About to play pic related for the first time, should I install some mod first or just go in as it is?
About to play pic related for the first time, should I install some mod first or just go in as it is?
don't forget SkyUI
Just go in. Recommend making your first vocation Strider.
Install Don't blind me and Restore the original menu theme.
No matter what don't play magick archer or mystic knight your first time
they will spoil you with how stupidly easy they make everything
>Don't play the funnest classes in the game
just play vanilla, the game is fine the way it is.
make sure to try out every vocation. stats you gain from leveling literally don't matter. every vocation is capable of completing the game, except for mage. only pawns should be mages.
You should climb it's head and strike from above!
Get the mod that replaces the main menu theme with Flying Into Free
only mod you need is
There aren't mod tools, so there aren't really a whole lot of mods to speak of. Don't Blind Me is a fairly important one, though, especially if you go Strider as the other user suggested.
why would I do that, you're on the menu for literally 5 seconds
>you're on the menu for literally 5 seconds
exactly, you'll be there for 5 minutes if you install
Go straight to bitterbutt isle for the real dogma experience.
i havent played the game but when i play a game the first time I try to only install objective improvements so I dont lose on the vanilla experience
I stick to graphic, patch and UI mods
DO NOT play the game. It is an overrated meme game that Sup Forums is pushing for some reason.
Watch this video before playing, you'll save yourself 50 hours of playing a shit game.
There is no skill involved, its all numbers. The way the game counts defense is retarded. The world is empty as fuck. Potion and inventory management sucks. Sidequests are boring fetch quests, the main quest is a fucking mess.
Dont make the same mistake as I did and drop the game. It took 10 hours of my life that I will never see again.
he doesnt have the makings of a varsity archer
>There's no skill involved
you can play the entire game without getting hit once if you're good enough dingus
>The way the game counts defense is retarded
Please explain
>it took 10 hours of my life that I will never see again.
You wouldn't have used it well anyway. Like now.
Shits fun mane it starts off as trash but once you start dealing damage it gets to be great and ignore the slut in the garden bitch is emotionally unstable
not him but as far as i remember defense is calculated with absolute numbers with damage thresholds.
that means if your target has 100 def and you deal 99 damage, you won't do any damage at all. but if you deal 101 damage, you'll deal the full damage.
if you follow the quests and play the game normally you won't notice any of it. but you can't sequence break like in dark souls and get through bitterblack isle just with pure skill at low levels because can't even deal chip damage.
but as i said, just play the game and the quests in order and it's not a problem.
my father works for nintendo
It has flat defense reduction. If an enemy has 100 armor and you attack for 100, youre not going to inflict any damage.
This makes the game heavily reliant on grinding as you can be skilled as fuck, but theres just no way you can inflict any damage.
You probably suck at games and call of duty is more up your alley.
>It is an overrated meme game that Sup Forums is pushing for some reason.
>for some reason
weebshit+waifusimulator+bad quality and you're done, the subhuman manchilds in here will love it
But does that defense system apply to the bosses of BB as well? If I remember correctly I was able to beat the Gazer at level 30.
Download the mod that lets you sprint forever. Trust me, you'll want it.
Julien best boy.
theres weebshit in dragon dogma?
For some reason they made getting his shield really complex. You have to kill, him then revive him with a wakestone. After that you can talk to him in the dungeon and he gives you it.
>This makes the game heavily reliant on grinding as you can be skilled as fuck, but theres just no way you can inflict any damage.
I've literally never had that problem throughout like 5 playthroughs, even as a hardmode mage
if anything i usually get overlevelled just by trying to do all the quests
i'm not sure. it definitely applies to regular enemies and mini bosses like garms. however the true bbi starts after you've defeated daimon the first time anyway.
>but if you deal 101 damage, you'll deal the full damage.
That is wrong. If you deal 101 damage on a guy with 100 defense, you wont deal the full 101 damage, you'll deal 1 damage.
Don't respond to Zenimax/Micro$oft shills.
The game isn't bad, but I'm telling you right now to lower your expectations.
And don't worry about picking up or hanging onto every single tiny item you find. The way DD handles item weight and encumbrance can only be described as annoying.
