Dawn of War 3 Eldar gameplay


Surprise Surprise, it looks like utter trash.

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment" would be an appropriate quote here, had I had any hope for this abortion of a game in the first place.
Everything they have revealed of it has been fucking shit.

>retarded bubble cover,
>utterly simplified combat.
>moba tier hero and elite units with shit abilities that take away the spotlight from your army
>simplified base building that pleases neither DoW 1 fans or DoW 2 fans.
>trash tier aesthetics and animations.

Seems like Deathwing is the only hope for a barely decent 40k game at this point.

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You can't self bump a thread faggot

Shit is fucked

we protoss nao
we moving base like terrans nao
we tall grass like LoL nao

You can actually.
It was almost on the page 10, when I bumbed it.

No, fuck off autist


refunded that shit after the 5 day delay and awful beta

im not falling for another vermintide
gonna play through that shit once then not play it again with no content

Well, fuck.
RTS are fucking dead. DEAD.

That's because nobody knows how to make good and engaging RTS games anymore.

Supereme Commander was the Swan Song of the genre.

this, rts are dead, they focus to much on multiplayer and graphic like fucking mobas
>tfw never going to have another red alert 2

Inb4 people complaing about Terminators jumping in a DoW game.

>Supreme Commander
Is worth getting. I'm sorta fan of the genre and I hear good things about it in Sup Forums.

It is called "TACTICAL DREADNOUGHT ARMOR" for a fucking reason m8.
Gabe jumping around in it like a friggin ballerina in DOW 3 is RETARDED.

DoW 1 and 2 handled Terminator Armor perfectly. If they wanted to ad mobility to it, just fucking ad the teleport thing. No reason for the massive 15 foot leaps Gabe makes in it, that look fucking idiotic.

It's quite fun and very unique. Definitely not yet another Command and Conquer or Starcraft clone. It is basically a sequel to Total Annihilation.
Watch some gameplay footage first though.

Looks pretty standard? The person playing is playing like garbage (unless they took out the Cover system) and since it's a single player mission, he's effortlessly defeating units that would otherwise pose a problem

Sounds are good, music seems fine, visually the game looks good (or good enough), honestly all the DoW games should be turn based but I guess that will never happen?

There's no cover system except for force field bubbles you can caputre.

And the game does not look good visually, animations are all fucked. The space marines in particular, look at this:


Look at the assault marine running animation.

Not RTS at all, but if you want something that looks like its providing a nice tabletop experience transition check out Sanctus Reach.


It is probably what im going to turn to to combat the sadness.

>gabe behaving like Mario
>gabe not using a teleporter to act like goku, knocking someone in the air, porting up to strike them down, then porting back to the ground for that there home run grand slam

If those dumb fucks want to break canon, they could've at least made it interesting and not lame.

>Jonah Orion

Isn't he supposed to be dead canonically? Also the combat looks so sterile and boring to watch.

This is such a farcry from CoH2's attention to detail, is there a different team working on DoW3?

Obviously not to both questions.

Yeah you can, that's why this place is shill heaven.

This game isn't even out for ages, what's the point shilling it now?

>simplified base building that pleases neither DoW 1 fans or DoW 2 fans.
Got to admit, it's and accomplishment if you go lower than DoW1.

The Op is clearly shitting on it, not shilling for it.

The visuals aren't terrible, but not too great either.

The combat looks boring though. 90% of it is just squads standing still shooting/slashing at each other, with the remaining 10% being abilities desperately trying to look flashy in hopes of distracting you from the other 90%.

Space Marine running animation looks awful too. Not getting my hopes up for this game.

iirc relic already died a while back and this is just an essentially new studio with the name

Agreed 100%

The combat looks so fucking boring.
Why would I play this game over DoW 2 or hell, even DoW 1, when both have more interesting gameplay?

>being optimistic about a RTS game in 2017

You only have yourself to blame.

I'll just pirate it, play the campaigns and uninstall. Maybe it'll be a fun game after 2 expansions.

For all your other needs there's the other two games

>had I had any hope for this abortion of a game in the first place.

>that fucking awesome reveal trailer
>gameplay video comes out

>animations are all fucked.

As an amateur 3dfag, I can tell you what's happening is the number of keyframes is small, there isn't enough interpolation between frames, and the animation isn't taking terrain height into consideration and the reason for that is optimization.

