Share an unpopular opinion you hold that would (and will) get you mocked on Sup Forums

Share an unpopular opinion you hold that would (and will) get you mocked on Sup Forums

MGS V is much better than 2 and 4

PT is a better game than most Silent Hill games, in horror, less is more.

Diablo 2 and 3 are pretty much identical.

I like linear games with a good story

This is my 2015 GOTY

Yes, I played and finished The Witcher 3

you're right
you too

nintendo is for kids

Fallout 3 shits on the lore as much as 2 did.

Bioshock 2 is better than 1

I really enjoyed Fallout 4 and played it more than NV.

I immediately lose all interest on games the second I find out they're open world.
I'm fucking sick of them. Fuck you people.

Video games are fun.

Ha! Fag!

Gears of War 3 is way better than the second

>haha le Sup Forums hates videogames meme xD xD xD am i funny yet mommy????
Shut the fuck up, retard

Wii U is good

Kid Icarus Uprising is garbage
SOTN wasnt that great, Rondo of Blood and SCV4 are better.
Apollo Justice killed the AA franchise
Yoshi's New Island is overly hated even if the game isnt that good.
Street Fighter Alpha 2/3 > 3S
DK64 is a great game

The Dishonored games are phenomenal and I enjoy them just as much as I enjoyed the first two Thief games back in the day
I agree with all these

I have no idea why people even like MGS3. It does nothing better than 1 or 2, you spend most of your time changing camouflage, and the characters are all forgettable. At this point, I'm convinced the majority of people who like it are Americans who like it because you can put your flag as the facepaint and wear a crocodile hat at the same time.

Doom 16 was my GOTY

Fuck off

gameplay wise, certainly. Holistically? no way.

I'm pretty sure most of Sup Forums would agree with you threre

inb4 >linear games are for cucks

Wii is my second favorite Nintendo console.

>and the characters are all forgettable
This is the thing said in this thread that triggers me the most.


Battleborn is fun, even though it's obnoxious and ugly. If it was made by anybody other than Gearbox and its crippling incompetence it would've been a hit.

nintendo games are never critically assessed

Witcher 2>Witcher 3>Witcher 1

I can replay Witcher 2 and 3 whenever but going back to 1 everything is so goddamn clunky

Nintendo makes good games

Flowey was made for sex.

Fight me OP
MGS V is the best MGS game when it comes to gameplay and because I don't give a fuck about story in games, it was the best game in the series for me

Undertale is GOAT

I enjoyed WoW: Cataclysm

Nice fanfic.

Goat, you say?

I like Skyrim, and think Undertale is good.

delete this

Most games now are ok

I think Mario 64 is incredibly boring, and every other 3D main game is better than it.

I think DKCR and DKCTF are better than any Rare-made DKC game.

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are both incredibly boring games, and they do not deserve the acclaim they have. They are poorly designed games from every standpoint except for graphics.

The Wii had a pretty great library of games.

The Prime trilogy is boring as fuck. The molasses movement speed combined with the immense amount of backtracking, boring enemy design, and overall garbage gameplay, make for an incredibly uninteresting series of games. The puzzles are uninspired as well.

The three DS Castlevanias are the best games in the series.

Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game. 1 was good, 3 was incredibly disappointing. 2 had the most variety, best weapons, best spells, best pvp, and far better level design than 3 (even if 3 had some better bosses).

I like JRPGs as much as I like WRPGs.

In the current days of gaming, Japanese developers are far better than Western developers.


FinalFanasyXV is better than you think.

I absolutely don't understand how someone may like any of Mario or Sonic games to such extend to create topics about it and discuss it on daily basis.

Overwatch really was GOTY, DOOM being it's runner up. It was the best year for FPSes since 2007 I believe.

Off The Record is the best Dead Rising game, that is if you didn't play 2 beforehand

Mass Effect Andromeda looks fucking amazing, barring the usual laughable Bioware animations (disarm scene), it looks like everything I wanted a Mass Effect game to be, it just needs space combat and it'd be perfect

While I miss the old Naughty Dog, I certainly don't mind the direction they took, The Last of Us is the second best game of the 7th generation and can't wait for Part II, hopefully the rumors of Joel being a hallucination and whatnot aren't true

Metal Gear Solid 2 is the most overrated game here, while it's story was the best for Metal Gear, it's gameplay was the complete opposite being the worst in the franchise. Dat TECHNOLOGY doe.

Considering the bulk of SH games after 3 are not very good or complete trash this is correct.

I pretty much played it, finished it, and barely talked about it because there really is nothing else to talk about after its all over.

But somehow the autsim still caught on.

sonic unleashed is a good game
i enjoyed the werehog levels

N64/PS1 era 3d platformers are all shit. That includes Banjo, Conker, Mario 64, Spyro, Crash, and everything else. DK64 was especially terrible.

