people managed to make for the pebble watch despite not being too powerful or having many input options.