Since it's an RTS, the player isn't expected to view the models up close, so polish like that is going to increase dev time and decrease game performance / increase system reqs. It might be misguided optimization, maybe the game runs like shit on most hardware etc etc, but the point is the reason for it is a combination of optimization and speed of development (which is NOT "laziness", it's just different distribution of labor).

Shame about the lack of cover, it's pretty core to the tabletop, the setting, and the previous games


i just want to to be a cheeky magpie borrowing stuff ;(

I don't know much about animation, just enough to understand what you are saying, so i'll take your word for it, however i don't think it's "just" that. Compare the Marine animations to the Eldar's animations, the Eldar animations also look a bit "off" but they look fine(the farseer animations look a bit unfinished, when she transitions from one to the other it's very jarring), the Space marines on the other hand look ridiculous, they bounce around or do completely retarded things, it makes no sense.

It's probably because of that fucking retarded "we need to make it clear to the player what's happening" thing that they have going, which doesn't even make sense when the game is covered by giant explosions, lasers and other random effects and you can't even see your units.

Also i'd like to note that the animations in DoW1 and DoW2 were beautiful. This is a sync kill so it might be an unfair comparison but it's the only thing i have.

>and the animation isn't taking terrain height into consideration
Is that why everything, even the goddamned buildings, looks like it's floating above the terrain?


So good. I really hope Necrons are the secret 4th faction, everything points out to Necrons so fingers crossed.

Don't get SupCom, get SupCom:FA. Objectively better in every way.


>eldar have regenerating shields

Fucking why? They should have holo-fields and scattershields.

>the secret 4th faction

Why do you think there will be one?

It's retarded, however they do give a somewhat more "logical" explanation. Eldar apparently have a battle focus thing(i don't know much about Eldar lore so i don't know if that's actually a thing), and the "shields" are their way or showing that.

So i guess you are supposed to imagine Eldar dodging bullets while their shields are up, and then they lose their focus and get shot in the face, and that's when they start taking damage. There's a video with developer commentary on Polygon where they mention this.

>There's a video with developer commentary on Polygon where they mention this.
Jesus Christ, what happened to "show, don't tell"?

Battle Focus is a rule from the tabletop, that lets the Eldar units that have it (basically all of their infantry) to run and shoot in the same phase (normally you can do only one or the other). It basically allows the eldar units to move to a firing position in the movement phase, shoot the fuckers in the shooting phase, and then immediately run back to cover in the same phase.
In short, it makes them more mobile.

Relic representing Battle Focus as regenerating shields is completely fucking retarded.
More fitting representation would have been an ability for them to run and shoot at the same time.

>Eldar apparently have a battle focus thing(i don't know much about Eldar lore so i don't know if that's actually a thing)

They do, but Battle Focus simply allows them to run and shoot, or shoot and run. It has nothing to do with dodging bullets.

If that's their justification, it's a really shitty one.

Daily reminder that the game features dynamic cover, with terrain blocking shots if its in the way, in addition to the bubble fortifications.

Because Protoss.

Why couldn't they go with the aesthatic?

>everything points out to Necrons

Nothing points to Necrons except the Necron Overlord being added in DoW 2.

That's good news. Having buildings and fortifications would be nice but I guess they're saving up on that for the IG expansion.

Relic likes to hide races as long as possible, at least since DoW2, i vaguely remember them also keeping the Necrons under wraps for a while before DC was announced but i can't say i really remember.

However in DoW 2, they kept the Tyranids a secret for a long time, they showed us the intro where commander hairgel kills Idranel, but they cut it short before the Lictor shows up.

When there was talk of a campaign, they didn't reveal what the new race was until the Last Stand came out and you fought Chaos in the last round. When Retribution was announced they hid what the faction was for a while, they first only showed new units for the existing factions, and then they showed a picture of the Inquisitor, which led people to believe the Witch Hunters were the new faction.

And "technically" although they weren't a playable faction, the Necrons were a big surprised in Winter Assault.

They also mentioned in one of the early articles that Gabe would fight an enemy he has never fought before, so far we know of Eldar and Orks and Gabe has fought both of them before. Gabe in the ending cutscene of this Eldar mission says that the "spear of khaine"(what the marines and eldar are fighting over) reeks of deceit, and he is not letting anyone take it. So that points towards Dark Eldar too.

