So why did he leave the comfy walls of gaintbomb?

So why did he leave the comfy walls of gaintbomb?

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Kotaku paid more. Whatever shit site he writes for probably pays more too. Either ways, who cares? He's gone and that's what matters.

Didn't he leave Kotaku all together and was just doing youtube stuff and just dropping in randomly for a few youtube only sites?

He works for Vice's gaming site called Waypoint with Austin Walker(ex-GB as well) and Danielle Redough.
It's basically a lepercolony of SJW.

Cause deep inside he knows he is a fucking fraud.

>muh scoops

jfc that creature is horrible. Almost as repulsive as Matt Lees.

The FTC were breathing down Jeff and Gamespot's necks

he had to "get quit" to take some of the heat off them

his decision to leave was entirely based on his corruption and blacklisting of devs based on personal politics

Don't look up pictures of his wife

five guys

>implying you wouldn't

You could fit her entire face on her forehead, no sweat

I wonder why they go so long pretending to be part of the gang and not just there to push their agenda.

We know what they are, they know what they are, it's plain as day and rears its ugly head in every feature. I don't even really hate these guys, it just confuses me.

sjw aka nu-religion

user he's an ugly skeletal manlet with a jewfro and a shitty job... the fuck did you expect his wife to look like? He doesn't even have a nice personality to make up for the rest.

lmao that there are still loonies that believe this narrative

Meanwhile, Alex continues there with no problems.

You're a moron.

Why are people still talking about Patrick Topkek? Whatever relevancy he had is completely gone now.

I thought Patrick was able to get a decent interview out of Kenichiro Takaki though.
He was going in with the angle of "This game is sexist why did you make it?" but the replies are completely without shame "I like boobs, that's all."
Can't shame someone who is so secure in his own way.

So he and Austin could be gay butt buddies at Vice

Japan is unfuckable and our final bastion.

Takaki isn't even rude in his responses though, he says that he understands people can be offended by any time of game so he makes the games he wants to make for the people who want to enjoy them.
I think it's a respectable stance which is very hard to tear down without looking like the aggressor.

besides the teeth and the nose shes pretty alright. And thats stuff that can easily be fixed under $500