Hey guys technology illiterate here, I was going to get a beats laptop do you guys know what kind of games it can run?
Hey guys technology illiterate here, I was going to get a beats laptop do you guys know what kind of games it can run?
Please don't do that.
They're going to charge you an extra like, 300 bucks or something just because it's branded "beats" shop around for something with similar specs.
Beat Hazard
Crypt of the Necrodancer
I got one from a friend for 250. It can't barely run the first witcher on low. I dont know why the fuck they're MSRP $500 but it sucks dick for gaming.
bait games, but you play them already
this better be bait.
if not, you are a retard and should be asking Sup Forums to suggest a laptop instead
Well what would you recommend?
I was told that it can run skyrim on medium
Build a PC.
Sup Forums hates these questions
I don't have room for a desktop you stupid fuck I need a laptop atm
All the psp games.
That will most likely set your HP on fire
I don't have skyrim on PC but it is baffling how bad it is at running games for the price they ask for it. Killing floor 1 runs at like 45 fps on custom high/ultra. Get a different laptop
you seriously don't have a space for a mini ATX build the size of a shoe box?
Welp. Better look up an used Thinkpad with i5 or i7 CPU + 8GB RAM, minimum.
i thought they had a sticky/general to deal with that though
Sup Forums is terrible when you're on mobile
Wait isn't Beats owned by apple?
>Having inoperable brain damage.
Have you ever considered that the space for a desktop also includes a desk, or it least adequate space for a monitor and a resting surface for a keyboard/mouse? Not even him nigga'..
yes but that HP/beats laptop was built a few years before the Apple purchase. but an HP/Apple collaboration would not be unheard of
AMD A8-5455M 1.7-2.7GHz
AMD Radeon HD 8610G
Oh wow. I had a slightly stronger AMD APU and it barely ran Skyrim unless I had performance mods. So honestly it's going to have issues with Skyrim unless you start lowering settings in the .ini file.
If you have a TV, you already got more than half of the requirements fulfilled. And if you're fine going a bit more oldschool with placement of things, you can leave the PC under the screen / TV. And if you make small enough mini build, you can literally bolt it to back of any modern TV, or to base of your table.
I also don't believe there's a single apartment on this earth without some sort of table.
What would you guys recommend that's under 1000$I'll probably have to make payments at some kind of rental place for a few months since I'm almost broke now
Holy shit why the fuck would you even consider this?
If you're almost broke you should probably worry about getting your life together instead of spending hundreds of dollars on video games. If you just need a cheap laptop though I would ask Sup Forums.
either A) build a PC, or B) look up Asus', MSI's or Lenovo's laptops. Those have best price:performance ratio out of all the "real" gayming laptops, as in come packed with proper GPUs and can cost under 1000 bucks.
There are also services like pcspecialist.co.uk, where you can build your own dream laptop with a simple part-picker app.
Finally, refurbished Thinkpads.
Not real gaming laptops, but rather very powerful business machines. The modern Intel HD graphics chips are surprisingly capable, as long as you got enough RAM to back in up + don't expect to run everything maxed or above 720p, latter which isn't really a problem on such small screens.
>tfw I fell for the gaming laptop meme
no regret. got it for under $500
guessing its a media laptop so it will be B tier specs. A tier would be budget gaming, S tier is the obvious.
so anything up to 2015 I'd imagine. Just look at computer information and read what games recommend you have and match it up.
>old gaymer redneck thinks laptop specs are for writing screenplays at starbucks
>gaming laptops being a thing for nearly 5yrs
>still questions if its real
u need to wake up, son.
He might want portability too. I own my own house and would only ever buy a desktop now, but when I was travelling for work a few years back I had a old Dell Inspiron laptop that had an earlier i7 and some mobile 700-series GTX. It lasted a few years without issue until I eventually sold it. It worked fantastic and did a great job for what it was.
The point is a desktop would have been useless to me than.
I don't see the appeal of mobile gaming, but some people do and that's why there's a whole market for mobile series cards and why they're typically developed along side the desktop cards.
Need vidya
look for gtx 960 equivalent or better,i5 running 3.0 ghz or more,8gb ram.
congrats you now have a laptop that cost around 1k and can play 90% of games on medium
>got it for under $500
Where are how did you do that?
