kind of looks like miyamoto has a sexy cyberpunk chick crouching on this t-shirt
Kind of looks like miyamoto has a sexy cyberpunk chick crouching on this t-shirt
Fucking Bill
>bill's tongue
What the fuck is he doing?
faking enthusiasm
Isabelle is probably upset with his bedroom performance, so Bill's practicing the alphabet in his spare time.
OP here thank you for this
I love Miyamoto. His love of fun seems incredibly genuine.
Why do the Japanese always have such silly haircuts?
their hair grows thin and straight and just flops down, there's nothing they can do with it unless they use entire jars of hair product
they just pick something convenient enough to manage that doesn't make them look like they're balding and they wait for the gray hair to come in to make it look decent
I miss when Isabelle was single.
Say that to my face, fucker, not online, see what happens
They would not have these problem if they cut their hair short.
Awww look at jimmy trying to be like based conan
t.bald fat loser
yes they would, their hair still grows thin
a buzz cut on an asian man looks like a 14 year old white kid's orange beard hair
it's thin, it's sparse, and you just see all the way through it from every angle
may as well be bald
Why is nobody talking about Miya's shirt? He's got a samurai Mario going on there. Surely that's gotta be some cool foreshadowing.
Also, gotta love the guy, he's still the best.
Can someone reverse the .gif/.webm? I will probably use that more around these parts.
Miyamoto would never do that. He's the nicest guy ever.
Will it happen in Mario Switch? Maybe you travel to different typical regions around the world. It'd explain why the town in the trailer looked like a Mexican town.
no i dont think so. mario games have almost always included dusty places
But my Mario Land 1, though!
fair enough
>be me
>have very straight, Asian-tier hair thanks to Native ancestry
>only that it's not thin but thick as a field of dicks
>my hair gets like that when it gets long enough AND looks even sillier because my hair is thick as fuck
I don't really know what to with it.
egypt not sandy and dusty enough for you?
Miyamoto looks like a fucking zombie they just dug up.
Fitting considering how Mario's been.
The point is that it had other stereotypical areas, like the Easter islands and China.
Being senile and autistic must be fun.
fucking webm for retards butchering the quality
>that nervous hickup by the girl in orange
That's brown tho
I thought this was a safe board
why are they clapping so much?
even miyamoto looks uncomfortable and tried to clap just to fit in
>Bill looking over like "WHY?"
Does Shiggy hate the Fallon?
>"Why are they clapping?"
I wish they had been on Conan instead.
Its called enthusiasm
How could anyone watch this whole thing ? I fucking cringed when reggie said oh grab the special and then everyone started to react like autistic
It's how Americans communicate with each other.
Americans think anything less than loud verbal appreciation for something is unenthusiastic and means you hate something. I was in a retarded all-hands business meeting today where this one manager talked about boring management bullshit, and people still clapped at the end.
Reggie's getting pretty heavy
kek was just about to mention how pissed he looked
Mario musou set in the ancient feudal Mushroom kingdom
>Mario musou
Can someone tweet Jimmy Fallon and ask him if the triggers are actually analog?
found explanation of his shirt yesterday
>Doing the Isabelle
can we all agree miyamoto's shirt was the best thing shown in the video?
Jesus Bill, save it for the dog pussy.
They were going on Falon even before he got the Tonight slot. He was probably one of the first people outside Nintendo to play Squidward Sword.
Falon's whole shtick is "everything is awesome."
He did say it way too many times though.
This is why I don't like Falon. He's annoying as fuck. He's like bizarro "everything is awful, including me!" Conan
I find it a bit infectious. Power of positivity and all.
I will never enjoy his lip sync segments though. Too normie.