However in the polygon video with developer commentary the Relic dev says that the Eldar are here because of a prophecy about a "mysterious planet" showing up in the sector with a powerful Eldar weapon, which boils it down to Necrons or Chaos since they are the only ones with the ability to make a planet appear out of nowhere, and since Gabe has fought Chaos before, my money is on Necrons.

That said, maybe it'll be like Winter Assault and whoever the enemy is only shows up in the last mission. Alternatively, i hadn't thought of this until now, but i guess technically Chaos Demons would also suffice as a new faction that Gabe hasn't fought against.

>tfw no eldar gf

That's not dynamic cover at all, dynamic cover would be if units dynamically took cover behind all that junk. But they don't, that's just shots missing or hitting random terrain. DoW2 and CoH had the same thing, in addition to the actual dynamic cover system.

As if Relic would put actual cover on this Esports bait game.

Then the tall grass will be right up your alley, as it does exactly what you want.

Because they are talentless hacks and the trailer wasn't done by them.

There's a difference between cover and concealment though.

Actually, it's not even them missing shots or their shots hitting random terrain, go look at the video when this happens(around the 40 seconds mark) their shots hit the terrain but they still hit the scouts.

It's just visual.

>Then the tall grass will be right up your alley

What? Tall grass just hides your units, and we already knew of that mechanic from the space marine gameplay videos.

That mechanic by the way is taken directly from SC2.

The tall grass isn't dynamic cover either dumbshit.
It is a line of sight blocker, that prevents the enemies from seeing your dudes if they are in it, just like in SC2 and Grey Goo.

Get a normal human, they look exactly the same minus the retarded ears.

No, it stops the shots of those who are blocked, not the whole squad. There are clearly less shots hitting the target when trying to shoot around the tank trap..

No it doesn't, go look at it again, you can literally see that the shots that are being blocked still deal damage.

In that picture i posted you can even see the "hit" effect from the bullets being stopped still appearing on the scouts, those effects are not from the previous round of shots.

Actually, according to the fluff and the concept art made by Jes Goodwind (aka the dude who's been behind the look of the Eldar for like 20 years) the Eldar have some noticeable differences in how their faces look when compared to humans.
Namely in the eyes, and having more angular and sharper features.

They're keeping it at 3 races because they want the Starcraft audience.

We have no reason to believe there will be a 4th race for DoW 3. It was easy to predict we would get one in DoW 2 because the cinematic ending blatantly showed us something, even if it wasn't clear it was Tyranids. We haven't gotten anything similar for Dawn of War 3 - no teases or foreshadowing or anything like that.

What the hell are you talking about? All the units circled in red are having their shots blocked, while the units between them hit.

That has nothing to do with "previous round of shots. Each volley, the red units are blocked, and the centers were hitting. Watch it again.

Hey at least the teaser trailer was beyond fucking awesome.

Yes user, their shots ARE being blocked, but just visually, they're still doing the same ammount of damage. Hell, 2 more squads of scouts show up and one of them isn't standing behind any "cover" and they take just as much damage just as fast as the first squad.

I would love it for it to actually function as cover, but it doesn't, they are going for the esports audience(unless you think them revealing the eldar gameplay through a SC2 streamer is just a coincidence) and they're not going to have any crazy "rng" elements in there.

Our best hope since terrain can obstruct shots, is that there's mod tools and dynamic cover and be modder in. Although i'm willing to bet it wouldn't be easy to mod dynamic cover in.

>he wants rts to not focus on multiplayer

i bet you build your farms neatly around your town center in AoE 2


The scout squad at 0:45 takes significantly slower damage from the squad than the scout squad at 0:56. The only reason the 0:45 scouts died faster is because of Macha's spear.

>more sjws shit?
no thanks

Well for what's worth, i hope you're right.

>Warhammer 40k
>Sjw shit

Explain how you get that conclusion.

Copying a post from /tg/

So what I got from the plot is:
>The planet have a dangerous weapon.
>It is know as the "Spear of Khaine"
>The Blood Ravens (with Solaria), Biel-Tan and Gorgutz want it.
>Macha is under the orders of some Lord Kyre (reminder that in Biel-Tan, the Autarchs and Exarchs are the ones calling the shots in politics)
>Gabriel Angelos is Chapter Master. Jonah Orion is alive and he is the Master Librarian. Solaria is a Imperial Knight.
>Macha is aided by Taldeer who now is a Wraithknight piloted by Ronanh (some pointed out she should have been a Wraithseer, but considering her last words in Dark Crusade...)
>Jain Zar is also present, so this weapon must be really important.
>Nobody knows who is helping Gorgutz.
>Gabe found out something bad about the weapon. May be the fourth faction?
It is that correct?