I just like it because it's a nice story, it's not as thought provoking as people claim it to be, but it at least had likeable characters, and I admit the humor made me chuckle here and there.

I shat my pants when photoshop flowey appeared

Blizzard is still my favorite game developer


Mass Effects 3 ending was decent, especially with the Extended cut DLC.

I liked Dragon age 2 better then Origins.

Battleborn is a good game.

I think the joke was about Sup Forums being pissy, no fun allowed babies which you totally proved wrong just now

My GOTY is DOOM but the runner up is Tyranny.

I can't help but think you're baiting and don't actually hold those opinions

Emulation isn't all it's cracked up to be

Bioware makes better RPGs than everyone around except for CDPR.

I actually do.

Mega Man 2 honestly isn't very good. I'd say it's the second worst in the classic series (first six, anyway), just above the first

It's got really wonky and overall poor stage design, one of the least interesting weapon sets and still has the slightly slippery control scheme that 1 had

I don't know, beyond its soundtrack, I don't know why it gets praised as the series poster child so much

Doom 3 is the best game of the series.

Halo 3: ODST has the best story of the entire series

HITMAN(TRADEMARK) is a better game then Blood Money overall.

While I can accept the "older game had more charm despite being more finicky" argument when it applies to games where the first still controlled competently and the sequel improvements were mild, Blood Money had a fuckton of control and UI jank that (TM) smoothed over almost completely.

Only indie games are worth playing. AAA is trash.


But user, that's fact.

dont ever post this outside your containment general ever again

There's nothing wrong with playing handhelds in public.

Resident evil 4 and 5 are better than 1 2 3

I voted Clinton

60 fps is fucking garbage.
I don't get how anyone can play with anything under 120 fps without wanting to slit their wrists.

Bad Company 1 and 2 were watered down disgraces to the franchise.

by popular vote metrics this is not an unpopular opinion

This so much

>DK64 is a great game
There are people who think otherwise?

This isn't really a bad opinion, I just expect so many games to lock to 60 FPS that I don't bother investing in hardware to support 120+. I hope it changes some day.


But I think 3D collectathon platformers in general are pretty bad

Don't talk to me or my game's goat ever again!

I have the same feelings with some /vg/ generals

Like what the fuck you still talk about Katawa Shoujo that's a fucking visual novel with no gameplay for how long can you just say X IS BEST WAIFU

what do you mean? cus i find it pretty fun and pretty ez even on a psp and pc

That's not an unpopular opinion.

im pretty sure everyone thinks this

Shadow the Hedgehog was a fun game and he's a good character

in a way i think you just proved his point by getting all asshurt

Games have been getting better and better (on average) over time

I'd say 3 is better than 2, but I'll have to agree about 1. Such an awful game.


>le downvotes
try a bit harder man

Sonic has lorefags, Sonichu discussion and furries; I don't understand how Mario generals can keep on, besides Mario Kart online things

since we're on the subject of unpopular opinions, I think Nintendo needs to move away from gimmicky shit like 3D and console portability and focus more on better hardware

PC games died in 2007 with the success of Steam video game facebook.

ff13 was a good game

>60 fps is fucking garbage.
there was some sort of zelda thread earlier where people were praising 30 fps. i couldn't believe my fucking eyes. 30 fps is completely unplayable.

The Legend of Spyro was a good series, and I enjoyed the new designs

You're a fucking idiot if you get triggered by "gg ez"

For an indie game, Undertale was pretty well made, probably an 8/10 for me

there is literally nothing wrong with having anthro characters in your game, and it does not automatically make your game "furry trash"

Despite all of the crappy updates Valve keeps pushing, TF2 is still better than Overwatch

while I do prefer 60fps, there is nothing wrong with 30fps, and it is still perfectly playable

there is nothing wrong with cencoring a game for the west if it's something like removing visible panties. The only people who get triggered by it are the people who fap to the stuff

how is this unpopular? witcher 1 is outdated trash


The game industry would be vastly better on the whole if there were no western developers making games

A lot.
People often refer to DK64 as the reason why 3d platformers/collectathons died.

fuck off weeb

This opinion will outright get me banned, that's how controversial it is. PC cannot be "the best platform" if all it has are garbage western games consoles already do. At least the Xbone has FFXV and Raiden V, the PS4 has dozens of quality Japanese games that either won't come to PC, or will get ported to PC many years after release.

Now watch everyone post bait pictures.

There are more aspects to video games than story, user


It's great and all, until you get overwhelmed by what's available and start losing interest in stuff. Also, maybe it's my age but a lot of games play terribly.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is the best game of the series released in the US