>About to play pic related for the first time, should I install some mod first or just go in as it is?
uninstallation mod is best for first-timers
i just checked the wiki and you're right.
it's attack value - defense value = damage dealt
>no retort
>shit memes
oh so you were trolling, what a waste of energy
the new song is annoying as fuck tho
SMC mod compilation I can recommend. It's nothing gamebreaking at all and makes for a more satisfying experience.
also play the fucking game and then come talking about it.
>Those fucking hand proportions
God dammit. So not only did they not fix it in the PC port, no one's modded that shit? Good grief.
>loud hip-hop playing.webm
This is how defense should work in games.
That's actually just a armor bug with that specific armor. I never realized that until now lel.
it didn't bother me at all during my playthroughs but some people don't like it.
if an enemy has 300def, 100hp and your attack is 300, you won't deal any damage. at 400 attack the enemy gets one shotted.
Game is a gem amongst dirt.
But you can go straight to BBI as soon as it is available and beat it without grinding. How is this system a problem?
Those are classes not originally part of the game, so there was a DLC for them. PC version has all DLC included by default.
I'm pretty sure I played as both on base console DD, so I don't think that's true.
>Magick Archer and Mystic Knight
What in the actual fuck are you talking about?
You can beat BBI at level 1 if you're willing to spend hours of your life chipping away at absolute damage sponges with your shit weapons
Why? Then tiny increases in attack will result in huge increases in DPS and the game becomes heavily reliant on gear and numbers
Playing Auto lock archer in the game with the best Bow combat in the hisotry of video-games. fuck off son. Besides objectively funnest class is Strider/Assassin/Warrior.
>MA and MK are DLC
>Auto-lock archer
It's abilities are objectively fun to use.
Strider bow combat is only good so long as you have the proper arrows.
I'm gonna be That Guy and say you should get a simple mod for infinite sprint and 1.6x jump height.
It makes the game much more fun from an exploration standpoint (it's easier to get around) without having a really appreciable impact on the combat.
One of the most irritating parts of the game is the time spent going from A to B in the absence of a reliable fast travel system
Definitely start with the Strider class
Strider has the best melee nuke the best grappling nuke and the most agile bow fun out of the deeps classes. If it had the aimed-shot thingy from the completely useless 3rd fucking bow class it would be the only thing I would play.
Srsly Strider and Assa was enough why make a third one that has the best skill...
>no dodge button
>just stand there and get hit by obvious attack
sure is fun
All yellow classes have a dodge roll with daggers. All red classes have perfect blocking and moves with i-frames. Blue classes can hover above ground and should keep distance anyway. Apply yourself!
>No dodge button
nice to know you've never played the game
Strider is a better melee class than magi-archer, I'm not denying. However the magic archer has superior bow play in terms of fun and elemental damage.
Warrior can't block IIRC, but it has tons of health, wears the best armour and has hyperamor on pretty much every move that isn't a normal.
>magic archer has superior bow play in terms of fun
We have completely different definitions of fun then. It's not bow play at all, it's sorcerer with fast casting. It looks nice and all and if casting is your thing have fun, but don't say it's bow play...
Warrior has exodus slash, very good for BBI
Pretty sure you can give red classes the dodge roll from yellow classes anyhow.
You're heavily exaggerating the lock on anyway, it's actually pretty shitty.
Warrior can parry like bosses. Eliminators are my bitch.
Still waiting for a mod to unlock the secondary skill "bar" for Warrior. Oh god I need this so bad.
Just play it, user, try fighter or strider for your first vocation
Yeah, I forgot that has I-frames.
How do you mean?
>Still waiting for a mod to unlock the secondary skill "bar" for Warrior
They've coded the game in a way that's impossible
You can use the dinput hooks mod for secondary skills like magick shield weapons and play Mystic Warrior, though
>talks about best bow combat
>doesn't play ranger
Fuck outta here. For pure bow goodness no class beats ranger. I don't even use melee.
This is not recommended.
Fighter has the best starting stats hands down for your first level, as it has the greatest pool of Hit Points, and Stamina.
Is there a mod that gives Grigori a woman's voice?
You can also get up there by floating using a staff as a mage/sorcerer/magic knight
That's assassin, the red/yellow hybrid class.
You can even give it a shield and daggers if you want IIRC.
So it's actually like a female chosen got turned into a dragon.
... Why?
Magic Archer or Mystic Knight or bust.
How is that even remotely related to immersion?
Nude mods
>Female chosen fails against god and gets tuned into a dragon
>Somehow new Grigori stays with a male voice.
It has everything to do with it.