Me too.

Yes, except it's not on the planet, it's on a "mysterious planet that is going to show up near cyprus"


It's in here somewhere.

>strong, black, female knight pilot
>eldar is now more female focused then ever before almost turning them completely into space amazons

it´s not warhammer that is sjw
it is what the cucks at relic want it to turn it into

no surprise considering the type of misandrist stuff some of them like to post and how angry the got when hilary lost

Repeating What SJW stuff?

Yes. She's an Imperial fucking Knight. Even then she'z still subordinate to Gabe.

Outright wrong.

It's never said IKs can't be female, in fact I believe there are some in other lore. Mildly rare, but very much canon.

>Eldar have more females
user, it's Macha, Taldeer, and Jain Zar. Two of those three have been in DoW since almost the beginning. One of those is a substantial lore character who would very much be apart of finding and artifact of Khaine.

Now stop being a little shit.

>type of misandrist stuff some of them like to post and how angry the got when hilary lost
It's funny that it shows in how biased they are towards Eldar balance-wise across all of their games.

looks alckluster
made me just want to play star craft 1

Also how the fuck can a game form 20 years ago have better narrative direction, with better intros and talking head?

Correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't Taldeer and Rowan from Ulthwe? Wouldn't Ulthwe rather keep a wraithknight to fight Chaos rather than loan it to Biel-tan?


that is enough reason for me to lose all interest in it

it´s obvious that relic want to pander to sjws and doesn't´really care much about their original male fans

typical left-wing hypocrites that they go out of their way to put women everywhere put can´t even be bothered to add one new male eldar character

user, I'm a Blizzdrone and I can see that bait from a mile away.

You also seem to be forgetting how SC1 and BW were real fucking good.

Taldeer and Macha are siblings. Also this artifact is real fuckin' important.

user. We haven't seen all of the named Eldar characters. And a picture of a Ranger Elite has been around for weeks, clearly male.

Now shut the fuck up and go back to Sup Forums.

But Vermintide's a great game? With a VS mode it would be hands down the best L4D clone out there.

Surely male fans would want more female characters because that equals more smut of said characters.

Unless you're a faggot?

>muh pol

well I won´t play the game that is for sure ;-)

>user, I'm a Blizzdrone and I can see that bait from a mile away.
What bait?
Also why you agree with me after calling my post a bait ...

>Wraith-body Taldeer fucking Solaria

Why did this pop into my head.

>Spouts blatant political shittery
>"Lol I'm not Sup Forums"

more cute chicks, more porn

through dick, unity

I bet those faggots will kill gorgutz.

It's already been predicted.

>Necrons pop out right as Gorgutz claims the artifact
>About to go out in a blaze of glory
>Suddenly roks start falling

Yes, but since Idranel's fuck up in DoW 2 vanilla, Ronahn came to the conclution that trusting in prophecies will be the death sentence of the eldar race and left his craftworld. That do not stop him to aid fellow eldar (he and Veldoran sucefully rescued the soulstones of those fallen during Dark Crusade except you know who)
Who knows why he and Taldeer are helping Macha, maybe both farseers knew each other (ignoring /tg/ fanon), maybe Ronahn thinks Macha is more "into reality" than other farseers, maybe he heard about the spear of Khaine and decided to help Biel-Tan because why not?

yeah I was kinda thinking the same when I first saw the female knight but the whole eldar stuff proves it to me.
at least the game looked already kinda bad even without the sjw stuff

and holy shit you weren´t lying about those tweet. there are almost as bad as the biowere racist that get posted every now and then.

I might make a best of later

Try harder, samefag.

vermintide is trash
literally a L4D mod that's even more shallow that normal l4d

so shallow they had to tack on the progression system and that still didnt keep people interested

like im not genius but at the very least they could have realized that youre just mashing swing sword 90% of the game and added an actual melee system so i could feel like i have to pay attention

I just wanted my CoH Reskin, why cant relic do that? why why why

Don't give him any more undeserving (You)'s

Because you have to cater to the biggest audience possible nowadays, while appearing to appease your established fanbase by bringing back stuff they say they want, like base building.