Hey Sup Forums,why do you assume that every video game that has a black protagonist has to be bad?!

hey Sup Forums,why do you assume that every video game that has a black protagonist has to be bad?!

not trying to be racist btw i am just wondering why

San andreas was good you shitlord racist

Pic related is the reason.
Non-white male characters in video games are almost always mary sues with uninteresting characters.

yeah it was
but there are people on here who hate it just because it had a black protagonist :)


Seriously one of the most underappreciated RE characters. Her Fairy Tale costume was fucking magical


>hey Sup Forums,why do you assume that every video game that has a black protagonist has to be bad?!
>Its a Sup Forums is one person episode

Lee was the only reason TWD was any good.

FFXIII was terrible but Sazh was the best character in it.

wow.that's a really good argument,i am saving it for later :)
but that still doesn't excuse calling a game bad just because of the color of the protagonist there are still devs out there who can make them good like rockstar

it was alright but it wasn't bad because it had a black character :)

characters in videogame are almost always mary sues period.

fair enough

What? Nobody is saying that, half of us are black. Its the fucking sjw pc shit that's stupid. They use "diverse" as an excuse to put gay shit in the game.

sheva was hot as hell

dat ass

>half of us are black
doubt it

Demoman trumps all

I'm a halfrican.

Whoa same

Whos black dad or mom?

>half of us are black
really?! i alway thought that Sup Forums was a white supremacists site
and yes i am right with you there i hate the sjw they allways try to paint us all the same as weak and oppressed group who allways need to be protected and come off more racist then the actual racists :)

I'm black, Half the people here are Vik(uck)ings, American white males are actually the minority on Sup Forums

Lee was great he was so urban.

Mom. My Native American father left at birth kek. She married a sterile black dentist who is super Uncle Tomish. Granted, he grew up in a white neighborhood in the south, so I guess it's understandable.

That's a shitty argument.
Guybrush doesn't get a pass for being clumsy, trod-on and weak because he's a guy, he gets a pass because he's the main character, and the stories are well-written, making him an underdog, and he wins in the end anyway.
Absolutely no one would complain about "Galbrush" for the same reasons. Gender isn't the problem, the quality of the writing is.

then why is Sup Forums so racist?!
everytime i mention that i am black i get called a nigger :(

You best start believing in black threads.

You're in one. And I am one.

The joke is it's all a joke you double nigger.

Hey some of you niggers tell me what jap games to buy if I want to play some mildly weeb shit with good gameplay.

But Sheva is he definition of a shit character.
Literatly the only reason she is in the game, or black, is because she is black. That's it. Forced black characters are always shit.
Lee makes sense and is pretty good, don't know about the other guy.

stop generalizing an entire board you shitlord

Valkyria Chronicles.

holy shit,i never knew there were so many niggers on here i allways thought i was the only one

>its 2016 still getting triggered over nigger


Let's not deny that they exist desu. I'm halfrican and I can't stand playing as a chink. It's fucking weird, I know.

Because the majority are.
Very few are the exception.

I got you, nigga. Ever heard of Nippon Ichi Software?
Disgaea is intense weebcore which repels a lo of people, but they have other games like Phantom Brave (on Steam), Makai Kingdom (Ps2), Soul Nomad (Ps2), Zettai Hero Project (PSP) and The Witch and The Hundred Knight (PS3/PS4) that all have good stories and good gameplay.
If you want to try out Disgaea, get either 4 on Vita or 5 on PS4, I know 5 is on sale for half price right now.

>shit characters

I'm racist as fuck and I admit they're actually good characters

San Andreas is one of the few games that Sup Forums all loved. Maybe kiddies who were too young then will act all edgy about it but you don't get a lot of people hating on CJ.

Nobodys ever said that most people hate them because people of color are being pushed into positions that are not only ludicrous but also incredibly inaccurate.

because real life

>Absolutely no one would complain about "Galbrush"

>Ever heard of Nippon Ichi Software?
Not before now, thanks user.

Yeah I think i've been putting that off too long

These suggestions and Ys: Oath should get me started on the superior yellow man's vidya.

Just remember, only the first VC is any good. The rest are hot garbage.

here they come!
oh well it was great while it lasted

Different between a game with a black protagonist and a game with a black protagonist on a pedestal look at him hes black please give us money

>the joke is it's all a joke
Is it really? I've been here since 2010 and I've noticed that previously, people would only make nigger jokes on the behalf that it was funny because it was offensive, but lately, due to the election and Sup Forums hanging out at every board, it's shifted to "haha yeah, fuck black people, but seriously, I really do hate niggers."