Are you literally retarded?
What kind of machine do I need to get a 5?
youre fucing dum
best gaming laptop is probably razer's newest one since it uses an actual 1060 or 1070 whatever the fuck it is instead of a mobile GPU. Even than it's still shit I wouldn't recommend buying, but if you must then go for it.
Get a PS4, will run better than any 'gaming' laptop you buy.
What part of (technology illiterate) don't you dumbfucks understand?
I don't want a gaming laptop and you shouldn't need one to run games from 5 years ago
Educate yourself when you're making a major purchase, dumbfuck.
>Educate yourself when you're making a major purchase, dumbfuck.
That's what I'm doing by making this thread you moron
It can RUN DMC
It's kinda weird how triggered people on Sup Forums get over laptops, I get that you neckbeards never leave your room so consoles and desktops are all you need but a lot of people like the portability.
>good gaming laptops still cost $2000
>anything cheaper is overheating plastic shit
>battery life is completely horrible for all gaming laptops
>gets spanked by desktops half the price that have upgrade paths
nah you're a faggot, dad
>all you need but a lot of people like the portability
I love the portability of a laptop, which is why I own a 15" MacBook Pro. I didn't buy it to play video games though because I'm not a manchild that needs to play games every time I leave the home.
Can a acer aspire run games like oblivion?
Had a shitty pc with barely better sp3cs than that. Op can play games made from 2009 and below on maybe medium , low for best output
Okay guys are there laptops for less than $500 that can run things like oblivion?
>MacBook Pro
i have that exact laptop
i play csgo
witcher 2
fallout las vegas
recently been playing bioshock infinite
so basically play games that dont exceed 2012
Fleamarkets and recycling centers nowadays.
If you ever get a gaming laptop you're a fucking retard no matter if you live on a shoebox or you like to being an useless piece of shit even when you're not home, clearly money isn't a problem since they cost twice as much for half the performance and life expectancy, just go back to r3ddit laptop gaming and enjoy being the niggers of PC gaming because it's absolutely obnoxious to deal with these babies when they can't run a game or it runs like shit.
>Fleamarkets and recycling centers nowadays
Please help
You read that correct.
It's a 10 year old console game. Literal toasters made in the current decade would have no problems running the game.
Heck, I already got this PackardBell EasyNote TS (i3 @ 2.1ghz, 6GB DDR3, GT 540M 1GB, W7 x64) back in 2012 for mere 399€. This sucker can run fucking MGS5 and Killing Floor 2 on 720p and Low settings at steady ~30fps.
>a lenovo y500 can run a decent ammount of games and cost $700 and can have its innards switched out for more powerful stuff
>why would you ever unplug your laptop to game with? what are you going to play battleborn on the subway so everyone knows how much of a fag you are?
>i admit i would love a desktop but my living space is far too small for it
Yes, I understand your jealousy. I can afford a gaming PC, consoles, and the best laptop on the market.
a laptop is only functional due to its portability. What's the battery life on your y500? 4 hours?
>Boasting on an ANONYMOUS image board
Friend had one actually, I had a MSI. Mine kept crapping out while his would get abused and still run fine. Played base games like CSGO and stuff. Which for a PC you really only want to play simple base games like that. Graphics are for the console.
Bet you can beat all types of hi scores with that laptop...
Me too, I'm just not dumb enough to pay the moron tax. Sorry bro.
>beats laptop
this better be fake
>Literal toasters made in the current decade would have no problems running the game.
Tfw mine can't even run morrowind
either your toaster is not made in this decade, or you got scammed with one of those Chromebooks I've tried to warn people about.
Jobs fucked Carly hard with that fucking deal.
Use a smart phone/tablet outside and game at home lol
What's your budget OP? And where are you located?
It's a 2012 sony vao I got it Last year for like $150 its good for everyone besides games I guess
Why? are you retarded?
Not OP, but I travel a lot so its better to have a laptop. WIch one do you recommend
If it's the one with i5 + HD4000, it should have no problems running any game made in the previous decade. Try updating drivers and DX.
>That's what I'm doing by making this thread you moron
Oh shit son you are retarded
Ah yes the gaming laptop. The gaming machine for people too stupid to use desktop and also too stupid to just buy a console.
>buying console
sweet stealth shill, m8.