Is this just in my head?

The fact that you actually put CNN inside there discredits everything else.

I am Argentinian

Video games with good black protagonists don't need liberal guilt to prop them up. Watch Dogs 2 was shit because they focused to much energy on trying to appease liberal arts undergrads.

I just wanna put this out there;
Black nerds are way better at being nerds, and are way more fun than white nerds.

White nerds just want to start shit. What's your favorite game? Well it's SHIT and YOU'RE SHIT and the second game in the series is WAY BETTER and if you didn't have SHIT TASTE you'd know that.

Black nerds just want to have fun. They don't care what the BEST and BIGGEST is, they're just in it for the laughs.

That's why black nerds are more into things that other nerds bristle at, like sports/sports games and shitty anime. They don't give a fuck. Can we play it? Can I beat your ass at it? Can we laugh about it? I'm in!

Not so with white nerds. With white nerds, everything's gotta be a direct reflection of their personal identity. No sports games for me, because I am a human being of CULTURE and TASTE! Harumph.
There's just no fun there.

It's usually done as a gimmick because the game has nothing else going for it. On top of that, the devs make it worse by moralfagging about; acting like they're saving some poor youth/entire race by creating a fucking video game character.

You know what? I don't think 'she' would either. For 'her' it's more about representation than portrayal, unless said portrayal is obviously sexist/objectified.

And even if 'she' did complain, who the fuck cares?

Well that was the joke. You'll find a mixture of people too dumb to get it and fucking weirdos who have been here too long that are still actually being ironic about it. I dunno how the mix breaks down but I think it's less people being ironic. It wasn't a lie back then to say that 4chins was a bunch of fairly decent people pretending to be assholes on the internet but it is now.

So because of some view you have of society, that people view white men as generic, and that a game portraying protagonists that are not white men unflattering will be accused of sexism or racism, game devs don't make games about them because the characters would have to be bland in order to avoid such accusations?

10/10 argument

>pushed into positions that are not only ludicrous but also incredibly inaccurate.

I imagine you're referring to western games because they are the one who mainly push "everything must be reaaaallllllll". As far as fantasy goes, it's all fair game.

>ib4 but muh lore

Black nerds are outcasts from black culture, so its only natural for them to be more easy going.

I sense you're thinking of one example in particular.

White nerds are always super quick to point out how they're outcasts of THEIR culture, so you'd think that would apply unilaterally.

I remember when Sup Forums threw a shitfit over Dragon Age Inquisition having black people. Like damn. It's an international organization and there is a generic moor based country where they come from, it made sense.

I thought she was a skilled agent drawn from local population, necessary for the success of the mission since you know, the game happens in extremely hostile parts Africa.

But what the fuck I know.

It was originally a joke with a few idiots who were being serious. With racial tensions and all the idiotic liberal sjw shit skyrocketing in recent years more and more people are actually starting to feel that way.

Personally, I don't give a fucking shit what someone's race is. People are people. And yet, every single fucking day every single thing involving people of multiple races is made into a racial issue. And whites that don't care about race are getting seriously tired of being continuously called racist. We are raised from birth to believe that racism, rape, and murder are the big bads and are pure evil. It's not a light accusation to toss around.

>Taking nigger and faggot seriously on Sup Forums

You do know where you are right?

Shiva's fine. I don't know what dude's talking about. You can't force a black character in fucking africa. If it was set in the antarctic you can talking about forcing shit. In god damn Africa it's fucking expected. Get the game on PC and download a nude mod for her, you won't be disappointed.

I sexually identify as black you fuck

/ck/ right?

>Just wants a family
>Finally Gets a family, the black mafia
>They get killed by the Italian mafia
>rest of the game is spent killing the Italian mafia, watching each member die off one by one
>Shit is fucking gold, especially the first 2 hours
Fuck, Its not worth 60$ but it is a pretty good game.

you'd be surprised.

>he doesn't know

Left 4 dead is pretty good

>Gas here!

Is Rochelle really that annoying to american players?
i never make any difference of accents or anything because i'm not native, so sometime i just pick her and spam voicelines just to piss english people while i don't understand why

Because 10 years ago a black protagonist wasn't virtue signaling about how progressive the developers were being and this is coming from a minority

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